Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1637 Seven-Colored Celestial Dragon Queen Shield

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Chapter 1637 Seven-Colored Celestial Dragon Queen s.h.i.+eld


All the Divine Powers and Primordial Energies converged together, and then were absorbed by the Scale, this time, Tiamat's Scale didn't send it all back as a counterattack, this thing felt alive, but it was just a piece of material.

Instead, it absorbed everything we sent, and then used it to take the shape Kate and Surtr were imagining. Their imagination differed greatly, but it somehow created something in between the two.

But the most surprising thing was that…


Aegir was the key to finally get it done, her powers were also Primordial in nature, although very weakened, they still contained within them a speck of Primordial Authority.

Until the rest of her siblings finally come back fully, she cannot draw her full power as a Primordial G.o.ddess, but I think she can already draw at least 5% of her original divinity.

And after her "training" where she had spent the last three and a half months meditating and cultivating, I think she can even draw 10% now!


Tiamat's Divine Scale shone brightly, finally finis.h.i.+ng its transformation, as it divided itself into twenty giant s.h.i.+elds, made of glowing rainbow metal-like material, Tiamat's scales material could be called something even beyond Orichalc.u.m, the strongest metal I've ever seen.

I'll simply call it "Timatium" for now, it's fitting. The ten s.h.i.+elds slowly floated in midair, never falling into the floor. Each one was four meters tall. Emanating incredibly powerful Divine Auras of Rainbow Draconic Energies.

I noticed within the Aura the Origin Flames of Surtr, Kate's Divine Draconic Spiritual Essence, Emerald's Heavenly Winds, Rakasha's Fiery Divinity, and my own Frost Powers imbued into it. And of course, also Aegir's Primordial Ocean and Time Divinity.

It feels like the scale absorbed everything to become even tougher? It was insane! And the s.h.i.+elds had rather simplistic designs but came with a handle to grab them and everything.

However, there was still a pile of the scale left behind, not everything ended becoming a s.h.i.+eld, there was at least 50% of the scale left behind as large brick-like pieces, s.h.i.+ning with a rainbow aura.

"W-We did it…" I sighed in relief.

"Uuggh…" Kate was about to fall, but I barely caught her before she hit the floor. "By the G.o.ds…" Rakasha groaned, falling to his knees. "I feel completely drained man…" Surtr sighed.

"Ueeegghh…" Emerald looked like he was about to die.

[Soul Regeneration]: [SSS+++]


[Tiamat's Divine Scale Protection]: When equipped, the s.h.i.+eld will deploy an Armored Aura of Pseudo Primordial Energies, unleas.h.i.+ng the Elements of Primordial Sea, Time, Origin Flames, Eternal Frost, Heavenly Winds, System and Technomancy, enhancing All Defenses by +1000%, and Decreasing All Damage Taken by -50%. This Armored Aura also protects the Soul, but with only half of its original effects. This Armored Aura will not only cover the wielder's entire body and soul, but will also enchant any equipment they're wearing, adding the powers of these Divine Elements combined with Draconic Energies, enhancing the Equipment and Weapon's Defensive Power, Attack Power, Attack Speed, and Durability by +500%. When attacking with a weapon enchanted with the Armored Aura, there's a 10% chance for [Seven Colored Tiamat's Claws] to be triggered, dealing damage based on 500% of the wielder's Magic and Strength Stats and ignoring the foe's Defenses by 30%. Once the s.h.i.+eld takes enough Damage, it is possible to unleash a counterattack through the [Seven Colored Tiamat's Breath], which will release beams of Rainbow Flames combining all Seven Elements together and deal 2000% Physical, Soul, and Magical Damage on any foe they hit, ignoring 80% of their Defenses. Cooldown: 30 Minutes. [???]: Sealed Power that has yet to awaken. [Description]

A Legendary s.h.i.+eld never created before by using a Scale from the Primordial Mother of all Dragons of Yggdrasil, Tiamat.

Its Defensive Powers are superb, but it can further unlock power strength once it is injected with Primordial Energies and feed with compatible Primordial-Grade Materials.


"What…?!" I gasped. "T-This is a normal equipment AND a Soul Gear?!"

It had both the normal stats and the stats of Soul Gear combined together! And the single ability it possessed, which was already insane, could protect both the body and soul.


And it indeed added all seven elements into it. I still had one slot open for my Soul Gear, so I quickly decided to choose this s.h.i.+eld as my fourth Soul Gear.

The feeling was strange, I could both hold the s.h.i.+eld in my hands, all while a second, ethereal s.h.i.+eld appeared, being held by my soul's arms.

It was as if this s.h.i.+eld had a Soul of its own? And that Soul counted as Soul Gear.


Does that mean that my Weapons, which also have Souls, could become Soul Gear as well?

I had never thought about it!

But what would even be the process to refine a Divine Weapon's Soul into a Soul Gear while keeping their physical body?

I'll have to investigate that another time.


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1637 Seven-Colored Celestial Dragon Queen Shield summary

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