Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1041 Benladann's Fury!

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Chapter 1041 Benladann's Fury!


Drake looked at Benladann fighting. He had all his claws occupied. There were ten mechs swarming him from all sides. He used a combination of divine magic and spirit creation to fight from long range. Explosive attacks using his breath attack, kicks, punches, slashes with his claws, and lastly piercing blows with the tip of his lance-tipped tail. Uller and Skadi were a.s.sisting him around the distance. As they were more independent than even Hel, they were having an easier time simply a.s.sisting him while floating independently, attacking, and covering Drake's blind spots.

His monsters were doing the same. After becoming fearsome Divine Monsters their power and size were insanely big. Kuro and were devastating everything like the perfect due, covering each other's weaknesses. used her powerful Abyssal Spiderwebs to trap mechs and then get them destroyed by Kuro's powerful Shadow Breath attack or dissolving acid poison magic. Meanwhile, Frost and his squad of divine monster wolves surrounded mechs and distracted them, while Huginn and Muninn attacked from above using their powerful light and darkness magic.

However, despite everyone fighting intensively, the fight was being dragged on, and Drake knew why this was happening. Greenwood's new mechs were indeed different than before. They had specialized nanomachines way more advanced than before, and which were even similar to the most craziest iterations of them within Earth's sci-fi media.

Destroyed mechs merely reformed together and merged into bigger and fearsome forms. Drake discovered the only way to destroy them completely was to shatter their divine cores. But this time Greenwood made sure they prioritized hiding them, sometimes even flying away with them just to not get them destroyed. They were tricky, and slowly began to adapt to it as well, making things even more tricky.

However, Drake's draconic might wasn't something that these glorified golems could do. And he also quickly sent a newly created squad of ice golems to help out Benladann deal with a big behemoth that had emerged to confront her.


The enormous chimeric dragon-shaped behemoth made of metal and nanomachines roared with a metallic roar, echoing across the skies. It spread out its large metallic wings, generating a large quant.i.ty of blue neon light that enhanced its flight speed and nimbleness.

Benladann's power was slowly spreading over her body, as her transformation was reaching a greater level, more black scales covered her body. Her arms became more muscular alongside the rest of her body, the glorious muscular strength of t.i.tans was everything for them. Their physical prowess could easily overpower dragons, which were more better at magic than physical strength compared to t.i.tans.

"You're a good specimen. I've made sure to take extra care with you… I cannot let you go. That black slime power you have… and that incredible affinity to Chaos Element… You're the thing my main body, Oberon-sama has been looking all this time! The main soul will be so happy to know I've finally managed to procure the soul of someone with affinity for Chaos Element!" Laughed Greenwood. "Now, prepare yourself-"

"Why don't you stop talking for five f.u.c.king seconds?!" Benladann roared furiously, her jaws opening, showing her sharp dragon teeth. Her eyes glowed fiercely red as her third eye opened menacingly. Chaotic energy quickly gathered within her throat and then her mouth, unleas.h.i.+ng a devastating Chaotic Dragon Breath Beam!


It was so powerful it broke through the sound barrier, sending shockwaves everywhere which quickly spread out and dissipated nearby clouds and even pushed back the mechs approaching her!


The enormous chaotic beam reached the chimeric mech at full power, beginning to melt its metallic exterior and then finally reaching a red-colored core! The nanomachines desperately tried to move the core away from the attack but ended failing miserably. Benladann's deadly beam reached the core, destroying it.


The explosion was enough to blow half the behemoth into pieces. The metallic ent.i.ty groaned as if it was having some sort of pain. Benladann felt pain as well, unleas.h.i.+ng dragon breaths was tiring to her without taking a full dragon shape, but her full dragon shape wouldn't be able to take advantage of her t.i.tan Form, which had more affinity for her. She had found some sort of "in-between" but was still trying to find the perfect match.


Nonetheless, the metallic behemoth had yet to be finished. Although one its halves was completely evaporated, the other half remained, and quickly turned into a strange metallic slime, reforming itself and absorbing nearby junk exploding from above, quickly regaining its original shape as Benladann was slightly tired to react in time.

And that's where Drake helped.

"Now! While it regenerates! Magic Transfer: Supreme Permafrost x20!"

Drake used his fantastical Magic Transfer Spell to transfer the spells he conjured into several "vessels" of his choosing, unleas.h.i.+ng a devastating Spell improving the cheap Permafrost by adjusting the Mana input and add a few points of divine power into it, conjuring it twenty times at the same time, a devastating wave of ice quickly covered the entire behemoth's body!


The sound of the ice expanding over the metallic's behemoth body resonated beautifully, sounding as if bones were breaking. Benladann noticed the liquid metal that the nanomachines were made of quickly was frozen and was having difficulties freeing itself from the ice. Permafrost's spell had the specialty of causing an instant freezing effect for a cheap amount of Mana, adding a bit of divine power only made it the more effective!

"Now, Benladann!"

"You don't have to tell me twice, dear!"

Benladann smiled, rus.h.i.+ng forward towards the enormous metallic behemoth. A few of its body parts freed itself, however. Surprising her as they shapes.h.i.+fted into sharp blades, attempting to slice her into pieces! Although she had gained amazing regeneration abilities, Benladann wasn't Drake. If she was sliced into pieces, she would simply die!

"t.i.tan's Arts: Unmovable Continental Physique, Orichalc.u.m Skin!"

SLAs.h.!.+ SLAs.h.!.+ SLAs.h.!.+ CLAAAs.h.!.+

However, Benladann unleashed the power she learned from the Frost Queen's knowledge, t.i.tan's Arts, the innate Arts that t.i.tans used, much like Dragon's Draconic Arts! The sharp blades ended being nothing against her reinforced metallic skin and scales!


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1041 Benladann's Fury! summary

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