Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1359 Forging A New Divine Weapon!

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Chapter 1359 Forging A New Divine Weapon!


Once Surtr fell unconscious, we gathered back in our castle and prepared everything for the battle to come, while letting him and anybody else sleep as much as they could. It was a good thing that everyone seemed to have managed to reach their training goals before the seven-day mark, this'll give them a few hours to sleep and recover their mental exhaustion.

Meanwhile, we moved to the hall and prepared our equipment and many other things, while our group gathered, and we discussed our strategies.

"Seems like Nadia and Mina also went to sleep." I noticed.

"Yes, everyone's been quite exhausted. But I a.s.sure you that they have accomplished their goals." Benladann smiled. "I'm quite proud of those girls!"

"Yeah, they've gotten much stronger." Tisha said. "Nadia's powers… easily surpa.s.s mine. If it wasn't because I was Rank 9 I would probably lose against now after all the powers she has acquired."

"Mina has tremendous magical talent and potential, that girl might become one of the greatest priests." Said Pekora. "I've taught her everything I could."

"My grandson still has a lot to learn, but I can a.s.sure you that I've squeezed out all the talent he has." Jamar's grandfather, the Myconid Village Chief said, while sipping some tea.

"Agni has more or less gotten better at using the divine magic powers he acquired." Said Pekora again. "It has been tough to teach him, but he has amazing potential, the same for Leona, that girl is really hardworking."

"I'm glad." I smiled. "And about Surtr… Well, he achieved an even stronger power than I had originally envisioned, so don't act surprised when you see it." I laughed.

"I can tell, he destroyed half your divine realm!" Miranda exaggerated a bit.

"Well, it'll recover by itself naturally." I shrugged.

"You say that but I am the one that has to always fix stuff!" Fuyu suddenly appeared, reprimanding me. "Anyways, I've gathered all the materials you wanted. For what are they?"

She pointed at a huge pile of Divine Materials that she had harvested from my Divine Realm. I had two things I wanted to make with them, the second will have to wait for later, but for now, I wanted to make a weapon.

"A special Divine Weapon." I smiled. "Skadi, Uller, Ariel, you'll be getting a new sibling soon."

"A new sibling?" Uller wondered. "You mean another divine weapon? Interesting."

"A-Another? I feel like I'm being forgotten…" Skadi sighed.

"You aren't! I've used you for most of the battles, Skadi stop being jealous." I sighed.

"I don't really mind… But what will you make, Master?" Ariel wondered innocently. "Wouldn't it be enough with all three of us to deal with our foes?"

"No, I also want to fight fire against fire. Some might think of this as ridiculous, but it should actually work. As long as I imbue the powers of my Flames of Beginning, and some of Surtr's Origin Flames." I said while thinking about the details. "A special weapon I can use to also destroy that Flame Emperor's Black Flames, which my Flames of Beginning can barely hold against."

"Huh." Benladann thought about it. "What will it be then? You got a spear, a sword, and a trident now…"

"This weapon will also double down as my personal Blacksmith Tool… So it should be quite easy to guess what'll be." I laughed.

As we talked, planned, and ate while waiting for everyone to wake up, Surtr was the first one to wake up after all the hours that pa.s.sed.

"Ungh… Hahh… H-How long did I slept?! Did I overslept?!" Asked Surtr, looking around, as I walked into his room.

"Nah, you only slept for around five hours." I said. "Here's a good meal." I quickly summoned a gigantic full course meal with tons of meat and dishes, I needed him at full power.

"Only five hours?! That's a lot of time…" Surtr sighed. "But I'm starving, so I am thankful for all of this!" He quickly started digging in without further ado.

"Surtr, I'll need your strength afterwards. I was planning on forging a new weapon. Would you lend me your Heavenly Smith Powers?" I asked him.

"Hm?! S-Shure!" He said while stuffing himself with food. "What do you need me to make, Drake? I'll help in anything I can!"

"We'll make a weapon that can beat the Flame Emperor." I smiled.

"Eh?! S-Such a thing is possible? But the materials I have…" He muttered.

"Don't worry about the details, I've got enough materials myself." I laughed. "I'll just need a bit of your support, I'll also bring along my Blacksmith friend, Rakasha, and I'll also use my own blacksmith skills for this weapon's creation."

"I see…" Surtr drank a whole bottle of apple cider. "Then count me in!"

"Good." I nodded. "Once you're done with your meal, come to the hall, I'll be waiting you there. Ah, and about your friends, they're still resting, so leave them be for now."

"Understood!" Surtr said, stuffing himself with more and more food.

I left a few Cooking Spirits behind so they could prepare more meals and completely satisfy his hunger. A hungry dragon cannot perform the best in battle after all.

After a few minutes, Surtr arrived at the scene, as we guided him into Rakasha's forgery, a combination of this castle's forging room and his own powerful abilities and domain of forging.

With his tools, expertise, and the environment he created, coupled with Surtr's Heavenly Smith powers, the materials I provided, and also my abilities to combine items and spirits together, we dedicated ourselves to the craft of this legendary weapon.

I manipulated the s.p.a.ce around us within my divine realm, and by spending some divine points, I was able to accelerate the time inside even more, making it so we could spend some more time making this.

Eventually, after harsh efforts and a lot of hard work, our masterpiece was done by the culmination of our talents, strengths, and skills…!.+

And once its creation was completed, it shone with a bright divine light.


[You have created the [Divine Infernal Origin Flames Heavenly Hammer: Hephaestus] x1!]


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1359 Forging A New Divine Weapon! summary

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