Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1333 The Chaos Amalgamation

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Chapter 1333 The Chaos Amalgamation



Nadia thought that it was over for her, however, Surtr appeared right in front of her, flying at super speed and transforming the majority of his scales into a huge s.h.i.+eld, combined with his Origin Flames and other ores, he used Heavenly Smith over his own body!


And as the s.h.i.+eld looked burnt, and exuded a lot of smoke, it was still standing, albeit covered on cracks, which bleed out as they were still connected to the young dragon's flesh.

"U-unggh… For f.u.c.k's sake, this guy is bad news." Surtr muttered. "Nadia, are you okay?"

"I-I am!" Nadia nodded, sighing in relief, and quickly gripping her battle axe tightly once more.

"I'll heal you!" Mina said.


Mina quickly healed Surtr once more, as he kept that s.h.i.+eld on his left arm to utilize it to defend, while the rest of his body quickly regrew more scales through his Scale Skill.

"You're more annoying than I imagined…" Trafalh sighed. "Well, you do work well as a team, but can that still work if I do this?" Trafalh smiled, suddenly raising a finger upwards. "[Chaotic Spikes]!"

FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+

Suddenly, hundreds of magic circles appeared across the entire room's floor, as spikes made of pure materialized chaos surged from within, attempting to impale everyone, especially the weaker Mina.

"Mina! Nadia!" Surtr reacted barely on time, grabbing both girls with his claws and flying upwards, cras.h.i.+ng through the tower's ceiling, and barely evading the powerful spikes surging from within.

"Hoh, you're fast." Trafalh laughed.

"That's it! I'll blast your entire d.a.m.n building!" Surtr roared, opening his jaws and unleas.h.i.+ng a devastating breath attack, imbued with the might of the souls of a few of his draconic siblings!



The huge blazing explosion could even make half a mountain crumble into pieces… Yet as the smoke dissipated, the tower seemed completely fine!

A Chaos Barrier covering the entire area like a bubble protected it all, as the laughter of Trafalh from down below echoed.

"I-It didn't worked?!" Surtr thought.

"Hahaha… HAHAHAHA! That was useless!" Trafalh laughed. "I told you… I have ascended to a MUCH superior being than dragons! With the might of the Chaos Amalgamation!"

"Chaos… Amalgamation?!" Nadia asked. "What is that thing?!"

"Maybe the thing he's wors.h.i.+ping and getting power from!" Mina thought.

"Now, now, are you trying to run away from me?" Laughed Trafalh. "Come here! [Chaotic Gravitational Pull]!" The Dark Myconid clenched his fists, as a small black hole surged in front of him, its gravitational pull pus.h.i.+ng Surtr and the twins towards him!

"Unnggh…! I-I can't escape this power?!" Surtr thought, gritting his teeth. "Dammit!"

Quickly, he summoned an item he had stored within a Inventory Ring he was wearing, made out of a Spatial Spirit Stone, a large spear, sharp, and made of the finest ores, such as Blazing Mithril, his Scales, and even his blood, and the bones of the strongest foes he had battled yet.


The spear blazed with divine flames, as Surtr imbued all his magical powers into it, the spear unleas.h.i.+ng a powerful shockwave of heat.


With all his strength, and while being pulled down, Surtr launched the spear towards Trafalh, making use of his own gravitational pull, the spear's speed was enhanced several times over!


"Useless! [Chaos Barrier]!" Trafalh laughed.


The spear pierced the Chaos Barrier, as its tip barely managed to crack through its durable form! Trafalh's eyes opened wide as he suddenly realized it broke through his near impenetrable defenses!


Crack… crack…!



The spear finally pierced through the barrier as Surtr landed right over it, kicking it with all his strength!


Within a split of a second, the powerful blazing weapon pieced right through Trafalh's chest, catching him completely off guard! Flames quickly began spreading across his body!

"W-What?! T-This is… UUAAAGGHH!" The Dark Myconid screamed in agony as he started to burn!

"Now! While he's burning!" Surtr roared, attacking with deadly fire magic attacks, claws, kicks, piercing tail blows, and everything else he could unleas.h.!.+ "[Blazing Dragon Scale Meteors]!"

By combining the power of his magic and scale skills, his scales suddenly flew off his body, unleas.h.i.+ng divine, origin flames, and falling like constant, explosive meteors over the Dark Priest!


"[White Dragon Flames Magic]: [Exorcizing White Flame Breath]!"

Mina unleashed all her magic as a powerful dragon breath of exorcizing, divine white flames, covering the dark priest!


"[Blazing Dragon Battle Axe Arts]: [Draconic Claws]!!!"

Nadia gathered all her strength and mana into her blows, as her aura shaped into a furious blazing dragon's claws attacking the dark priest.

CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAAAs.h.!.+

"S-Stop! AGH!" Trafalh groaned, constantly firing beams of chaos, and generating chaos barriers, sometimes even summoning spikes.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get off that spear piercing his chest, and its flames never stopped coming, covering his body, and slowly burning him.

Slowly, blow by blow, the trio started overwhelming the terrifying chaos magician, covered on wounds that were constantly being healed by Mina, and also through health potions made by Surtr, they made it!

"Uunnggh…! AAAGGGH…!"

Trafalh groaned, suddenly falling to his knees, his body couldn't move anymore, burning away into ashes… His hateful eyes glaring at the trio.

"T-This is impossible…"

Trafalh groaned, his lifeforce beginning to fade away and so his Mana.

"He's down…!" Surtr groaned, gasping for air. The twins weren't any better, all three of them were extremely exhausted at this point.

"W-We have to finish him off…!" Nadia muttered. "Ungh… Agh! My body can't move…"

"I-I can't conjure more magic either!" Mina cried. "And I'm out of Mana Potions…"

"Then I'll just crush him with my claws!" Surtr gathered the last bits of strength he had, slowly walking towards the dying magician.

Only to hear a tenebrous voice echo from within his burning body.

"Useless, pathetic vessel…"


A powerful shockwave of pure chaos surged from within the magician's corpse, but it wasn't exactly his power… but the power of the one he was borrowing strength from!



"W-What is this?!"

Surtr, Nadia, and Mina suddenly couldn't move anymore. The presence and aura of this being exuded a powerful pressure over their bodies, and because they were so weakened now, it felt even stronger…

"N-No! WAIT! My lord, please don't leave me! I can… Ungh…! If I can get this spear out of my body- AAGGH…!" However, the pathetic Myconid couldn't even walk.

Trafalh started to panic, making the trio even more confused. His single eye started crying, as if whoever he called "his lord" was about to leave him forever.

"That's enough. Your pointless body can't hold my existence any longer."


A ma.s.s of pure condensed chaos and darkness surged from within Trafalh, as if he was being drained of all his strength, it held ana amorphous shape, covered in dozens of red eyes and possessing multiple tentacles.

It wasn't a single being, but as Trafalh said, it was an "Amalgamation" of many smaller beings stuck together, fused permanently as one, grotesque ma.s.s.

"W-What is that…?!" Mina cried.

"T-The Chaos Amalgamation?" Nadia wondered.

"Y-YOU!" Surtr roared, trying to move. "D-Don't you dare… ESCAPE!!!"

"Hmph, pathetic little worm." Laughed the ent.i.ty. "I don't have the patience to humor you anymore… I shall leave your purge to this failed vessel of mine. After all, I have already found a much better one down this mountain." The ent.i.ty smiled, with countless jaws curving up.

A drop of his essence fell over the burning body of Trafalh, as it started to merge with his body, mutating it, and completely twisting it into a different shape altogether!



Trafalh clearly didn't wanted to transform into a beast, but he had no saying into this anymore. Like a tool, he was disposed of.

"Entertain them until I reach my new vessel, Trafalh…" The ent.i.ty laughed, flying away through the hole that Surtr made.

"W-WAIT! YOU b.a.s.t.a.r.d!!!" Surtr roared.



The footsteps of the beast Trafalh was transformed into resonated across the tower's hall, as his monstrous new form resembled a dragon-like skeleton monster, covered on black mushrooms, miasma, and black-purple flames.

"I-Is that really… that old fungus?!" Nadia cried in shock.

"N-No way… he became a monster!" Mina reacted in horror.

"My flames… He somehow absorbed them?!" Surtr was flabbergasted.


Meanwhile, a little mushroom boy ran upstairs, with a tiny blue slime over his head.

"Hurry up kid!"

"I'm going as fast as I can!"


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1333 The Chaos Amalgamation summary

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