Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 43: Naming Myself

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Chapter 43: Naming Myself




[Day 25]


I had a weird nightmare last night.

It was strange.

It really was weird.

It made me… feel an instinctual fear.

So weird… Very weird, in fact.

It was simple too, making it weirder.

It was just me and Yuki walking through the white snow, as always.

But in the middle of our path, we suddenly met… something.

It was weird.

At first, it looked like some kind of black slug, but it kept moving and groaning.

Its groans were strange and ear-piercing, and it made suffer a terrifying fear.

The creature kept expanding, like a ma.s.s of black ooze, or slime.

It was strange and kept moving towards us…

I tried to run away but Yuki jumped towards it to touch it…

And she was suddenly taken over by it.

The black ooze parasitized her as she groaned in agony.

I could see her eyes being infected, her entire mouth vomiting blood, it was…

As I said, terrifying.

What was this?

Why can I remember it so vividly?

Oh G.o.d…

I fear that this might be something important.

Could this have been some kind of premonition?

I don't know…

I really don't know what it is but… it was terrifying, nonetheless.

I still remember how she was groaning and struggling as the black ooze parasitized her entire body… and then she turned into… some sort of zombie.

It began to roar, as she started to salivate like a rabid dog, jumping towards me and trying to attack me, as the black ooze got stuck into my body, it kept looking for a place to parasitize me with…

And when it reached my mouth, I felt the biggest of horrors.

And then I woke up.

What… was that?!

I am literally traumatized!

This is some Resident Evil level bulls.h.i.+t!

Ugh, please, let it not be a premonition.

I am happy with it just being a weird and horrible nightmare, nothing more!

Yuki! Where is she?!


I keep looking for Yuki inside the little cave we made, but she's not here…


I reach the surface and then find a pile of pears.

She's there eating some and waves her little hand when she sees me.

She's… fine.


I rest over the snow.

If I could sweat, I would be sweating a c.r.a.p ton now.

But everything is fine, everything is… alright.

Nothing like this will happen.


Yuki seems curious about why am I even scared, she must see me as someone very strong, I guess.

For someone like me to be scared, it must really be something horrible, isn't it?


Don't worry about it, it was some weird nightmare…

Thanks for the nice breakfast!


I enjoyed pears all day as we kept traveling straight through the forest with Yuki.




[Day 26]

I didn't have the same dream before, so I slept quite nicely.

We make little burrows underground whenever we decide to rest, and at the same time, I have been practicing magic and endurance as well, but no skills have leveled up yet.



A bit more mana to the pile!

And Yuki's Mana is also increasing steadily.

She doesn't have the System so her Skills don't level up, but she can get better at them if she practices well enough though.

I can see her status as a game-like character, but she is not really part of my System.

I don't even know if I could even share this power with anyone, which is fine, I am good with it being only my thing, heh.

Through cultivation, my Stats have been increasing a bit more…

Name: ?

Race: Adolescent Ice Dragon.

t.i.tles: Merciless.

Mana Core Cultivation: Rank 1 (Peak Stage).

Status: Hungry.

Vitality: 592/592

Mana: 753/753

Strength: 229

Dexterity: 138

Magic: 372


Unique Skill: [Immortal Body]

Unique Skill: [Winter Magic]

Unique Skill: [System]

Unique Skill: [Ice Absorption]

Unique Skill: [G.o.d] (Sealed)

[Camouflage: Level 3]

[High-speed Thought Processing: Level 4]

[Parallel Thought Processing: Level 2]

[Wind Magic: Level 4]

[Mana Control: Level 4]

[Telepathy: Level 2]

[Berserk Mode: Level 2]

[Fear-Inducing Aura: Level 1]

[Naming: Level 1]

Ice Dragon Natural Skills:

[Ice Dragon Bloodline]

[Ice Dragon Breath: Level 4]

[Ice Dragon Scales: Level 4]

[Lesser Self-Regeneration: Level 5]

[Freezing Slash: Level 4]

[Freezing Bite: Level 4]

[Ore Body: Level 4]


[Cold Immunity]

[Hunger Resistance: Level 1]

[Fear Resistance: Level 2]

[Pain Resistance: Level 2]

Ice Dragon Natural Resistances:

[Physical Attack Damage Resistance: Level 5]

[Fire Resistance: Level 2]

[Wind Resistance: Level 3]

[Thunder Resistance: Level 2]

[Snow Chinchilla-Monkey (Rank 1 Upper Stage): Yuki]

Hm, now that I realize, I am named "?"!

What with that?

Now that I have the Naming Skill, shouldn't I name myself?

Can that work?

What name should I give myself?

Something not edgy-sounding though… nor a dumb j.a.panese name, no thanks.

I am terrible at naming.

And a dragon…

How about…


Yeah, this will be my name.


Deal with it.

Anyways, now that we are done with this stupid, meaningless stuff that entertains my boring everyday life, I decided to eat more pears with Yuki, and we continued our journey through the snowstorm.

On the way, we found a large group of rabbits and I slaughtered every single one of them…


I wanted meat, the pears were nice but… I wanted something meatier now.

Yuki also wanted some meat, it seems… Because she was eating a whole rabbit by herself!

Hey, leave some to me!

Well, they were over a doze anyways, so it was more than enough.

I slaughtered them with Wind Magic by the way, by using slicing winds, all the rabbits were sliced apart, some thrown into the air and falling into the ground, dying in the spot, and others were flattened over the ground.

Hah, I am getting quite merciless…

It was nice to eat meat for once though, and Yuki enjoyed it a lot- HEY, STOP EATING THEM ALL!




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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 43: Naming Myself summary

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