Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1801: The Request Of Henrietita

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Chapter 1801: The Request Of Henriet.i.ta

By using the Breath of Creation and my own Divinity, repairing this entire place and cleaning it didn't take even a minute, it was done before the owner could even begin to question what I meant with what I said.

"A-Ah? It's... it's back to normal?!"

"Yeah, sorry again... I hope those thugs won't come back but I don't know much about this place," I said.

"Oh, well... Uh, you're an Esper?"

"Yes," I nodded. "Anyways, I was planning on leaving with my family, right?"

"Yeah, we could leave," nodded Benladann. "But are you sure there's no other problem? I feel like just fixing the place isn't enough."

"I know those thugs attacked us for a reason, but the reason was so small that it felt like they were actually looking for a reason, even if small, to go all-out," said Miranda.

"Yeah, like... perhaps, there's some debt you have? Or something?" I asked the family.

The dog father and his daughter seemed to have suddenly gotten stiff, paralyzed by our amazing deduction abilities, naturally.

"Well, yes, maybe... Um."

"Father, they don't seem like... bad people."

Henriet.i.ta, his daughter, quickly calmed down after seeing us repair their restaurant. The other clients were all gone by now, so it was just us with them.

"What? But they just..."

"What if those guys tried to a.s.sault me again?! I've grown tired of that and you never doing a single thing! T-They were going to rape me one day and you wouldn't even do anything!"

"W-What?! My daughter, I-I wouldn't let them do that! Don't say such things in front of strangers!"

"But I'm tired of you! You're such a coward, letting them thrash your place and do whatever they want with me!"

"B-But...! I..."

It seems that there was more to this than we imagined, and a dramatic discussion broke out before we could even realize.

"A-Are you bounty hunters?!"

The girl suddenly ignored her father as she stepped towards us.

We looked at one another for a second.

"Yeah, we are."

I lied, but it was better than saying we were n.o.bodies.

"T-Then I'll give you all my savings... please... please take those guys to jail!"

Henriet.i.ta suddenly took out a bag full of crystals she had been probably saving through her entire life and offered it to us as payment.

"The ones that ran away?" Benladann asked. "Should we chase them back?"

"T-Those aren't all of them..." suddenly, the owner spoke again. "Some of them were just randoms that try to take advantage of the thugs' momentum to do mischief but, well, those thugs probably already went back to their hideout."

"Okay, tell us more," Miranda nodded. "Who are these guys and why are they abusing you guys? There must be a reason beyond being evil, right?"

"It's because of my mom..." Henriet.i.ta sighed. "She's gone now but-"

"My daughter what are you talking about?!" her father screamed. "D-Don't tell them such a thing!"

"But dad they're bounty hunters! They're perhaps the only ones we can trust on this matter. I've always heard they apprehend bandits to get their bounty, so they're usually... good people, at least?" she muttered.

"I can guarantee you we are at least not bandits," I said.

"See?!" she said.

"T-That doesn't say much!" her father cried.

"Ugh just shut up..." the girl said. "I'm tired of you and your cowardly!"

The girl ran to my side.

"They started hara.s.sing us because of mom... She had a past she never told us before when we moved back here!" she said. "Mom was... she was... um, well, a prost.i.tute. And she was once the favorite of those thug's leader. He was obsessed with her to the point he bought her from the brothel! But one day she escaped and met my dad years later on another town... and then they had me and moved here because their town was running out of water."

"What? d.a.m.n..." I muttered.

This was definitely a Story-related Character...

"M-Mom never told us of her past, and eventually they found her..." Henriet.i.ta cried. "They kidnaped her... And we looked everywhere, but the Sherif of this place are all b.a.s.t.a.r.ds that won't do anything if you don't pay them... eventually, they found mom... mom's body, already covered on flies, lying near a cactus outside of town..."

Henriet.i.ta started crying as she recalled what happened.

I didn't really know what to say, that was probably the worst thing I've heard in a while.

"I'm very sorry..." muttered Benladann, patting the girl's shoulders as she cried. "They killed my mom after perhaps what else they did to her! J-Just because of her past..." the girl continued crying. "This d.a.m.n city, this d.a.m.n people... these d.a.m.n b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! They're all people that can't ever move on from their past... they're selfish narcissistic monsters! This place is lawless, and they let these monsters do whatever they want!"

As she continued crying, resolve surged in the girl's eyes.

"After that, they started coming here all the time, sometimes they just didn't want to pay and left after eating," she muttered, holding the bag with her money. "But they have recently begun to hara.s.s me and grab my tail... O-Or my body! And they're always carrying guns... I'm so scared, and dad won't do a thing...!"

"Henriet.i.ta...! It's not like that! I-I just... they're too powerful! If we dare do something to them we're all going to die!" her father said.

"Then you'll let me get raped or something so we can live on?! I-I would rather f.u.c.king kill myself!" she cried. "I'll fight them and at least kill one of them if I must!"

The girl resentfully held a kitchen knife, her breath becoming heavier.

"Do you get it dad?!" she cried. "Mom taught me to not be like other stupid girls! I have


"I know but this is not the way! I wanted to save money first and then we'll escape to another town!" her father said. "T-That was the plan, you had to just endure, the two of us! For a bit


"I am tired of enduring..." she muttered. "I want things to end now..."

She looked at me.


She kneeled in front of me, pouring all the crystals on my feet.

"Take everything I have but please..."

She kept asking.

"Kill them! Please avenge my mom..." ""

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1801: The Request Of Henrietita summary

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