Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1280 Freeing The Queen's Mind

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Chapter 1280 Freeing The Queen’s Mind


The Deep One forcefully possessed Anastasia's body, even as her mind seemed to be slowly attempting to remember her own feelings for her daughter.


The darkness flowed through every inch of her body, as her eyes suddenly turned completely black. Her screams echoed across the entire castle.

"Mother you have to fight back!" Cried Eleanor.

"Aaaagh! Uuugh…!" Anastasia cried. "E-Elea… nor- AAAAGGHH!"


Electrifying shocks of black lightning were released from her body, as her mind quickly went blank, the Deep One fully possesing her body.

Her face was quickly covered by a mask made out of hardened miasma, shaped in the form of an octopus, two big glowing eyes made of red jewels as decorations.

"Your mother is no longer here, girl." The Deep One's tenebrous voice spoke back, sending chills down the spine of Eleanor.

The little girl stepped back, suddenly feeling despair. After having finally been freed from a brainwas.h.i.+ng that lasted for years, she felt immense fear against the Deep One, despite her bravado.

A monster that kept her and her mother caged within a realm of nightmares, slowly eating away their minds, wills, and personalities, their very emotions… a vicious parasite that used them like his vessels.

"I'll end this NOW!" The Deep One no longer decided to speak, finding chit-chat useless at long last. In seconds, he materialized two sharp spears and grabbed them with both of Anastasia's hands, rus.h.i.+ng forward like a black lightning.


He clashed against Coral instantly, who had stepped forward in a single second. Coral's body quickly regenerated constantly, forming more and more layers of defense which were being shattered with each hit.

"Get off my WAY!"

CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+

The Deep One grew more frustrated, his spears constantly unleas.h.i.+ng a barrage of strikes as he attempted to go around Coral to attack everyone else with him.



However, a strange sea of mirages and illusions constantly moved him away, Rose was right behind Coral, yet her powers allowed her to make it so it was impossible for the Deep One to properly focus on everyone else but him, their tanker.

"Don't think I'll let you get past him so easily." Rose's voice echoed.

"W-What is this?!" The Deep One was flabbergasted. "Hmph! Mere tricks in front of me!"


The Deep One charged both spears with power and swung them vertically, slas.h.i.+ng apart the mirages and illusions and making them disappear instantly!



Eleanor stepped in, her Familiar melding with her own magic as the darkness she absorbed amplified her magic power tens of times over. Shadow tentacles emerged below the Deep One and wrapped around Anastasia's vessel, pus.h.i.+ng her down into the floor!



Dozens of magic circles appeared above his vessel's body, firing red and purple beams of Chaos and Abyssal Energy everywhere!


However, most of them were either caught by Eleanor's magic or reflected by a powerful divine barrier created by Benladra.

The kids also noticed that his movements were sluggish and predictable, and his accuracy had also become terrible. Although it didn't seemed to be that way, Anastasia might have already somehow awakened from her brainwas.h.i.+ng, or at least a part of her, and she was fighting against his control of her body.

"You're a bit too sluggis.h.!.+" Benladra showed up right above him, as her tail grew several times its original size and was coated on a divine and heavenly aura. "[Heavenly Dragon Tail Spear]!"

CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAH! CLAAAs.h.!.+



The Deep One was showered in powerful, heavenly attacks coming down from the tiny Benladra herself. Her heavenly light easily burning through his darkness, as the black armor covering Anastasia immediately began to shatter into pieces.

Crack… crack… CRAs.h.!.+

"[Mechanization]!" Kate in the other side channeled the power of her various robots, fusing with them and creating gigantic mechanized fists. "[Mechanical Fist Meteor]!"

CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CRAAAs.h.!.+

Gigantic metallic fists fell over the entire body of the Deep One's vessel, shattering the armor even more, at the same time as weakening his soul and aura possesing the vessel!


The Deep One started panicking! Once more he was going through the same d.a.m.n thing! How many things has he been overwhelmed like this?! Four? Maybe five or six times? It was getting ridiculous!

"I cannot lose… NOT NOW!!!"

The Deep One's aura generated a powerful shockwave, sending Kate and Benladra several meters away from his vessel as his darkness then took the shape of thousands of gigantic, sharp spears!


The spears started falling like rain all over his foes, clas.h.i.+ng over some surface also provoked them to explode, further spreading darkness and miasma, as the Deep One desperately attempted to run away.


"[Heavenly Dragon Scale Barrier]!"

Benladra, however, protected everyone with a barrier made of heavenly dragon scales, blocking most damage from reaching them. The group didn't wasted any other second, rus.h.i.+ng toward Anastasia and catching her as she was trying to drag herself away from the scene.

"Deep One! That's enough!" Sapphire roared, suddenly showing up right behind the children, as she conjured her Sealing Chains all around the Queen's body!



The combined screams of the Queen and the Deep One echoed across the halls, as their powers were, once and for all, temporarily sealed!

"Now, children! Please, free her!" Sapphire cried.

"Leave it to us!" Benladra roared, rus.h.i.+ng forward with everyone else.

"[Coral Chains]!"


Coral conjured chains made of incredibly hardened corals, further restraining the Deep One and his vessel. At the same time…

"[Abyssal Darkness-Absorbing Tentacles]!"

Eleanor used her tentacles once more to absorb the darkness leaking out of the Queen's body.

And then, Rose conjured the power of her Illusion and Mirage magic which also delved into the power of the mind and dreams, and touched the Queen's exposed forehead as she groaned monstrously.

"[Mind Opener]!"


"Ungh?! W-What is going on? AAAGH…!"

The mind of Anastasia was finally freed from her brainwas.h.i.+ng.

However, what had to come next was truly the challenge.


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1280 Freeing The Queen's Mind summary

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