Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1716 New Leveling And Skill System Functions

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Chapter 1716 New Leveling And Skill System Functions


When I asked for what I could pick, I was presented with a slight problem.

"Andromeda, can you show me which I can pick?" I asked her.

[Well… Every single one.]

She said every single one as if that was something I should have somehow expected.

"Wait, what?"

[Yes, every single one is available! There are thousands! Checking all of them would take forever, Drake! Why are you so talented?!]

Talented?! I'm just a giant dragon that crushes and sometimes freezes stuff, what talent is she talking about?

"I-Is that a problem?! Hahah… Well, show me the three strongest then, to make the choice easier."

I decided to ultimately ask her to just show me the three strongest, any more options and it would become too hard for me to choose anyways.

[Oh! Okay then, that's much easier! Wait a bit…]

[Sorting out]

[Choosing Strongest]

[The three Strongest available have been selected, please choose one between the three]:

[Divine Heavenly Alchemist of Creation]

[Demonic Asura Of One Thousand Arms of Destruction]

[Abyssal Dungeon Master of Fractured Dimensions]

These three were… strange!

But they sounded really strong.

"These are tough choices…"

[Basically you can guess what they will help you with through their names. The first one is dedicated for the ability to create all sorts of things through a new type of divine alchemy. It is not just potions and equipment, but even formations and elements can be summoned and created. Perhaps even living beings.]

[The second is about fighting, destruction, and more. The ability to have one thousand arms this time is not metaphorical; it could be a part of this cla.s.s abilities. This would be purely focused on strength, more physical than magical.]

[And lastly, the third one is not just about the creation of dungeons, but about the manipulation of s.p.a.ce and domains, to create abyssal domains and formations to easily trap foes and weaken them, or sometimes to move faster through s.p.a.ce.]

"Can't I choose all three of them?"



This is a tough decision. I would usually just go for more strength, after all, I need it to defeat Pandemonium. But is that really it? Perhaps just physical power won't be enough. And he also can control s.p.a.ce.

I couldn't even get closer to him to punch him before he breaks s.p.a.ce and ends up hurting me from afar without me even putting a finger on his body.

"The third option…" I said. "Wouldn't that one help me deal with Pandemonium's troublesome s.p.a.ce powers?"

[Hmm… We have yet to see the full extent, but if you gained the power of manipulating s.p.a.ce or fracturing it and create small dimensions from its pieces, then perhaps it could help, yes.]

"s.p.a.ce is a mysterious power that is never too clear about all it can do, but it is still incredibly deadly… Yeah, let's choose that for now. Also, can I get a new Cla.s.s later? How does this work?"

[Yes, each Cla.s.s has a Star to show their Rank. Whenever a cla.s.s reaches max level, you can get to the next cla.s.s selection, which this time will show you two-star, over time you'll change into many, continuously growing stronger as you level up and gain stats.]

"Just like the Systems of RPG games, huh?"

[Indeed, it was within the functions that I was digging through. At the moment of my creation through your wish, all ideas, and visuals of what you thought a system was appeared, but not everything could be materialized or created right away due to lack of power.]

[Now that you've ascended into a Venerable, all of these abilities can be unleashed and materialized, added into the System Status. And not only for you but for everyone else. Remember how mortals below your blessing could get and level up to an extent?]

"Oh yeah! I wanted that too, but it was rather limited, and once they reached Level 100 they wouldn't be able to level up more. It was more like a way to give them all some talent to start with," I nodded.

[Indeed, you now possess that very power but given the ability to level up endlessly! Isn't that incredible?]

"I… guess it is?" I said. "Well, let's begin then! I want to see what this is all about before giving you my honest opinion, but if it comes from you, I am sure it will be good."



[You have chosen the [Cla.s.s]: [Abyssal Dungeon Master of Fractured Dimensions]!]

[Your Cla.s.s has been set to Level 0/100!]

[Your Cla.s.s has gained One Star Rarity, the more Stats a Cla.s.s has, the stronger it is.]

[You have unlocked the Cla.s.s Skill: [Fractured Dimensional Dungeon Creation: Lv1/100]!]

[You have Unlocked Stat Points and Skill Points.]

[You will earn Stat Points and Skill Points with each Cla.s.s Level, alongside additional Stats.]

[You can use Stat Points to increase any Stat of your choice, aside from Ascendancy Law Essence.]

[You can use Skill Points to artificially level up your Cla.s.s Skills or learn new Cla.s.s Skills from the Cla.s.s Skill Tree.]

[You gained +1.000.000 Arcane Power Stats.]

[You gained +500.000 Marial Power, Soul Aether, and Fate Fortune Stats.]


[Name]: [Drake Fafnir Orochi]

[Race]: [Heavenly Divine Dragon Venerable of System and Creation]

[Subrace]: [Divine Eternal Azure Crimson Frost Fire t.i.tan]

[Cla.s.s]: [Abyssal Dungeon Master of Fractured Dimensions ★: Lv0/100]: [0/100.000]

[Ascendancy Law]: [Ascendancy Law of the System (Rank 10: Tier 1/10)]: [0/5.000.000]

[Ascendancy Law Cores]: [Divine Treasure Core (Tier 1: 0%)] [Divinity Core (Tier 1: 0%)] [Divine Ability Core (Tier 1: 0%)]

[Ascendancy Law Rings]: [Primary Law Ring of the System] [Secondary Law Ring of Creation]

[Demong King Seed]: [Primordial Sin Of Gluttony: Rank 4 (Demon Duke Rank)]: [0/10.000.000.]

[Divine t.i.tan Soul Heart: Ice & Fire]: [Rank 1 (Initial Stage)]: [0/3.000.000]

[Ascendancy Law Essence]: [30.500.000]

[Martial Power]: [12.500.000]

[Arcane Force]: [11.200.000]

[Soul Aether]: [9.000.000]

[Fate Fortune]: [5.500.000]

[Stat Points]: [0]

[Skill Points]: [0]

{Cla.s.s Skills}

[Active Skills]: [Fractured Dimensional Dungeon Creation ★: Lv1/100]

[Pa.s.sive Skills]: [None]


"Interesting, so I can even use Stat Points and Skill Points, I always dreamed the System Status had more RPG mechanics, this is finally fulfilling that one dream… After so many years."

[Indeed, and this is only but a fraction of what the new version of me can achieve, dear.]


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1716 New Leveling And Skill System Functions summary

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