Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1522 The Immortal Dragon That Will Never Fall

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Chapter 1522 The Immortal Dragon That Will Never Fall

1522 The Immortal Dragon That Will Never Fall


"You think that because you're a Demon Lord, you own the f.u.c.king world or something?" I asked Marchosias.

The mad wolf groaned, showing me its sharp teeth, its crimson eyes were going wrathfully insane, yet I could notice a hint of rationality within them.

"Y-You… How can you…! How can you control Demonic Energy?!" He roared, his entire body slowly recovering yet again.

"Didn't I tell you so?"


"That Yggdrasil isn't weak anymore…"

"TCH! NONSENSE! This is merely another world for my master to feast on! He will have his revenge; he will DESTROY it all! And I am one of his envoys of DESTRUCTION!"


Like a blazing meteor, he flashed towards me, his gigantic claws and jaws aiming to tear me to shreds, as he overflowed with so many flames he resembled a small star.


With a mighty roar, a sea of demonic flames reached my body, about to completely blast me into smithereens.


"{Heavenly Demonic Dragon Swordsmans.h.i.+p}: {Ascending Dragon}"


With all my power and the combined techniques I've learned since I was born in this world, I released a single and powerful swing, my combined auras erupted as a single, furious snake-like dragon, surging upwards.


The flames were swiftly extinguished, followed by a huge explosion that engulfed Marchosias, burning and freezing his entire body.

"I-Impossible…!" He muttered in disbelief, slowly breaking the ice encompa.s.sing him. "H-How can you… overwhelm me so… EASILY?! I am… UGH…!"

"Noticed something wrong?" I laughed.

Crack, crack…!


The ice broke as Marchosias was gasping for air. He felt slightly… weaker.

"What did you do to me?!" He screamed. "And why… Why do you hold the same scent of demonic energy as my Master?! That Aura of Power… As if you were pretending… to be the Ruler of all Demons!"

"Oh?" I wondered. "Well, I ate a piece of him, maybe that was it? I got a bit of indigestion though."

The moment I dropped those words, Marchosias entire face distorted.

His eyes widened as he felt utterly shocked. I was already guessing why the Demons were here to begin with.

"You ate him?! T-That's impossible! My Lord cannot die! He cannot be eaten!" He roared furiously. "G-Give it back…! GIVE HIM BACK!"

His entire aura transformed into a gigantic wolf of dark red flames, rus.h.i.+ng towards me as fast as he could, his flames were so intense they were constantly pus.h.i.+ng back my Divine Aura, made up of the combination of all my Divinities.

"Well, you better believe it." I smiled, channeling one of my newest Divinities, one forged through the power of my own Primordial Sin. "{Demonic Gluttony: Divine Enchant}"

I used the Ability "Divine Enchant" which allows me to enchant things with a Divinity, and enchanted the sword, a combination of all my weapons with countless spirits made through Spirit Creation.


The flames that emerged out of the sword now gained a demonic nature, showcasing monstrous jaws, the sword changed its appearance, becoming black, red and purple colored instead of white and gold, with rainbow hue.

"{Heavenly Demonic Dragon Swordsmans.h.i.+p}: {Devouring Blade}"

As Marchosias reached me, the t.i.tanic Spiritual and Divine Sword, now having gained Demonic Powers, overflowed with power, fusing with my Aura.

I raised it into the skies and greeted Marchosias relentless blazing charge with a powerful vertical and horizontal slash, combining into a huge, cross-shaped Sword Ki wave.

SLAAa.s.sHH!! SLAAa.s.sHH!!

"I'm invincible as long as the h.e.l.l Gate is open!" Roared Marchosias. "Your attack has NO power against me! Burn to ASHES, Dragon King!"


His flames erupted, clas.h.i.+ng against my sword's strongest attack. However, with a single push of demonic and divine energies combined together, my attack prevailed.

I've grown much stronger now… I can't let this b.a.s.t.a.r.d stomp over me!


He quickly realized the attack wasn't working, his flames were being devoured by the t.i.tanic wave of slas.h.i.+ng prowess, and that wasn't all.


With a draconic roar, I kicked the air, reaching him in a split of a second and then repeating the same attack over and over again, combining it with the power of my own Divine Spirits, which fused into my body.

SLAAs.h.!.+ SLAAs.h.!.+ SLAAs.h.!.+ SLAAs.h.!.+

Each slash carried a tremendous pressure, constantly pus.h.i.+ng Marchosias back further and further. The demonic wolf constantly spit flames into my face or tried to slash my head off with his sharp claws.

"Why don't you DIE?! How can you…?!"

He was full of disbelief as he saw how my wounds regenerated quickly and how I devoured and absorbed all the flames and demonic energy he left infecting them.

"I've told you already, you stupid dog!"

I imbued all my Energies into my blade, evading a barrage of slas.h.i.+ng attacks from his tail and claws, and then piercing his chest, and moving the sword upwards.



"This world is mine to protect, and I won't let you s.h.i.+theads do as you please! AS LONG AS I AM BREATHING!" I roared, opening my jaws to charge as much power as I could.


Marchosias tried to release his flames constantly, burning through my barriers of defensive divinity and beginning to constantly melt my body, only for it to regenerate back.

"You're immortal?!"

"Yeah, turns out that I'll be breathing forever, I can't die, f.u.c.ker!"

Without holding back anymore, I released a blast of all my combined divinities through a breath attack, disintegrating the wolf's entire head and half of his entire body!


As a part of his body turned into ashes, the other half quickly started to grow more flesh, more bones, fur, claws, eyes, and jaws…

However, it all looked distorted, it wasn't working properly!

"RAAARRGHHH…!!!" He screamed. "W-Why?! My regeneration… it's failing?!"

"Turns out you're not that big of a deal once that gate of yours is closed." I laughed.

"W-What?! Closed? That's- AAAGGH!"

A sudden pain surged within his very Demonic Soul, as he realized the worst had happened while he had been putting all his efforts into trying to stop me.


The sound of the h.e.l.l Gates closing echoed behind us.


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1522 The Immortal Dragon That Will Never Fall summary

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