Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1464 The Trial's Last Boss

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Chapter 1464 The Trial's Last Boss


"Hah, so you DO remember me too, buddy! Thanks to Agni forming such a strong bond with me since birth, and now that he ascended into a G.o.d, I can now talk a bit more freely!" Logi's voice echoed.

"Ugh, just go back to sleep, I've been dead for ages, Old G.o.d." Sighed The Venerable of Flames. "There's nothing left to talk about."

"Eh? You sure have gotten grumpier…" Logi said. However, the Venerable no longer answered.

It seemed as if hearing the voice of an old friend he had long ago forgotten made something within him resurface, a small piece of his own heart, of his own past adventures, memories when he was alive.

He didn't want to remember those memories anyway, he had changed too much, he had done atrocities as well, he had become a Demon Venerable for a reason. Someone the world was terrified for.

The Venerable didn't wanted to admit it, but as he had changed so much, he simply couldn't bring himself to face his old friend, the fragmented G.o.d of Fire he had brought to every adventure he had, ever since he was a young Fire Giant.

"What happened? He just went silent?" Nadia asked. "How rude! Hey, talk at least, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"

"Leave him be…" Sighed Logi. "He has… his reasons. I am also not too well myself; I lack a lot of my memories. And if I use too much energy, it feels like I'm slowly fading away… I bet Sister Aegir must be worried of me, hahaha… We have sure gone through a lot of things."

"I heard from Drake that you were shattered by the Ancient G.o.ds…" Sighed Mina. "I-Is that tale true?"

"That tale is very old, but it is the truth." Said Logi. "I can't… recall how it went in specific. But the Old World was much different than how it is now. In fact, even with all the conflicts you've gone through, this world seems much more peaceful and safer… that the Old World ever was."

"R-Really?" Asked Surtr. "What… just what happened back then?"

"War… Wars after wars. Greedy G.o.ds fighting for supremacy, the Realms shaking, everything being destroyed, millions of innocents dying…" Logi sighed. "All for more power. At the end, they fought for nothing, and the world was nearly destroyed. But it healed, and gave birth to new life, to new people, and to new G.o.ds… You Dragons are direct descendants to these Ancient G.o.ds, the Dragon Family were the Guardians of the World, they fought the strongest G.o.ds to defend it, such as Thor, Loki, even Odin… Those three b.a.s.t.a.r.ds were the worst."

"I have only heard such words from Humans that have come here." Said Leona. "Apparently in Midgard, there are still religions and churches for these Old G.o.ds…"

"It makes sense, the Humans were these Old G.o.ds' little puppets and slaves." Sighed Logi. "It is… what they… were made to do, to wors.h.i.+p them… Ugh, I'm sleepy. I'll go for now, take care and do your best. This guy that made this trial, he's not really a bad person, he's simply trying to make you strong enough to face the trials ahead of you in life, Surtr, don't hold a grudge against him."

"Logi…" Surtr nodded. "Very well, I trust your words… Rest well for now."

Logi's presence disappeared, as everyone by now had fully healed and recovered after resting and eating, and now faced their very last trial, the Gate leading to the very last Floor.

Floor 100!

"We need to get even stronger, so we can protect this world… And not repeat the same mistakes as the Ancient G.o.ds that Logi talked about, everyone." Surtr said, his eyes blazing with hope. "Let's do this!"

As they stepped forwards and opened the gates, Surtr couldn't help but think about his Master, Drake.

"I wonder what you're doing right now, Master…" He thought. "Just wait for me, I'll come back soon!"

The Gates opened, to reveal the very last trial within Floor 100, which was, to the relief of many, just a single, enormous hall where only a single ent.i.ty was awaiting them.

The darkness enveloping the regal-looking hall slowly started to dissipate as the light emanated by Surtr's enormous body, covered on an armor of flames, generated.

"You've done well in coming all the way up here, challengers of my master's Inheritance Trial."

Everyone stopped walking as they heard the voice of something coming from within the darkness, a huge silhouette emerged from within, with four blazing red eyes.

To the surprise of many, the being awaiting them in the Floor 100, the last Boss they had to defeat was…

"Y-You…?! It can't be…!" Surtr muttered. "Why…? Why is there a Fire Dragon here?!"

"Haha, surprised, little brother?" Laughed the Fire Dragon, slowly standing up. "You'll have to defeat me if you want to complete the Trial! I won't hold back because you're my little brother though!"


The Fire Dragon, thrice as big as Surtr, rushed towards him, his claws reaching him as he pummeled him down with tremendous force.





(Drake's POV)


[The {Dungeon Core} gives you one last trial before meeting their Master.]

[The Abandoned [Test Subject 03] has been revived! And it craves blood and flesh, to satiate its endless hunger and wrath for having been abandoned!]

[Its Unique Ability [Copy] copies the strongest foe in front of it, copying their appearance and strengths!]

[Test Subject 03] has decided to Copy your form and strengths!]


The last Boss before we could confront the b.a.s.t.a.r.d behind everything gave a mighty draconic roar, doing its best to imitate by large draconic form, although it couldn't be a 100% copy of myself.

It was covered on scales made of those deadly crystals and crimson demon wood though, so it was sure a deadly foe! But well, that'll make a good warmup before we fight that b.a.s.t.a.r.d of 04.


The gigantic dragon-shaped abomination stretched its wings, made of colorful and toxic crystals, and flew into the skies, descending like a meteor towards me.



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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1464 The Trial's Last Boss summary

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