Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1335 A Mysterious Slime Has Come To Help!

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Chapter 1335 A Mysterious Slime Has Come To Help!


"That slime can talk?!" Nadia asked in shock.

"I-I wasn't expecting anything but this is already blowing me away…" Mina sighed.

"T-That presence…" Surtr quickly realized that talking slime was not just a mere slime monster. Although it was concealed into a small and weak-looking form, within this small blue slime, there was a might he had never felt before.

And from within its very core, a near endless amount of Mana flowed everywhere, imbuing itself on Jamar and helping him unleash powerful techniques he had just unlocked from drinking Surtr's blood.

"Don't worry sir Surtr, we're here to help!" Jamar rushed towards the monster. "This monster… Is this my uncle?! Is this Trafalh?!"


The monstrous draconic beast moved forwards, swinging its gigantic and long bony tail, and hitting Jamar's sword with it!!.+

"Ungh…! So strong…!" Jamar groaned, the armor he was wearing beginning to channel the Mana flowing into his body.

"H-He is Trafalh…" Nadia muttered. "Wait, he's your uncle, Jamar?!"

"More or less…" Jamar sighed. "He's the son of the chief, and also my uncle, the brother of my father! He… he was the one that plotted my father's death. Why has he become such a strange beast now?! What happened?"

"It is hard to explain…" Mina sighed. "Ugh… I can barely walk…"

"Jamar… Was the reason behind your relentless desire to fight because of this?" Surtr asked, feeling surprised. "You don't have to carry such a burden, that he's your uncle doesn't give you the responsibility of taking him down on your own!"

Surtr slowly started to stand up, gritting his teeth. Despite all the wounds he had acc.u.mulated and his almost total exhaustion of Mana, he was imbuing pure draconic essence into his body from the draconic records to move.

"M-Maybe you're right but… Although our encounter was brief, sir Surtr, I've grown to admire you a lot too! Maybe I was reckless… But I had to come! After the gifts you gave me, I knew you somehow trusted on me." Jamar said. Who would had taught a young Myconid would be such a heroic little fellow!


Tired of their talk, the beast roared, swinging his gigantic skeletal claws at Jamar consecutively. Black Abyssal Flames spreading with each clas.h.!.+

CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CRAAAs.h.!.+

Jamar continued fighting using his sword. He had been practicing the sword through all his childhood since his father died after all, and the sword he was holding was that of his own father, but improved by Surtr!

"[Dragon Blade Arts]: [Draconic Scale Parry]!!!"

Jamar's sword suddenly overflowed with draconic red flames, and then such flames shaped into the form of a s.h.i.+eld made of big scales.!.+

The powerful attacks from the skeletal dragon's claws impacted the s.h.i.+eld, as the scales suddenly ignited with blazing dragon flames, and exploded in front of the beast!



The monster that Trafalh had become stepped back, as his dragon-shaped skull was beginning to fragment into pieces, falling over the floor. Everyone suddenly noticed that the old, wrinkled face of the dark Myconid was right there!

"Arrggh…! Aaaggh…! Die… DIE! ALL OF YOU DIE!!!"

While being consumed by the madness of his transformation, the dragon skull covering his head regenerated in an instant and opened its jaws, unleas.h.i.+ng a destructive Abyssal Black Flames breath!


"No matter how strong he is, he can't take that head-on!" Surtr thought, rus.h.i.+ng in front of Jamar, and concentrating his strength to create a s.h.i.+eld made of his scales. "Ungh?! Agh… Not enough Mana?!"

"You're a brave one." Suddenly, the deep voice of a man echoed within Surtr's mind, as the blue slime's tentacle touched his back, transferring into his body thousands of units of Mana with each second.


"T-This Mana…?!" Surtr opened his eyes in shock. "With this…!"


The gigantic dragon breath reached Surtr and Jamar, engulfing the two of them into destructive flames that could melt almost anything!

"GRAAAHAH… HAHAHAHA!" The mad Trafalh laughed monstrously, only for his single eye to open wide in shock. "HUH?!"

A gigantic s.h.i.+eld of metallic red and golden scales defended the two of them. The s.h.i.+eld slowly falling apart, but it worked well enough. Thanks to Surtr's Origin Flames, he was able to negate a part of the destructive damage of these black flames.

And with his body overflowing with Mana now, his eyes glowed brightly with blazing determination. Jamar was surprised, and quickly got pumped up, as if he were looking at his awesome, bada.s.s hero doing something incredible.

"Surtr, you survived!" Said Nadia, slowly standing up.

"T-That d.a.m.n slime gave him a ton of Mana!" Mina said in shock.

"GRRHHH…!" The furious abomination that Trafalh had become quickly glared at the two girls, rus.h.i.+ng towards with his skeletal claws wide open. "DIE!"

"s.h.i.+t!" Surtr rushed to the aid of the girls, with Jamar at his side. However, they were too slow, the way the mutated Trafalh moved was at a ridiculous speed!

And with both twins out of Mana and completely exhausted, they couldn't even react in time! Trafalh's claws nearing towards their faces, as Nadia bravely stepped forwards to defend his sister, even if she had to sacrifice her body.


"That's not fair, you d.a.m.n knock-off."

However, that same voice echoed again, as Mana overflowed into the two girl's bodies in a split of a second! Nadia's muscles started warming up, as a blazing, draconic aura surged from within her body!

Her Fire Dragon Bloodline she acquired from Surtr activated. Black scales grew across her arms and muscular legs, as she swung her gigantic battle axe vertically, greeting Trafalh with a devastating blow.

"[Blazing Dragon Battle Axe Arts]: [Mountain Splitting Blazing Claw]!!!"

The illusion of a gigantic blazing dragon claw surged from within her weapon as she swung it furiously, slas.h.i.+ng into two halves the enormous monstrosity in front of her!



Trafalh screamed in agony, split into two halves, and then set on deadly dragon flames! Nonetheless, he was still somewhat alive.

Which only gave an opportunity for Mina, right behind Nadia, to conjure her magic.

"[White Dragon Flames Magic]: [Holy Blazing Dragon Fangs]!"


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1335 A Mysterious Slime Has Come To Help! summary

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