Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1121: A Relaxing Morning

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Chapter 1121: A Relaxing Morning


I often had a hard time sleeping, ever since Ruby got kidnaped that I never could truly have a calm sleep. I always woke up knowing I would have to inevitably clash against incredibly strong beings, and I wasn't even aware if I could win or not, I only knew I was bold enough to have made it my goal.

Ultimately, so many things happened in between all of that, that I ended growing stronger rather quickly. Perhaps not all thanks to the foes that showed up in front of me, but thanks to those that gave me the opportunities and the help, such as the Frost Queen, the Dream Venerable, my Dragon Family, and more.

Eventually, I ama.s.sed enough power to even defeat Red and the Blood Venerable's soul fragments… Though at times, it really felt like I almost didn't made it. Almost… But at the end, here I was, the living proof that I survived, and everyone with me as well.

Ruby was back, her family joined us, and even her mother realized how wrong she was back then. Above all, I had evolved into a Vampire, and now, my daughters and my wife were here too, we wanted to take a break, and relax for a while.

"Papa… potty…"

My little Benladra woke me up from my sleep, as I was cuddling with Benladann and Miranda. The little princess has become big enough that she can now go to the potty, but still, I need to give her some help getting there and after she's done with the deed, being a father has more things to it than just being happy that I have a cute baby.

"Alright, alright…"

I yawned a bit, holding her in my arms as I carried her to the bathroom.

"Papa stay…"

"What? No, Benladra you have to do this alone dear, okay?"


Benladra sighed, as I closed the door.

She took her time but when she was ready, she called for me.


"Okay, coming in."

I sighed, as I went inside the bathroom. I cleansed her and then decided to give her a warm bath as well, she played around with bubble adorably while I washed her l.u.s.trous silver hair.

"Wewe sis?"

"Your sis? She's a sleepyhead so she's still sleeping. You can't force her to come, you know?"


She enjoyed taking a bath with her little sister, the two would play around the water, pretending to be sea dragons or fishes. Little Benladra had become quite good at swimming using her long tail.

I gave her a kiss in her forehead before was.h.i.+ng her down from all the bubbles. Once she was done, I used wind magic and added some fire element to it, letting out a warm breeze that quickly dried her skin and scales from the water.

"Hmmm… Feelsh guud…"

She liked taking the warm breeze after a shower. I think I've begun to think my daughter has become too spoiled. I hope she doesn't ask me to bath her once she grows up!

"Benladra, you're my daughter so you should be able to use this simple spell, right?" I wondered.

"Maybi…" She wondered, pointing her tiny hands at me. "Nnngguuhh…!"


Suddenly, a green colored magic circle appeared.

I knew it!

As G.o.ds, we have all affinities, we just need to improve their grades over time.

Benladra has a Wind Attribute Affinity at B Grade but has never really practiced wind magic before.


However, much like before, her magic was rather… uncontrollable. Once the magic circle activated, a gust of winds emerged, blowing away all the water and the items inside the bathroom.


And the walls of the bathroom almost shattered too, she now had a lot of divine power within her…

"A-Ah… sowy…"

She suddenly felt surprised by her own power.

"Ah… I-It's fine, you'll learn more. Papa and mama's here to teach you all about this stuff dear. But that was amazing! You've definitely got the talent for it!" I congratulated her.

"Ooooh!" Benladra got excited about it, waving her tail around adorably.

"Alright, let's get you some new clothes…" I quickly retrieved several clothes from my Inventory, showing them to her. "What do you want?"

I showed her dresses of several colors, and more, she quickly choose what she wanted to wear and then I told her to wear it herself.

"You're growing faster than I thought, so how about you put your clothes on yourself?" I wondered. "Try it out."

"Muuh…" Benladra began to wonder if this was a good idea, but she quickly got it, beginning to wear her clothes. She had some difficulties, and got her dress upside down the first time, but she did everything nicely.

"Well done! See? It wasn't so hard, was it?" I laughed.

"Hm!" She nodded. "Hungy…"

"Alright, let's go eat!"

Like that, we flew out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. I called an army of Cooking Spirits because I wasn't feeling like cooking right now, and the spirits quickly stared preparing everything for us. It was a rather easy while sitting down.

"Ooohh! Ahhh!"

Benladra was always excited about morning breakfast. It was nice to just laze around with my daughter and eat tasty food. You know, live like actual G.o.ds for once?

Once we were done, we rushed back to the room, the delicious smell of food waking up Benladann, Miranda, and the little Kate, who flew out of Benladann's arms and hugged my face.


"Good morning dear, time to eat breakfast everyone!"

"Oh my, h-how late is it already? Did I overslept? d.a.m.n it, I wanted to make you breakfast today." Benladann sighed.

"It's around… 10 AM or something?" I wondered. "Inside the divine realm though, which has time dilation. Meh, don't think about it. Let's eat."

"Yeah relax Benladann." Said Miranda. "Been a month in the outside world since Ruby's incident already."

"Hmmm… You're right. I guess we had more fun than I expected last night… I was a bit tired." Benladann yawned.

"Yeah…" Miranda said while blus.h.i.+ng a bit.

And like that, we enjoyed a nice breakfast before starting the day.

This week we were set on completing the Yggdrasil Dream Dungeon too!


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1121: A Relaxing Morning summary

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