Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1828 At Long Last

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1828  At Long Last



[Divine Spirit Gabriel {Enhancement +2 Effect} has been activated!]

[After slaying a foe using Holy Attribute Spells, automatically Summons a temporary {Holy Mechanical Paladin Spirit} to battle that carries 50% of the Spirit Stats and tripled Defenses for 30 Minutes with a max amount of summons of 10.]

Suddenly, from the ruined melted bodies of the robots they shot and destroyed, a huge metallic knight, a robotic paladin of gold and white color emerged, holding a huge sword made of golden flames and a s.h.i.+eld made of white light.

"No way!" Benladra gasped. "Gabriel, you could do that this whole time?!"

"This is awesome…" Emil said.

"I am equipped with many new abilities." Gabriel said robotically.

After seeing the mechanical paladin suddenly appear, Emil and Benladra were left speechless, even more when nine more emerged one after another each time they managed to kill a robot using the Holy Light Magic Attacks.

Apparently, the Sunlight Photon Cannon counted as a Holy Magic Spell, even though it cost a lot of Divine Energy to use, Drake had plenty to spare for Gabriel to go all-out.

"Please let me take care of your health as well."

But that wasn't all, as their wounds were also recovering rapidly! Benladra and Emily noticed any wounds or bruises immediately were healed and even more, their vitality and stamina recovered too.


A bright zone encompa.s.sed by holy light constantly healed them, making things much easier.


[Divine Spirit Gabriel {Enhancement +1 Effect} has been activated!]

[Whenever the Spirit heals an ally, it generates a {Holy Field} within a 50-meter radius of its body, which rapidly recovers the Health and Mana based on Spirituality Stat of any Ally that's steps on it for 30 Minutes.]

It didn't just recover health though, even Mana was being recovered, which for Emil meant that his Psychic Energy would recharge much faster and his brain would have its damage from overuse of psychic powers healed too.



Before any more robots could keep making a fuss, Kate's huge sword crushed it into smithereens, as she launched it at the robot and pierced its head before it released an eruption of silver colored electricity.

"That should be the last one!" said Kate. "Before more come, let's hurry."


Emil and Benladra quickly freed the people inside the tubes, which were healed by Gabriel's field, which at the end wasn't enough to completely recover their bodies.

"Benladra, I'm counting on you again!"

"Sure, leave it to me!"

Benladra's dragon claws touched the floor as large quant.i.ties of liquid gold-like substances were released everywhere, quickly rus.h.i.+ng towards the living beings in front of them.

The members of Emil's tribe were rapidly healed one after another. Their weakened, lanky bodies were instantly filled back with vitality and strength, even gaining a bit of muscle.

"We're fine?"

"Just what happened…"

"Huh? You must be Emil, right?"

"We were informed you would come to save us, and you did!"

The people cheered as they saw Emil, their savior… Although Emil didn't feel like taking the credit though, this wasn't just thanks to him, at the end.

"It wasn't just me! Benladra, Kate, Gabriel, and Belle here helped a lot too!" he said. "I guided them, but without their help, I wouldn't had been able to even get inside of this place."

The people nodded as they talked with one another.

"You don't need to be that nice anyways, Emil, we get it," giggled Benladra. "Anyways, we have to get going, there's the last room, right?"

"Yeah… I can feel faint presences there…" nodded Emil. "But we got too many people at our side. I believe they should evacuate somewhere else by now."

"It's not very comfortable, but you can go inside my Living Domain, it has an internal s.p.a.ce resembling a factory inside." Kate, the real Kate this time, appeared by the side of her robotic avatar.

"Would that be okay with everyone?" Emil asked the rest of his kindred.

"Yes, it's fine…"

"I don't mind, anything but this place…"

"I just want… to rest for a while."

"It's nothing compared to everything we've gone through."

They quickly agreed, as over a hundred people entered Kate's Living Domain, Silvy. The sphere of endlessly changing silver, white, and reflective colors opened and let them inside.

The people ended landing in the middle of a large factory where robots were being manufactured and upgraded.

It didn't look like a very comfortable place, and it was very loud, the floor was made of steel and very cold too.

"It looks so creepy inside…" Emil muttered. "Is this ok?!"

"It's the only way for now," Kate said. "We can't let anybody enter our Divine Realms unfortunately… but the Living Domain I possess, and its internal s.p.a.ce is not affected by this rule."

"Rule?" Emil wondered. "What are you talking about?"

"Ah, don't mind that," said Benladra. "Let's go! Hop on!"

Benladra quickly lowered her body, as Emil, Kate, Gabriel, and Belle crawled over her fluffy, feathered draconic back, and then rushed outside.

As she did, her mother, Miranda, and Drakda appeared, having already dealt with the horde of machines coming from behind them.

"There you are kids! Benladra, you turned into a dragon?! Wait, but small and wingless!"

"Yeah mom! I can handle the transformation better now!"

"Well that's amazing," said Miranda.

"Woowaaah!" Drakda was surprised. "Mwee twooo!"

He was complaining he wanted to do that too while being carried by Miranda.

"Maybe I can teach you later lil' bro!" said Benladra.

"Over there!"

Emil pointed into the distance, the largest metallic door they had seen so far was right there, blocking their path to the very last area where they kept Emil's people captive.

"Hahhh… Hahh… we're finally here! The very last one… at long last!" said Emil, sighing in relief. "Now we just have to open the door and…"


Suddenly, as Emil was about to touch the door, the door started changing color rapidly, from silver to yellow and red…


Benladra quickly realized something was pus.h.i.+ng the door so hard it was beginning to melt!


She grabbed Emil with her jaws and rushed away a second before the metallic door were to explode!


And from within, something else emerged…



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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 1828 At Long Last summary

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