Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1491 The Whole Family Fight As One!

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Chapter 1491 The Whole Family Fight As One!

1491 The Whole Family Fight As One!

"Mama! Papa!"


Benladra flew over Benladann and Drake, covering them with healing light. Their wounds quickly regenerated, and the demonic energy infesting Drake's body was cleansed as well.

"Thank you, dear!" Benladann and Miranda said, quickly spreading out their wings.

"Keep your distance while we are at it." Drake said, his Divine Energies imbued into his s.h.i.+eld and spear. "We have to stop that b.a.s.t.a.r.d before he destroys the entire Dream Dungeon and absorbs it all!"

"Then these can help!" Kate waved her hand, quickly opening dozens of purple and blue portals in s.p.a.ce.

FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+

From within, hundreds of mechanical beasts emerged, they were as strong as Rank 7 to 9 Divine Monsters, although not comparable to Divine Dragons or G.o.ds of the same Ranks, they were mighty enough to be a threat.

Especially when Kate herself, releasing her Aura, enchanted their bodies and digital souls, giving them even greater stat boosts.

"Attack him! Don't let him breath!"

Kate declared ruthlessly yet adorably, her beasts flew into the skies, swarming Pandemonium who was trying to harness as much power as possible, distorting the reality within the Dream Dungeon.




Drake and Benladann quickly set off into the skies once more, following the mechanical beasts while their daughters remained right behind them.

"Annoying flies!"

Pandemonium furiously swung his gigantic lion-like claws, which grew out of his endlessly shapes.h.i.+fting crystal and demonic nightmare-made body.

SLAAs.h.!.+ SLAAs.h.!.+ SLAAs.h.!.+

Three waves of corrupted nightmare and demonic energies clashed against the mechanical beasts, slicing them apart with ease, like a hot knife through b.u.t.ter!


"{Mechanical Fusion}!"

However, little Kate kept at it, spending her Divine Power to combine the corpses of the mechanical beasts and rising them back up again as progressively larger and stronger monsters!


Pandemonium was effectively being distracted, constantly tearing apart his foes while they kept coming at him. Despite their corpses fusing over and over again, they still died on a single attack.

However, that was already more than enough!

"Mommy and daddy won't let me get too close because they're worried, but my magic is still the most effective against you!"

Benladra raised her dragon arms into the skies while floating next to her sister, her Divinity rising to the skies, creating a beautiful heavenly sight!

"T-That power… Oblivion?!"

Pandemonium sensed the heavenly powers, growing furious as he remembered one of his enemies of the long-forgotten past.

"You're here too?! Have you brought here your d.a.m.ned Saintes, Apostles, and Angels?!"

As he furiously remembered the face of that emotionless man, his judgmental gray eyes, his blonde hair, and his flawless beauty filled with so much arrogance, he couldn't help but feel helpless.

"{Divine Heaven Magic}: {Resplendent Valhalla's Brilliance}!"

The skies turned gold as they summoned enormous pillars of endless golden light, descending towards Pandemonium!


He quickly moved as his body was still trying to take a shape, s.h.i.+fting between humanoid and that of a chimeric beast.

FLAAAs.h.!.+ FLAAAs.h.!.+ FLAAAs.h.!.+ FLAAAs.h.!.+

Pandemonium continued evading the towers of light, only for Drake and Benladann to finally get some momentum to strike!

"Hey, missed us?"

"We're back to give you a little dessert!"


Pandemonium was taken aback as he saw a gigantic demonic spear pierce his body and fill it with Heavenly Demon Flames, which instantly weakened his soul and damaged it severely!

CRAAs.h.!.+ CRAAs.h.!.+ CRAAs.h.!.+ CRAa.s.sHH!!

At the same time, Benladann gathered her chaos powers, summoning chains made of chaos and miasmic mold and wrapping them around Pandemonium's body.


They kept him in place while reducing his stats and weakening his soul, making him ideal for Drake's attacks to hit and deal the most damage.


Several dragon heads popped out of Pandemonium in that moment, opening their jaws and firing tremendous beams of demonic energy towards Drake and Benladann!


However, Drake was prepared, flying in front of his wife and protecting her with Aegis, while absorbing the damage taken and then releasing it!

"Have it back, f.u.c.ker!"


A huge beam of light was released from the golden s.h.i.+eld, catching Pandemonium off guard and swiftly disintegrating a huge part of his body!



His t.i.tanic body started falling from the skies, only for his eyes to open again. The lung seemed completely unscathed, pulsating grotesquely as more and more demonic energy surged from within it.

It was as if each body part of Pandemonium was like an endless source of demonic energy, there seemed to be no end to it!


With a furious and insane scream, the nightmares surrounding him fused with his body completely, embodying his new form!


"The b.a.s.t.a.r.d's transforming!" Miranda's voice resonated from within the combination of Benladann and her.

"Stop him!" Drake roared, the duo flas.h.i.+ng through the skies and reaching Pandemonium at the same time as the Nexus Corporations building collapsed.

The darkness encompa.s.sing him continued growing larger, as the form of a new body resurfaced from within, his eyes opening wide to reveal a huge, over fifty-meter big muscular demon, made of black crystals, with hair made of black nightmarish energies, and with seven crimson eyes and no mouth.

There was a pair of enormous black horns growing from his head, and a tremendous aura coming from within him, releasing a deadly pressure…!

"I will never go down no matter how hard you try…"

Pandemonium spoke with a calm voice, greeting both Benladann and Drake with his six enormous arms, his giant fists releasing meteoric attacks, which generated explosions of demonic nightmare energy!


Drake tried to defend using his barriers, techniques, and his s.h.i.+eld, but they were all futile! Aegis suddenly gained countless cracks, its durability already at its limits!

Crack, crack…!


The s.h.i.+eld shattered into pieces, as the weapons and spirit making them up returned to their normal forms.


Benladann and Miranda cried at the same time as they saw Drake's entire body being filled with holes, each of Pandemonium's attacks carving his body apart!

CRAs.h.!.+ CRAs.h.!.+ CRAs.h.!.+ CRAs.h.!.+ CRAAAs.h.!.+

"Uuurrgh…! AAARRRGGH…! MOTHER… f.u.c.kER!"

However, Drake kept regenerating as he channeled the powers of his Heavenly Flames, merging them with his Ice and releasing a huge wave of blueish rainbow fire!


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1491 The Whole Family Fight As One! summary

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