Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1323 Overwhelming The Blazing Chaos Dragon!

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Chapter 1323 Overwhelming The Blazing Chaos Dragon!



The Blazing Chaos Dragon swiftly attempted to evade the attacks coming from Drake, Benladra, and Benladann at once by using its superior, instant speed, as it converted its entire body into flames and traveled from one spot to another!

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The blows from Drake, Benladra, and Benladann were constantly missing despite their great speed, power, and precision, even through their bodies had transformed.

"I didn't knew you could transform like that!" Benladann said in surprise.

"And that's not all!" Drake smiled. "These weapons pack a punch! If only that b.a.s.t.a.r.d wasn't moving so G.o.dd.a.m.n fast though!"

"I got it papa!" Kate said, suddenly imbuing Mana and Divine Power into the Grimoire floating in her hands, as it opened its pages and unleashed the might of the strongest Primordial Divine Sea and Time Spells! "[Primordial Divine Seas of Time Magic]: [Timeless Sea Waves]!"


A gigantic magic circle opened in midair, splas.h.i.+ng a gigantic stream of sea water against the Chaos Dragon. However, the b.a.s.t.a.r.d swiftly moved away to evade the hit…



It still hit, even with its high speed and evasion!



The water quickly began to turn off the flames, as the dragon's body felt stiff, as if it was being temporarily paralyzed…

"W-What?! How did that hit?" The Venerable of Flames was shocked. "It was such a pain in the a.s.s to catch up with this b.a.s.t.a.r.d's speed when I fought him! What magic is that?!"

"Heheh, surprised?" Aegir's voice laughed within her divided existence. "That's the powerful Spell of Timeless Sea Waves! It is a spell that is SET ON TIME! This means that no matter what, it will always. .h.i.t within that time frame, even if that character moves away, the spell will simply appear where they are! Pretty cool, right?"


The Chaos Dragon fell into the floor, its soaked body was completely paralyzed, it couldn't even scream in fury or agony either… the water covering its body had stopped time for him completely.

"And that's not all! The water is quite deadly, it will stop the time of any target it touches. You understand what that means, brainless brute? That dragon's paralyzed because its own time has stopped!" Aegir laughed pridefully. "Well, only temporarily, it barely lasts a few seconds."

"So this is the legendary Time Attribute Magic…" Said the Venerable of Flames. "If I had held such power back then, maybe I could had also been able to defy fate…"

As he lamented, the fight continued down below.

"G-GRAAAAHHH… GRYYAAARRGH!" The Blazing Chaos Dragon began to tear itself apart from the inside out to free itself from its time-stopped soaked body, only for Drake and his family to catch up to him… and rain him with deadly blows!

"HYAAAAAHHH!!!" Benladra roared ferociously, swinging her gigantic Axe down and chopping the beast into several pieces one after another, splashes of oceanic water emerged constantly, resembling tentacles of krakens wrapping around the still-moving chopped flesh so it wouldn't run away.

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"ROOOOOAARRRRR!" The chaotic dragon attempted to fight back anyways, its amorphous, liquified body suddenly shapes.h.i.+fting into tens of dragon heads and opening their jaws, attempting to bite Benladra's body or burn her with dragon breaths!

"Stay STILL!" Drake roared, stopping the beast attacks with both his trident and the sword, wielding the oceanic powers of the divinities and strengths he acquired in back in the Aquarius Archipelago, and unleas.h.i.+ng a destructive consecutive barrage of piercing blows.

Ice and Oceanic Magic combined together, generating oceanic freezing waves, slowing down the monstrous dragon's shapes.h.i.+fting while keeping it on place as his two daughters unleashed magic and physical attacks against it!



"NOW, BENLADANN! MIRANDA!" Drake roared, as he and his daughters kept the beast still.

"ALRIGHT!!" Benladann and Miranda roared at the same time, their power converging together as Benladann's chest opened in halves, revealing a monstrous black hole!

With the power of the Chaos Spirits she had turned into her Familiars, and the Chaos Beast too, she swiftly began to absorb the entire Dragon into her body and soul, as it was swiftly torn to shreds within her internal Black Hole.



The Blazing Chaos Dragon gave one last scream of agony before being completely consumed, leaving nothing behind at all.

"W-We did it!" Benladra was the first to celebrate.

"Mama so cool!" Kate said happily. Despite not being related to her, Benladann and Miranda called themselves her stepmothers.

"I-I wouldn't had been able to do this without all of your aid. That beast was tremendously strong, much stronger than any of the ones we've fought…" Benladann sighed. "And… Ah, here it is."

Benladann quickly separated everything she consumed, giving Drake a large golden divine dragon soul fragment, belonging to the soul of the Primordial Dragon of Light, Asga.

Drake quickly swallowed the fragment, and using his Draconic Record powers, swiftly sent the fragment back to the rebuilding soul of Asga within the Realm of Light Dragon Souls.

"Ah… Thank you for that." Her voice whispered momentarily.

"And there's this guy too." Benladann smiled, revealing a lizard-shaped Chaotic Beast that had taken over the Chaos Dragon Fragment.

It resembled a Fire Salamander, and it had a single red eye in the middle of its jaws and could produce red and black flames. It seemed to have been instantly tamed when Benladann swallowed it.


"With this, it seems I can now summon Chaos Flames." Benladann said in surprise.

"It might come handy in the future…" Miranda nodded.

The two quickly went back to their normal forms after their transformation was deactivated, meanwhile Drake and his daughters remained the same, feeling more comfortable in full dragon forms.

With the other Lesser Dragons defeated, the Trial's third and last wave was finally completed, and the Inheritance was fully conquered!

"Well, congrats! You've completed the hardest trial out of the four available!" Laughed the Venerable of Flames. "I have to give it to you, I had NO hope of you guys actually managing to win! But here I am, swallowing my own pride. f.u.c.king h.e.l.l! You did it! Well done! Alright, I'm convinced."

"Convinced?" Drake asked.

"You'll inherit my powers!" Laughed the Venerable of Flames.


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1323 Overwhelming The Blazing Chaos Dragon! summary

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