Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 426: Tsukuyomi

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Chapter 426: Tsukuyomi


As we enjoyed the feast, I began to ponder what to do. What I wanted to do was use this sect to gain a strong connection with the righteous faction. But not just that, we wanted to make of this sect our own, the same way we did with the Ice Moon Sect, without actually making it look like that.

Due to that we would want the Sect Master to sign a few contracts with us ensuing that she would become something of our "Va.s.sal Sect" sort of deal, where they become below us and their resources and so on are shared with us.

After all, they got two Dungeons in here which I had completely ignored until now, one of them was a Rank 2 Dungeon and the other a Rank 3 Dungeon… not Rank 4 Dungeons yet, they seem rare, but still, these two are big resource points and also, I want to conquer them and fuse them with the other Dungeons back in the Ice Moon Sect.

The system seemed eager to fuse more dungeons, saying that if we could find more dungeons to fuse over our own, we could soon trigger the dungeon to Rank Up. If it reaches Rank 4, it will produce Rank 4 Monsters in great amounts, meaning that we can realistically farm Rank 4 cores easily and abuse this to reach Rank 5 in a few days or weeks… Hehe.

But for that, I need these guys to not interfere with me. The sect master seems very submissive to me, and even very serviceable, even when I rejected her hand as a bride, she still treats us very well and acts gentle and even very maid-like.

Meanwhile, there is half of the sect elders that don't seem to like us at all but are forcing themselves to act politely because we saved their, while the other half seems to find us rather amazing, and wants to support us.

The opposing side is a bit bigger… there are 20 Elders and 12 of them don't like us while the others are fine with us including the sect master. I would happily just brainwash them if I could but its better to just talk it out and coax the entire sect instead, extortion it now that it lacks food, basic resources, and they might risk starving their population. They also need to cover expenses in the reconstruction of the Walls, and most of the streets are ruined, alongside the Palace. They really need to get reconstructing a bunch of stuff.

So due to that this is perfect for me, I can thrive in here and ask as as I can to gain them for my own selfish gains… Kukuku… I had become a complete villain in a single switch of egos!

Now, now, for now, let's not get ahead of ourselves. There is also the whole drama with the Dark Shadow Sect and there's also the Jade Snake Sect left to deal with. There's a whole other mystery regarding the Dark Shadow Sect too.

We managed to kill all their dogs, but this doesn't guarantee they won't come back in the future somehow someday… we have to talk this out as well and talk with her and her elders about these two sects. I am also going to interrogate the souls of the disciples of the dark shadow sect we killed.

As we enjoyed the meal, I also noticed the Lunar Dragon there, he knows I am a dragon, but he seems to have kept this a secret. I approached him while everyone was eating, Mikohime reached up to me.

"A-Ah, Drake-sama, are you interested in my dragon? His name is Tsukuyomi… He spent a lot of energy so now he's resting." She said.

"I see… Did he tell you something?" I asked.

"Tell? He doesn't talk?" she asked.

"Oh… I see." I said.

It seems that the dragon doesn't speak to her in normal dialect, despite being very much capable of doing that… maybe she cannot understand his draconic language, but I can? There's that possibility. He also lacks many things I have, such as the ability to speak and even shapes.h.i.+ft. He doesn't seem to have the power to turn into a humanoid form either.

I decided to speak to him through telepathy as I let a plate with dumplings in front of him. He faintly opened his eyes as he looked at me with their s.h.i.+ny pink pupils. A mystic aura of moonlight emanated from his body.

"I am rather exahsuted… Thanks for your food and helping the sect." he spoke to me inside of my mind.

"How come you don't speak with your own master?" I asked. Through telepathy, of course.

"I cannot, she cannot understand the Draconic Language… I have been trying to learn the Ice Giant Language, but it is actually very hard to me. Mostly because I am still a young hatchling." He said.

"Oh… how old are you?" I asked.

"Almost 20 years of age. Seeing how strong and capable you are, I would bet you're a millenary dragon, right? How old are you? Perhaps a hundred- no, five hundred years?" he asked.

"Hahaha… I… lost the count!" I laughed.

If I told him I wasn't even a year old he wouldn't believe me either way, so I better just go along with him.

"Makes sense, seeing how strong you are I would guess you went through closed cultivation many times… We Dragons feel the pa.s.sing of time like a flash, in seconds, years can pa.s.s like instants…" he sighed.

"I suppose… You're not getting involved in the politics because you can't talk?" I asked.

"Indeed. I am very bad at it, and I can't seem to understand half of what you discussed either. I mostly care about Mikohime, and I want to protect her, that's all." He said.

"I see. We'll be counting on you from now on, Tsukuyomi." I said.

"I will do what I can." He said.


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 426: Tsukuyomi summary

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