Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1129 The Court Begins

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Chapter 1129 The Court Begins


I don't really know what was stopping them from becoming G.o.ds, I guess it has to do with resources and reaching that point. Maybe they've been gathering resources to advance their alchemy all this time until now.

Nonetheless, he was very rude! How come he just interrupts the old man like that?

"Oi shut up for a second and listen to the old man." I told him boldly. "Don't act like a child."


The Emperor looked at me furiously, the rest of the governors all glanced at me with surprise.

A n.o.body like me just said some bold words, I guess.

Oops, I shouldn't had spoken now that I think about it…

"And who the heck are you?! You dare speak to me in such a tone, you n.o.body?! What are you, some sort of sect leader?!"

"Well yeah, the Frost Dragon Sect Leader. I form part of an alliance of sects that protected all the places the old man talked about, I also destroyed the Dark Shadow Sect and his leader."


The Emperor was shocked by my ident.i.ty.

The rest of the governors were gasping.

"T-The Frost Dragon Sect Leader!"

"He's here…!"

"I knew there was something odd about his powerful presence!"

"T-The man that defeated that evil Sect Leader!"


"It was also reported he helped at reconstructions in Heaven Port, and with his allies, defeated the sea monsters and the strange flying golems."

"An amazing man, Drake!"

Oh?! Am I actually f.u.c.king famous?

No way! I didn't thought info would leak here about me so soon…

"Y-You are…!" The Emperor was left surprised, he didn't knew what to say.

"Sit down for now." I told him. "Be respectful of your elders, please."


The Emperor gritted his teeth as he sat down and looked at me hatefully.

"Ahem. Thanks for that, Lord Drake." The Court Elder said. "I don't know if you were fully aware, but you've been considered a Hero by many already. Was you the one that also helped the villagers fend off the Evil lizardmen Invasion?"

"Yeah, it was me and my sect too. I believe I left enough proof about it." I said.

"You indeed registered in there and even spoke to some of the merchant guilds…" Sighed the Court Elder. "It is an honor to have you in here."

"So you're Lord Drake! I am so happy to see you!" Suddenly, a fatty old man greeted me from the sides. It was a funny-looking aristocrat-like Ice Giant with a fat belly and a long mustache as well. "I am the King of the Frost Tear Kingdom, you've not only saved one of my duchies, but two! You don't know how grateful we are. You're our Hero!"

"Ah… Is that so? I did it out of goodwill. Like any Righteous person, I merely helped those in need and slayed evil." I said with humbleness.

"We are in an immense debt with you! Thank you from saving my Kingdom not once, but twice, from the bottom of my heart." The King lowered his head to me.

"Ah, it's fine, you don't need to go so far." I calmed him down.

"Well, well, it is nice that you're here." Another old man spoke, this one having short blonde hair but that was still an Ice Giant. This was the Sect Elder of the Turquoise Frozen Pavilion. "

"It is an ideal opportunity now to ask you a few questions, if you're willing to answer them, Lord Drake." The Court Elder said, his eyes s.h.i.+ning with some ulterior motive.

Does he wants to extract me info?

Or maybe…

They suspect me of having done this?

I guess it makes sense now that I think about it.

Showing proof is not enough for these kind of people.

I also have to show them my resolve, and above all, my mental strength.

Confidence accompanied with knowledge often creates the impression of someone strong, and well, I am certainly very strong, but can I impress them without having to show my G.o.dly powers?

"Sure, ask away."

"There's several things we've been researching about. The latest events that have occurred here… We've found out about certain hidden facilities around the continent, of a strange, sect in the shadows. Have you engaged against any of these people?" Wondered the Court Elder.

A wise question. I guess he can easily know if I am lying or not in the way I answer. If I speak completely honestly, I'll end up constantly giving more and more clues to my actual strength, which is not something I want.

"…No, but I believe there has been some orchestration made by someone. I guess it's that sect you're talking about? We've also been rescuing people from villages that were devastated before. We've only found clues. Sometimes, we have even fought against these golems you talk about. I believe they're made with a power named Technomancy." I sighed. "Whatever is behind all of this, seems to be exceedingly powerful, and might had been seeping their influence into the Kingdoms and Sects for many years."

"I see… Such a G.o.d-like deduction ability." The Frost Tear Kingdom's King said.

"Hmm, we have certainly found clues leading to this as well, and we've also discovered about the technomancy…" Sighed the Court Elder. "Though, even now, the clues are so few, it is quite confusing what we should even do now. We fear our entire continent might be threatened by a force we don't understand, and perhaps something stronger than our mere mortal ranks."

"You mean G.o.ds? But… G.o.ds cannot intervene against mortals." Said the Emperor of the Frost Emblem Empire.

"That rule is rather partial, and as Fate weakens as it has been said, experts of higher ranks than ours might have begun plans we cannot properly discern. Of course, we have our own protectors as well, divine ones that soar the skies…" Sighed the Court Elder. "However, even them might seem confused."

So there are indeed G.o.ds protecting this place. I can tell. However, it seems they have no clue I am a G.o.d myself, nor my entire family…

Now, what should I do?


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1129 The Court Begins summary

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