Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1243 Cheating In The Dream Trial With Dream Magic!

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Chapter 1243 Cheating In The Dream Trial With Dream Magic!


Of course, the Trial seemed rather unfair. The Rank 9 Middle Stage Boss was constantly powering up, as his aura was growing stronger with each second. He was summoning thousands of monsters each second endlessly. And Aquarius wasn't near as strong to beat him either. We had to carry him really hard, and even then, could it be possible to get this done in the time limit of 30 minutes?

Ultimately, we have to help HIM beat it, so we need to let him strike the monster at least once. But it was so utterly ma.s.sive that I doubt the little Aquarius could get closer before getting chomped to death first.

At the end, the best way to get this done was through the powers of both the Stigmas and… well, some cheat-like dream magic. Belle quickly connected her powers with me through the Master and Spirit Connection Spell, and then…

"[Divine Dream Spirit Magic]: [Dream World Authority]!"


By combining our magics together, we conjured an enormous magic circle which quickly created a ma.s.sive shockwave of Divine Dream Essence, covering the entire Dream Trial. The power of this Spell was very simple, it helped take over the authority of a Dream World, this Dream Trial was one.

However, due to its connection with a Dream Dungeon, this was going to be a bit harder, so only a part of the Dream World's Authority became ours, of course.


[You've taken over 30% of the [Dream World] Authority]!]

[Your power and that of your allies is being exerted with full force!]

"Perfectly done." I smiled, as Belle waved her tails around in excitement. She was currently a Rank 8 Divine Dream Fox Princess Spirit, at Upper Stage, she was the sternest of my spirits so far and as she grew stronger, the more tails she grew. Currently she had seven, probably once she hit nine she'll become unstoppable.

"Hehehe, now!" She said with a smirk, as her third eye began glowing brightly. Her creator and mother watched her with pride. It seems that in this time they've spent together, the Venerable has finally let the little Belle grow on her, and she even lets her call her "mom" without getting annoyed.


Belle's third [Dream Mirage Eye] activated, as it fused with my own powers, Mana, and Divine Energy to conjure an even stronger spell that can only happen once [Dream World Authority] is conjured.

"[Divine Dream Spirit Magic]: [Dream Weakening]! [Fragile Dream]! [Small Dream]! [Abyssal Dream]!"


Four shockwaves of power covered every inch of the Dream World, affecting its very roots and changing it. Monsters suddenly grew weaker and began sp.a.w.ning much less, and even the Boss felt weakened, although its Rank didn't drop.

"GRUOOOHHHH…!!!" The gigantic Tyrannical Shark of the Dead Seas roared in fury, making the seas tremble by the shockwaves generated by his roars. His tentacles began to slowly emerge from the depths, having sharp shark heads at their ends and countless eyes. This thing was truly an eldritch horror.


[You've weakened the [Dream World] on its totality!]

[All Dream Monsters Stats have been decreased by -30%!]

[The Boss had grown 30% Weaker.]

[The Speed of Monsters Summoned has decreased by 60%!]

"It worked!" Belle said with a smile. "Praise me! Praise me~!" I gave her a tender head pat.

"Well done, girl. Anyways, Aquarius, stay with me and Sapphire!" I roared.

"I was already doing that! I won't let anybody touch my precious husband's younger self. [Abyssal Sea of Endless Cursed Chains]!" Sapphire said with devilish smile, wrapping hundreds of monsters using her Cursed Chains, weakening them and then killing them seconds after being wrapped in her chains.

"Sure!" Aquarius nodded. "This amazing power… what is this?!" He wondered, as he manipulated the seas with his movements and fists to blow away the hordes of monsters nearing him.

"Something special. Everyone else, keep pus.h.i.+ng forward! We have to get to that d.a.m.n giant monster before the 30 minutes time limit!" I roared, as everyone cheered back, pus.h.i.+ng against the endless hordes of monsters with all of their diverse a.s.sortment of abilities and magic.

"You heard that, Rose?! We need to push forward!" Coral said.

Rose was also using her Stigma rather proficiently, as the mermaid girl created mirages and illusions which she then converged into real to fight and hold off the hordes, while Coral utilized his own powers derived from his friend's Stigma to protect her and most of our party from the gigantic beasts. He had become a real t.i.tan made of corals, it was honestly quite amazing and frightening at the same time.

"I know! Benladra, Kate, please watch our backs!" Rose said.

Rose also seemed to be developing similar powers to the ones showcased by the Deep One when he possessed her body, it seems that this event also allowed her to awaken all her powers at once and become capable of not just creating illusions, but powerful mirages, materialized illusions, and even summon monsters made of mirages and illusions, which all resembled fishes she used to tear apart her foes bite by bite.

"Sure!" Benladra said.

Meanwhile, Benladra and Kate supported the two kids as best as they could. Benladra was having fun in her own way, piercing through the monsters with her small body at high velocity, as if a bullet was piercing them countless times, while slas.h.i.+ng them apart with her Heavenly Light Claws or blasting everything with her dragon breath attack.

"This is a lots of fun!" Kate said

Kate in the other case was summoning her army of Mechs, which even worked underwater to take down her foes, while also materializing weapons using her Technomancy.

"Let's blast it all, Miranda!" Benladann said, evilly swinging around her giant axe and slicing apart everything with her powers or blowing it all up with chaotic explosions.

"Sure thing!" Miranda giggled, devouring, and blasting her foes mercilessly.

As this happened, my own party was handling the other side. Benladann and Miranda were devastating everything using their Chaos Magic, generating countless explosions without a care of the world. Even after being consumed by the Chaos of their magic and even by Miranda's own body, they continued appearing.


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1243 Cheating In The Dream Trial With Dream Magic! summary

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