Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 318: Surprise Attack In The Middle Of A Conversation!

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Chapter 318: Surprise Attack In The Middle Of A Conversation!


A bullet came from the window and almost head-shotted the sect master!

If it wasn't because I was very close to him, I was sure he would have died on the spot.

The bullet itself was made of… Mithril, and the reinforced type of one.

"A drone! Like the ones you fought against, right?" asked Benladann.

"Indeed! It must be that type of drone… Wait here!"

I expanded my senses and infused as much mana as possible. Generating a domain around me that covered almost a kilometer.

Through it, I quickly pinpointed where the drone was. There wasn't any other drone around but this one right in front of us.

I flew outside the window and coated myself in illusions, becoming invisible to the normal folk


Using wind and without revealing dragon features, I reached the drone which noticed me and began to fire bullets at me through a small shotgun it had.


The bullets were strong, but I had a.s.similated the Mithril they had long ago when I ate his other versions before, and the plates I was able to make made of Mithril were now a.s.similated into my compound armor! With it, I can easily deflect the same ore and easily reached the drone!


The drone, however, missed me and quickly flew away.

I began to follow it up, expanding my senses into the wild forest ahead. I suddenly found several drones hiding there.

From where did these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds come from?

I rushed into there and expanded my Mana into a Domain of Winds, enclosing the drones in the area of the forest where they were, and quickly reached them, using my bare hands in my humanoid form, I began to ma.s.sacre them one by one.

CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ BOOM! CRAs.h.!.+

The drones fired bullets at me, but I deflected them without issues, and crushed them with my fists through karate chops, punches, and using my legs such as kicks.

When the last one standing remained, barely functioning in the ground, I glared at it, and a familiar voice came out.

"Hmm… Who are you? I had come here to finish off my business with this man. I had remembered he knew too much about me, so I wanted to kill him right away. Perhaps I was too busy to realize I should have done it before." Said the familiar voice of an a.s.shole elf.

He doesn't know I am the dragon he met once. I am after all in a humanoid form wearing armor. At most, he just thinks I am a very strong wind magus.

"I am a good friend of Lord Ice Moon," I said, changing my voice.

"What a troublesome ant. I am too busy now to deal with your trash, but on its due time, you'll get more from me than just small drones… For now, take a parting gift."

"I'll make sure to crush you one day," I said.

"Huh? Bold words for someone I don't even know." Said the elf.


The drone exploded right in front of my face, but it barely did a few cracks in my armor.

"Very predictable, Greenwood. You're running out of tactics?" I sighed.

I picked up the metallic materials and quickly made my way back.

In the way, I decided to devour a large pile of stockpiled corpses of monsters I had, around 20 giant ogres, and then, using this ma.s.s I gained, I generated around 50 slime clones which I spread all around the walls and the outside of the sect too. I made them exclusively as tower lords of some sort. If any disturbance comes, they'll quickly tell me. They're made to have super keen senses that expand to almost a kilometer.

They're not good for fighting, but they were made specifically for detection, packed with my strongest skills of camouflage and detection available.

As I made my way back to the palace, I began to ponder that Greenwood is a b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

He made all sorts of treaties with the sect master and did as he pleased, and then he comes back to kill him just because? Shouldn't he had just taken away everything here and kill him right away? What's the point of going around the bushes and trying to act decently if he's pretty bloodthirsty anyways…

And that arrogant voice, it was very annoying indeed. But there's nothing I could have done other than beat his drones… sigh.

I wonder how many Immortal a.s.sholes I will meet… There's already Greenwood, then there's the Fox Immortal, and then there's the Vampiress too… three already and I am not even a year old in this world.

This seems like a chaotic world indeed. I don't blame you if you would grow paranoiac here.

Imagine all those Isekai lovers getting excited about having a new life in this world only to be captured by a s.a.d.i.s.tic elf and having all your powers taken away from you ruthlessly without you even realizing what's going on?

Good lord, I can't imagine the s.h.i.+t those that had been captured by him might have experienced.

"H-How are things?" asked Benladann, her mold armor quickly dissipated. The drones didn't manage to see it as Greenwood didn't recognize us nor spoke about her.

"I am fine, there was a group of drones he sent against this guy. I killed them…"

I took out Lord Ice Moon and threw him over the bed.

"The drones came for you. Greenwood came to kill you because you knew too much… He did say he was busy now, so he might not send any of them in a while. But he rea.s.sured me that the next time he would send the bigger cavalry…" I said.

"D-d.a.m.n it! What will I do now?!" he cried.

"You stay here. You're my subordinate now so I will come here whenever the mechs show up, I guess… For now, let's settle down and talk to me about this b.a.s.t.a.r.d in more detail… I feel frustrated that he came to just annoy us for a few minutes out of pure spite." I sighed.


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 318: Surprise Attack In The Middle Of A Conversation! summary

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