Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 173: Preparations

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Chapter 173: Preparations


I decided to bring Draugann, Gaston, Flayr, Noirenn, and Hansel. And well, obviously Benladann, she's the main girl here so she is never going to get replaced.

And well, I can't run away from her, she's clingy and won't let me go without her.


"Hey, I want to go too!"

Yuki protested to me as she pouted. Her size, even in my ice giant form, was small.

"You're a Beast-kin, everyone down there is an Ice Giant, don't you think they'll look weird at you? I don't want to bring attention to us… And your personality is honestly not good either, you will only bring us trouble," I said.

"Eeeh?! B-But… I wanted to go… Sniff…"

Yuki made a sad face, but you're not winning me over with just that.

"No is no, take good care of the kids," I said, as I petted her.

"GEH!" she sighed, dropping the act. Her tears were obviously fake.

"Don't worry, we'll bring you a present," I said.

"Y-You better do!" she said.

"Don't order me around or you'll get nothing," I said.

"Nothing?! Okay, sorry! Geez!" cried Yuki.

Before leaving, I decided to reinforce Fuyu with new Camouflaging Runes, just to make it sure it wouldn't be spotted.

After that, we rushed down below, as I used my Wind Magic to carry everyone with it and reached the ground in no time.

The snow was as soft as ever.

Benladann grabbed my arm, as she smiled cutely.

"We had lots of fun yesterday, I wonder what we can find today… I hope we can get to the Dungeon," she said.

"I hope so too…" I said, as I moved my hand near her and held it tightly.

"D-Drake…" she muttered, blus.h.i.+ng a bit.

"Well, you held mine yesterday, so I was… erm, trying to take the initiative a bit…" I said.

Benladann smiled lovingly at me, her eyes s.h.i.+ning brightly.

"I-It's fine… Though… Y-You don't mind people thinking that we are a couple? L-Like Rakasha said yesterday when he called me y-your wife…" she said.

"W-Well… It is fine… I don't mind it," I said.

"R-Really?" she asked.

"Yeah, really… It's fine by me," I said.

"Eeeh? Mama and papa are not a couple?" asked Flayr.

"I always thought they were…" said Noirenn.

"Wait, they aren't?! But they go to sleep together like my parents used to do…" said Hansel.

EH?! Agh, these kids ruined the moment!

But they are so cute…

"I-It's not like that, H-Hansel!" said Benladann while blus.h.i.+ng, as Hansel smiled teasingly.

"Hehe, big sis can't lie, you lov- Mguh?!"

Hansel was suddenly interrupted by saying a word from Noirenn.

"Don't say anything, Hansel…" she said, her eyes flas.h.i.+ng eerily!

I mean, I already know a bit! You don't have to keep it a secret… But well, let's leave it at that for now.

"Hehe, but you two make a nice couple, papa, mama!" said Flayr.

"Aww… Y-You think so?" asked Benladann while blus.h.i.+ng, her hands tightened.

"Yeah! I am happy if you two can get together, so we can be family better!" said Flayr.

"Aww… Little Flayr, you make me embarra.s.sed!" said Benladann.

"I guess we already got a little daughter… Well, many children already," I said, as I held Flayr with my large arms, while Hansel was sitting over my right shoulder and Noirenn was being carried by Benladann.

"I am surprised these two have not become a couple yet, I think the other day they even bathed together! Do you believe that?!" asked Draugann to Gaston.

"W-We shouldn't talk such a thing near them, lady Draugann, I think they can hear us," said Gaston.

"Yeah that's the point idiot!" said Draugann, roaring at me.

Is she forcing me to do something?!

However, I decided to ignore the annoying old grandma as we reached the outskirts of the place.

"Wow! This is really quite the place!" she said.

"Been a while since you saw a big city?" I asked.

"Yeah… years, in fact… Can we take a trip around?" she asked.

"Sure thing," I said.

As we walked around the area, I talked with Benladann about the Molded guys from yesterday.

"Oh, those three, I can already see their hideout, the hideout is… underground, a few kilometers from here, it is actually to the other side of this place…" she said.

"Do they got any slaves? Are they related to the slave traders?" I asked.

"I think so… And yes, they do have slaves… Although they got them as merchandise, and are constantly moving them out… I think I heard one of the thugs there said that they kidnap people and just force them into slaves sometimes… They're awful. They use this stupid fee thing to give themselves a reason to kidnap people telling them that they owe them money… So awful!" said Benladann, getting angrier and angrier.

"I see. We'll have to strike soon then. We can't let this slide," I said.

"I agree! B-But what are we gonna do with so many people? If we let them go… they don't have anywhere to go then go back here and get kidnaped again, or die out of hunger as they are left in just leather clothes," said Benladann.

"Well? We just recruit them into our floating castle family. The castle is pretty big, and Fuyu has been expanding its size every day too through the materials and magic I conjure. There is even a garden area where we can begin planting stuff, which resembles a terrace," I said.

"Y-Yeah… You're right! But is it enough for all the people? There might be dozens!" sighed Benladann.

"I agree, it is a lot. But… I am not someone that backs down on his words. I said that I would take care of them, and I will do so. This world is filled with injustices, so I might as well use the power I got to make it less… Even if a little bit. I guess I am just a hypocrite for thinking like that?" I sighed.

"You are! You sound like those guys I kind of hate… But that goodwill also saved me and the kids… So I guess it is actually a good thing…" said Draugann.

"Yeah, Drake… Let's do it!" said Benladann.


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 173: Preparations summary

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