Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 325: A Relaxing Week With My Lover After...

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Chapter 325: A Relaxing Week With My Lover After...


[Day 171]

It has been around a week since everything ended regarding the sect.

I had been done what I had to do, and now we were finally free to move on.

Well, not exactly! Oops.

But it wasn't anything big, what I had almost forgotten to do was going back to the other two smaller and lesser dungeons, and then capturing their Mana Cores and becoming their Dungeon Masters as well.

The more Dungeons the better after all! So, I caught up with the dungeons, these two little dungeons I had missed, and broke their floor using Benladann's chaos magic and my own raw strength.

After that, I touched these Mana Cores, which were covered in dust, and awakened them, becoming their Dungeon master for both of them.

After that, we left and that was it.

These two dungeons obviously lacked all the power that the Rank 3 Dungeon had, but they were still useful, they could acc.u.mulate Dungeon points on their own too, so I ended using something with the System named "Dungeon Fusion", it pretty much merged all three dungeons into one.

Yep, that's a thing. The fusion barely showed itself, of course, n.o.body that enters the dungeon there even noticed it until they found there were now tunnels interconnecting all three dungeons, they all had become a ma.s.sive dungeon with even more floors.

And of course, this caused that the dungeon's power fused together, even though they still had three separate Dungeon Cores, and the entire fusion ended making the Dungeon deeper areas emerge with new types of monsters and tastier treats for us to eat, although for it to raise to Rank 4, there was a s.h.i.+t ton more of required dungeon points, which we lacked completely at the moment.

Nonetheless, it was good enough for a lot of things to get done. There was now the possibility of creating another Dungeon through a new item that emerged in the Dungeon Shop named Dungeon Seed!

This Dungeon Seed was like a mini–Dungeon Core, but it was very costly, it cost around 10 million Dungeon Points, and I only had around 5 million with all three dungeons combined. So it was going to take months to get 10 million and be able to create a new Dungeon.

But if I can continue creating them, I can expand my Dungeon enterprise all around the world and make it so I can teleport all around.

In a way, I can use Dungeons as sp.a.w.n points to set everywhere in the world, anywhere I want to go, I can set a dungeon and instantly teleport there by setting up a Teleportation Trap.

But of course, I need time and effort to get those Dungeon points! It would be ideal if we could meet some wild Dungeons to conquer. But we had yet to begin our journey away from the Sect for various motives… so we just started moving away just recently.

Let's say that we were just busy eating a lot of tasty food in the sect's restaurant, cuddling, and relaxing in bed, and reading books leisurely to pa.s.s the time.

Yeah… we spent this week full-on sloth mode. We just slacked off with Benladann and forgot about everything else in the world.

But it was finally time to get moving, we couldn't simply "order food" (which is done by sending a clone to buy for us) and just slack off, I was feeling like I was about to begin growing fat out of slacking so much and eating like a pig, so we began exercising a bit after the week of slacking off.

Benladann doing exercises always made my day, her beautiful muscular body moving around, doing all kinds of exercises, as her beautiful muscles tightened and all… Hahh~ My wife is such a work of art!

A-Anyways, enough of this lewd speech. As I said previously, we'll have to wait until we get enough Dungeon Points, which are gained as people get inside, hunt monsters, or die. The dungeon also drains mana from monsters inside, so if there are a lot of monsters inside, the dungeon gets to feed a lot and might produce more dungeon points daily.

Also, monsters that die there get turned into mana immediately and become dungeon points after that, so they become black smoke after dying. This only happens occasionally so the people in the sect doesn't complain so much, after all, they get a lot of meat from the first rank dungeons that are easy to go into… due to this, I made it a 50/50 chance of either the monster staying with its corpse or it disappearing and leaving loot behind. This way, it is perfectly balanced.

Perfectly balanced, like all things should be…

Anyways, I moved on to more important matters, which is… moving on.

We began moving away from this d.a.m.n sect just yesterday in the morning, and we had advanced a lot in just a day. We reached far away and crossed a mountain range already, so the sect was far away from us.

However, I tried out the teleportation trap even from this long-distance, and it worked perfectly, we were able to teleport back to the dungeon or in here continuously without problems.

Hmm, maybe we should have left a teleportation trap near the restaurants…

Anyways, now that we moved over, there were new things to address, such as Fuyu's upgrades. I have been upgrading her a lot lately, and well, she had grown stronger, way stronger than before.

This ma.s.sive floating ice castle finally reached Rank 4 yesterday too and had become… just ma.s.sive. It wasn't as ma.s.sive as stuff such as Laputa or Aincrad, but it was still growing into a ma.s.sive size! And her stats were through the roof too. It was more than just a fortress, at this point, Fuyu was a ma.s.sive s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p. I do wonder if she can take us into outer s.p.a.ce or something…

Anyways, the upgrade was not only her Mana Core but also her entire body through the use of refined materials…


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 325: A Relaxing Week With My Lover After... summary

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