Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1467 Overwhelmed!

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Chapter 1467 Overwhelmed!

1467 Overwhelmed!


The beam coming from Drake's s.h.i.+eld managed to disintegrate half of the ent.i.ty's body, turning it into pure ashes. The abomination gave an agonizing shriek, the rest of its body wildly running away as it constantly regenerated again, crystals, vines, spikes, and even metallic wires included.


With a frustrated scream, it quickly started flying into the skies once it regrew its wings, attempting to gain a higher ground and stay away from its enemies' strongest attacks.

However, a blur of black light appeared right behind it, Benladann and Miranda's combined body was incredibly fast, with a mere leap, it caught up to it!

"You're running away now?!"

Swinging her gigantic scythe, Benladann slashed through the creature's entire body, before dozens of beams of Blazing Chaotic Flames blasted it countless times.




The creature agonized as it was about to fall, only for its entire body to twist around, several new dragon heads growing from its body and firing beams of Demonic Energy and Crystal Radiation against the Chaos Dragoness!



Benladann and Miranda conjured several rotating s.h.i.+elds of Miasma and Mold fused together with Ice, Benladann's primary element after Chaos. The s.h.i.+elds shattered one after another, as scales grew on her arms and fused with her ice and mold to create a hue s.h.i.+eld.


But even the s.h.i.+eld was destroyed, Benladann was then kicked in the stomach by the beast, vomiting blood as she fell with it!

"You tricky little…!"

Benladann curiously attacked it back with her giant scythe, the beast's tendrils wrapped around her arms, attempting to drain her energy as it stopped her movements!

"You're so f.u.c.king annoying."

However, her draconic maws opened, a ma.s.sive beam of chaos was unleashed as the two fell, the beast's heads were instantly disintegrated, temporarily inhibiting its ability to fire its breath attacks!



The aberration fell into the floor below, making the entire hall tremble. Tyrannus and his men were being healed by Benladra at this time, while Kate combine the debris left by her mechs into several weapons.

"{Mechanical Reconstruction}: {Weapon Rain}!"

FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+

The rain of weapons kept falling over the creature, piercing its body barely as it slowly started to make its way towards them!

"Benladra!" Kate called her sister.

"It's coming here already?!" Benladra cried, quickly glancing at the creature rapidly approaching.


Its jaws opened into a grotesque and near-endless maw, countless tongue-like vines coming out of it as they extended towards them. It was hungry and wanted to recover energy, and it wanted to snack on these small warriors!


However, a mighty draconic roar echoed from above, Drake descended with a mighty s.h.i.+eld bash, slamming the creature several dozens of meters away, its tentacles burning into ashes as they touched the radiant light of Aegis.

"We're not done with you." Drake said. "Though, you're sure quite a resilient b.a.s.t.a.r.d…! System, does he have some other Ability?"

["No, it seems that he simply copied some of your basic ones… including [Immortal Body]! It might be the reason why it has lasted so long!"]

"Are you kidding me?!" Drake was taken aback.

["Worry not, it cannot completely copy your true powers, this has simply given it a very good regeneration, but it is running out of energy by now! Gang on it with everything you have to finish it off quickly, before it regains its energy somehow!"]

"Alright, got it!" Drake roared, rus.h.i.+ng forwards and exposing the beast to the divine light, which not only healed Tyrannus and his warriors quickly, but it also damaged the beast and lowered its stats.


With a furious and desperate scream, the creature's form changed, resembling a gigantic hydra. Each of its heads made of crystals, as they released several beams!

FLAAs.h.!.+ FLAAs.h.!.+ FLAAs.h.!.+ FLAAAs.h.!.+

"Careful! Everyone, behind me!" Drake roared, as Emerald and Benladann appeared to his side, finally catching up.

Using his almighty Spirit s.h.i.+eld, Drake blocked the attacks, the beams being redirected elsewhere, filling their surroundings with countless explosions.

"{Divine Frost Nova Rain}!"

Drake conjured hundreds of spheres of Primordial Frost and Holy Light, falling over the abomination like an endless rain of meteors. Each projectile covering the aberration with more ice and weakening it!


"{Chaotic Flare Swords}!"

Benladann helped her husband as she conjured hundreds of swords made of Mold and Chaos Flames, further dealing damage on the unmoblike beast, as it desperately unleashed its beams against them!

"Emerald, can you restrain it?!" Drake asked the young wind dragon. "It can regenerate endlessly, but I can kill it in one shot if I can get close enough!"

"O-Okay! Leave it to me!" Emerald nodded confidently, pointing his claws against the beast. Winds gathering around and spiraling, vortexes and lightning surging! "{Divine Heaven's Wind Magic}: {Twin Sky Serpents}!

Two enormous serpents made of lightning and winds surged from his hands, growing larger and larger as they evaded the aberration's attacks and coiled their bodies around its necks and arms, immobilizing it while constantly dealing wind and lightning damage!


With a furious roar, the abomination shapes.h.i.+fted desperately its lower half, countless of snake-like heads emerging, about to fire even more beams against them!

"Not happening!" Benladann and Miranda appeared right in front of it, swinging their huge scythe and imbuing it with as much energy as they could. "{Abyssal Decapitation}!"


A devastating slas.h.i.+ng wave of pure chaos and darkness surged from their attack, slicing all the heads and then leaving the cut areas frozen on a black miasmic ice, inhibiting its ability to easily regenerate them again!

"Now, Drake!" They roared at the same time.

"Thank you!"

Drake leaped into midair, still blocking the beams with its s.h.i.+eld and then firing a beam of light with all the acc.u.mulated energy in it!

"{Heaven's Punishment}!"


The beam of light blasted through the creature's chest, turning into ashes most of its torso and revealing within a large, s.h.i.+ny red and green jewel!

Its core.

However, on a last act of desperation for its own survival, the aberration suddenly grew several more tendrils from its tail, new dragon heads pointing at Drake, firing dragon breaths!

His s.h.i.+eld had already stopped working, dissipating and separating into his divine weapons and his spirit, all of them too exhausted to combine again so quickly.

As Drake was about to desperately tank them head-on no matter if his body were to be torn to shreds again, two little dragons appeared by his side!


"Kill it!"

Benladra and Kate emerged, holding the divine weapons he gifted to them as they attacked the heads, slas.h.i.+ng them one after another with slashes of light and electromagnetic energies!

SLAAAs.h.!.+ SLAAAs.h.!.+ SLAAAs.h.!.+ SLAAAs.h.!.+

"You girls…!" Drake felt happy to have his daughters with him. "Alright then…! Now or never! {Primordial Sin of Gluttony}!"

Before it could regenerate any further, Drake temporarily channeled the power of his Primordial Sin once more, his eyes glowing bright red as his scales turned black completely.

The Demon King's Seed within his heart expanded its roots further, all his aura combining into a gigantic draconic jaw made of black and crimson energy!


With an abyssal and mighty roar, the gigantic jaws closed into the creature's core, shattering it and then devouring it all!



Overwhelmed from all sides, the beast could no longer fight back, and it finally perished.

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1467 Overwhelmed! summary

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