Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 115: Adorable Dreams

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Chapter 115: Adorable Dreams




[Day 78]

Yesterday we prepared the jelly by boiling it with Ice Pear pulp, and it became like a caramelized sweet and mildly citric juice.

After that, we ended pouring it into smaller pots and we left them naturally cooling down inside a wooden shelf Benladann made, she had been practicing carpentry lately because she used to watch her father and mother make up things with wood, and with her axe she can easily cut down trees and bring them here with her Mold-a.s.sisted Telekinesis.

And after that, we mostly decided to stay inside of Fuyu as it traveled through the skies.

And once more… once more… I am being tightly hugged by Benladann.

She's dozing off without a care for the world… Huh, after all, we had gone through, I am glad that she can still relax while sleeping.

"Mwah… Drake… Drake!"

Suddenly, she begins to mutter my name while sleeping…

S-Seriously? Why is she even dreaming with me?

"Yes?" I asked.


She began to chuckle cutely, while her eyes were still shut down.

I wonder what is she dreaming?

Wait… maybe I can peek over her dreams?

But wouldn't that violate her privacy?

I really wouldn't like someone to watch over my dreams…

How can I do it though? Easily, I can move my soul out of my body and infuse it into her chest like this…


I extend a little soul tendril which slowly enters Benladann's chest, as I reach her mindscape.

W-Wait! I didn't want to do this!

However, before going out, I am surprised by the scenery in front of me… it seems to be a beautiful gra.s.sland…

The sky is clear blue, with a few clouds over it. The sun is s.h.i.+ning brightly like it never does in here, and Benladann is sitting over the gra.s.s.

She was sitting over the gra.s.s, right in front of what seemed to be a… picnic?

There was a long red mantle over the gra.s.s, and I… was there, like a miniature version, a bit smaller than my smallest size, and there were… two other people there as well.

A beautiful woman that resembled Benladann, but seemed way more mature, with wider hips and a large chest, she had a gentle and motherly smile.

And there was also a muscular old man, of the same race as Benladann and this woman, with clear blue skin, tall and buffed with muscles, he had a short white beard and small yet happy yellow-gold eyes.

I am just a.s.suming things but… could these be her parents?

And she's dreaming about me… having a picnic with her and her parents?

I see…

I keep glancing for a bit, she seems happy there, eating what seems to be bread, cheese, and even ham… Oh man, I wish I could taste that.

She seems very happy, like… incredibly radiant.

"So he's Drake? What an adorable dragon," said her mother, as she began to pet the small version of herself.

"I-I am not a pet!" said my small version.

"Hm, but will he be strong enough to protect my girl?" wondered her father.

"D-Drake is very strong, father! He always protects me…" said Benladann.

"I see… Well, if that's how you feel, I have nothing else to say then," said her father.

"Hm, I agree. If you really love him, just tell him that you love him," said her mother.

"Yes! I am… going to marry him!" said Benladann.

"M-Marry?!" asked my small version.

"Yes! Let's marry, Drake! We can live in our flying castle!" said Benladann, as she grabbed my miniature version and hugged it, kissing its snout and the middle of its forehead.

W-What kind of dream is this?!

Does she love me?



Benladann, you have to know that I am actually a dragon, you can't marry a dragon! I…


So she really loves me back.

I guess it was already clear from the beginning, I suppose I was simply… trying to convince myself that she was merely being affectionate…

But this… we can't do this… It's… not right…

I am a beast… and you are a giant… It… won't work…

It hurts me so much to think about this…

Like a searing pain reaching my heart.

But… maybe there could be a chance… if I can harness a similar humanoid form to her race…

I have to catch some bandit and eat it and we could… manage, maybe?

Or this is… just wishful thinking?

I don't know how it will go… I am really uncertain.

But she seems so happy in this dream… hm, I better not disturb her anymore.

I quickly move away from her dream, as I open the eyes of my body.

I take a glance at Benladann's face, she seems relaxed…

She's so beautiful when she's sleeping so happily.


Suddenly, Benladann opens her eyes slowly, looking at me with a sleepy expression.

"Mwuh… Ah…! Drake!" she said, hugging me even tighter.

"G-Good morning," I said.

"Good morning! Hehe, I had a very fun dream…" she said, glancing at my eyes.

"What did you dreamed about?" I asked.

"I dreamed that we met with my parents, and we had a picnic…!" said Benladann.

"I see… I also wish to meet them… I hope they're fine," I said.

"I hope so too! Maybe we can invite them to the castle, right? So they can be with us as we travel the world!" said Benladann.

"I don't see why not," I said.

"I can't wait to get there! It's going to be so much fun!" said Benladann, as she suddenly got serious and glanced at me back.

"Hm? What now? Let's have breakfast-" I muttered before she interrupted me.

"Drake… Will you leave me when we reach my town?" she asked.

Eh? From where is that question coming from?!

"Huh? Why would I do that? It would also be painful for me to leave you behind, you know?" I asked.

"A-Ah… I don't know, I just… asked that stupid question… I thought that maybe you wanted to leave me with my parents because… you didn't want me to be in more danger…" she said.

"Well… I really don't want that but… if you want to come with me, I will happily bring you… with me," I said.

"R-Really?" she asked.

"Of course… I had grown attached to you already… You're like… a part of my daily life now, it would hurt me if you were to leave me all out of the sudden…" I said.


Benladann glanced at my eyes as she smiled cutely.

"I also want to stay with you forever!" she said, hugging me tighter.

"F-Forever? Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah! Never leave me behind… I want to always stick with you… For all our lives… Because you are… v-very important to me," she said.

Ah… She's really killing me there.

"I see… You… are very important to me as well," I said.

"Really? H-How much?" she asked.

"Well… we have only met for over a month so don't expect me to… Ugh, let's say a lot," I said.

"Hehe… That's enough!" she said, kissing my snout.

"Why do you always kiss me?" I asked.

"T-That's because I lov- Ah! B-Because it is a show of affection between the… ice giants!" she said.

"I see…"

She's not good at lying.




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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 115: Adorable Dreams summary

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