Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1315 The Other Venerables Are Slowly Awakening

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Chapter 1315 The Other Venerables Are Slowly Awakening


"Hahaha, don't worry, your egg's doing fine. I am automatically supplying it with Divine Power." I sighed. "But when are you two reviving anyways? Been a while."

"When the time comes." The Frost Queen sighed. "It hasn't come yet. However, although the Venerable of Flames seems to be a mystery for now, if he either wants to reincarnate or not, the other Venerables across the world seem to be moving."

"You can sense them?" I asked.

"More or less, I have attained a high grade of Mana Sense." Said the Frost Queen. "Within the Land of Humans, Midgard, the Church of Odin is somehow setting up the reincarnation of their Venerable, the half-human and half-Aesir demiG.o.d, the Venerable of the Divine Heaven Path."

"Oh, the human Venerable said to be a descendant of Odin himself?!" Hector asked in the distance. Naturally as a human, he knew a bit. "Like other races, we humans have our own religion as well, my family pray to the Ancient G.o.ds. They said that in Midgard, where our roots come from, there's a huge Empire of Light, governed by the Church of Light, the Aesir. The Venerable of the Divine Heaven Path was the Saint born from the blood of G.o.ds and humans. It is said he protected humans and brought peace to the world."

"Of course, that's what he knows." The Fox Venerable. "That man was strange, and rather bizarre at times. And also quite racists, I don't really like him. But in every interaction I had with his soul, he was never really aggressive. Just strangely cryptic, scheming. He is waiting and planning something."

"Huh, I guess that's another problem to add to the pile, great." Miranda sighed.

"Is there any other Venerable on the move?" Asked Benladann.

"Hmmm… In the Continent where the Dwarves live, the Onyx Hammer Blacksmith Demon Venerable is seeking to be reborn. Most likely he wants to be remade out of divine ores he has collected on his stash." Said the Frost Queen. "He's a greedy and manipulative type of man, but he isn't exactly a demon. However, his greed still brought great destruction in the past, he's someone you should be wary of."

"Uwaahh… T-The Venerable is trying to revive? Now that's weird…" Charlotte sighed. "I remember that my family was always praising his achievements. There's no dwarf that doesn't know and pray to the Venerable… He's like a near G.o.d-like figure."

"Huh…" I nodded, as I noticed that the tower made of red stones that the chief talked about was finally within sight.

"Aside from those two troublemakers, there's the most annoying of the bunch." Said the Frost Queen. "The first one to have acquired the first Human Venerable's inheritance, the Heaven-Defying Providence Immortal Venerable. A unique and charismatic human capable of manipulating the strange and mysterious Destiny Attribute, which he uses through his Luck Magic."

"Someone that can manipulate Luck itself?!" Miranda asked. "Now that's ridiculous! Is he also a lackey of the demiG.o.d?"

"Yes, he's his successor, but if both revive then… I guess things might get more dangerous." Sighed the Frost Queen. "And this… all without even taking into consideration the new threats, such as the possible Demon Kings, and your big brother, Drake. Oh, and let's not forget the idiot of Oberon and his trillion soul clones… The Flame Emperor is probably one of them."

"Ugh… Maybe I shouldn't had woken up." Said Aegir, groaning over my large dragon head. "So many troubles! Maybe I should just go to sleep now?"

"But what about your siblings?" I asked.

"R-Right…" Aegir facepalmed. "I have to do it for them, at the very least!"

"I do wonder if there are more Demon Kings out there? Anybody that fully develops a Demon Seed becomes one, right?" I asked. "I remember that in Aquarius Dream Trials, Oberon was referred as the "First Demon King", so the b.a.s.t.a.r.d possess a Deadly Sin, isn't it?"

"Yes, but his clones seem to be unable to use it, only his "true" form can." The Frost Queen nodded. "Your brother already has a fully developed one by now, and you're developing one. It depends on you if you want to take into such a t.i.tle and utilize its powers for good or do something to stop the demon king seed's development."

"I think I might keep it, if it ends up helping me, that's it." I said.

"Farther into other continents, there might be other Demon King Seeds developing. We'll need to be careful from now on. Also, you've got your own quests on the way, right? Defeating the Fragmented Chaos Dragon, born from the infected Primordial Light Dragon is also a priority… And I can sese one of these Fragments within this Continent." The Frost Queen reminded me.

"I haven't forgotten about that." I nodded. "We'll get a lot of things done in this continent for sure. And well, looks like we've already arrived."

I descended from the skies, landing right in front of the Tower of Flames, the entrance to the Inheritance of the Venerable of Flames, or well, his full t.i.tle, the Savage Sun Flare Demon Venerable.

[It seems you've arrived… I can sense a powerful presence within. The Soul Fragments of the Venerable have most likely noticed your arrival already. Be careful.]

"We'll be." I nodded.

"Mama, don't worry!" Kate said.

[I know your father will protect you, dear. But don't be reckless, okay my sweetheart?]

"Nn! I'll be careful." Kate nodded.

Her mother has been currently much more expressive lately. Now it is usual for the two to chat through the entire day.

"So this is the big tower of the big fire bad guy from the past?" Benladra wondered while pointing at the tower.

"Hahaha, yeah, more or less dear." Benladann giggled.

"Then let's advance." I said, guiding my party to the entrance of the Tower of Flames.

The gates were closed, but once we stepped forward, a powerful presence manifested itself from within. The Gates began blazing with crimson flames, as two fiery eyes emerged within the manifesting divine flames…

"Now this is quite the unique surprise. The Dragon King himself." A loud, manly voice echoed from within. "Welcome to my Inheritance, brave ones! Gahahahaha!"


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1315 The Other Venerables Are Slowly Awakening summary

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