Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 217: A Conversation With...

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Chapter 217: A Conversation With...

Benladann's POV


I didn't know that Miranda could get so close to me that she would dare kiss me, really!

It felt weird, but now that I kind of love her like my sister, I can't help but think that it was okay as long as nothing else happens…

Well, not like anything can happen, she doesn't have a physical body anyways.

But still! D-Does she loves me romantically? And likes me?

Ungh, maybe that's why she's so jealous of Drake? Though she's beginning to like Drake and she's falling for him too.

Does she like both of us?

A romantic trio?

Umm… B-Better not think about this.

As we talked about stuff, suddenly, another presence emerged.

We thought it could be Drake who sometimes sneaks into my dreams, but it wasn't him…

It was something else, completely different.

Endless darkness called upon me, with the tender voice of a motherly woman.

"Ah, you've finally awakened it, my child…"

"W-Who's there?"

"What's going on?"

Miranda stuck to me as we held hands tightly, whatever was speaking to us wasn't normal, nor Drake, it wasn't even from this world.

This ent.i.ty whose power was tremendously high, whatever it was… this thing was completely out of anything, of any boundaries we had ever seen or comprehended…

The darkness opened up to something wondrous, s.p.a.ce and time cracked open before our eyes as a portal to a strange place emerged, the seductive voice of this ent.i.ty spoke to us and called us her child.

"My child…"

"W-Who are you?" asked Miranda.

"We don't know you… Ah! Are you an enemy? I have to wake up!" I said.

"Eh? W-Wait for a second, girls! Please!"

The woman's voice grew desperate as she asked us to stop.

"Who the heck are you?!" roared Miranda

"Ah… It seems that you've divided yourself in two... Or… Oh? It is you yet not you… How interesting. A part of your own power that has become a split of your own self," she said.

"W-What?" asked Miranda while raising an eyebrow.

"How could you tell that so fast?"

"I am your mother, that's why I can see and know this. You're my daughters, part of my own Chaos, or well, part of the Chaos of one of my daughters, Kireina… Therefore, you're also my daughters, something like… Kireina's little sisters." She said.

"Who's Kireina? That's an awful name…" said Miranda.

I didn't know who Kireina was, she spoke about her as if we should know about her, and it only made me madder… She even said we were a fragment of her?!

"Can you clarify it better? And you're my mother? But… I never met her… And the scientist said that I was created in a laboratory. I also have a new mother here, and I love her lots! Her name is Benlah..." I said.

"That's… true. But I am the mother of your soul… Ah, it is hard to explain in this little window of time… But let's go to the point. I am Chaos, the Primordial Deity of Chaos, my children are all those that come from my primordial body. Kireina was one of them and through a conflict against an enemy, she fragmented into many Chaos pieces before being sent to Genesis, the world where she currently is, her main core remained, but these pieces of Chaos and Miasma… some of them turned into sentient beings, sentient and chaotic souls spread across the universe. As someone that wants to redeem herself, I cannot possibly let you all be there without any aid. Even if… as of now, I am chained, I want to aid you in any way I can…"


She said a lot of stuff…

It is like Drake often says, an info dump!

But she means to say that I am a part of her original daughter pretty much. A primordial deity of Chaos whose power by mere presence is overwhelming… She told me that I am part of her daughter, and therefore, I am also her daughter…

It is very weird, and I don't like it either.

"So I am but a piece of your real daughter?" I asked.

"I… No… Of course not! Benladann, right? I would never consider you just a piece!"

"And you want us to fuse back with your real daughter, right? So the real one can be complete again!" said Miranda.

"Uwah? Y-You're misunderstanding everything! I-I didn't mean that…! I just… I am quite bad at wording my intention…"

"If you're really our mother why don't you come to us and talk to us directly instead than in a dream?" I asked.

"That's because I… I am chained… By those beings… It is not something I should talk to you about at such an early stage of development…"

"Chained? Did you do something bad then?" asked Miranda.

"N-No! I didn't… Or did I? Perhaps… My existence is something bad…"

Miranda was being too aggressive, and the ent.i.ty speaking to us seemed to be honest.

"Calm down, Miranda… Okay, I'll trust you on this one because it's not like I got another choice… But what can we even do for you?"

"Nothing, I don't want you to do anything for me. If even, I just want you to survive and be happy… I just love you… I want the best for you… Please, take it with you."

Chaos suddenly gifted us something, a strange black ma.s.s that merged with us.


"This is a special gift; it brings forth a path for you to grow even stronger. Your soul… It is very delicate… It is in a state where it requires nourishment so it can grow compact and not burst like a balloon. Although it possesses a lot of power, this power might explode away… Due to this, you need to refine your soul… I think the Dragon that is with you might aid you, he is Blessed with interesting abilities that can adapt to anything, ask for his aid. I am sure that he must be aware of your soul and must be concerned too…" she said.

"My soul…?"

"Be careful and take care... I will be watching for you, wherever you are…"

She disappeared as she came, suddenly.

"W-What was that…" asked Miranda.

"I don't know…"


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 217: A Conversation With... summary

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