Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 439: Meeting Between Reincarnated People

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Chapter 439: Meeting Between Reincarnated People


Yukihime and Mikoto had become my new tamed ghosts! Well, until I get to make them new physical bodies, although I honestly would prefer them to stay as Ghosts, they bring more utility with non-corporeal bodies to be honest…

"Woah, so you really tamed the freaking Ancestor of the sect?! And she had an inheritance? How come n.o.body took it all these years since her death?" asked Benladann in shock. Her screams made Miranda wake up. She threw a cus.h.i.+on into her face.



"Would you mind lowering your voice?!" she asked angrily.

"Sorry to interrupt you." Said Mikoto. She was more polite than Yukihime.

"Ah, well whatever- Huh?! Who the heck are you people?" asked Miranda, looking at the two enormous and powerful ghosts. We had to quickly explain to her what I explained to Benladann, and also ended telling the two the rest of the story as well.

"What are you going to do with these two now? Just new companions? You'll keep it a secret from Mikohime?" asked Benladann.

"Well if I don't, she'll know I plundered the graveyard and that's not something I would prefer they were to know about." I said.

"O-Oh, well, you're right… Its better to keep it a secret." Said Benladann.

"Don't worry, although my descendant has spirits, she seems incapable of seeing ghosts. The entire sect was filled with souls just a few hours ago before he cleaned it, and she never noticed their annoying wailing cries…" sighed Yukihime.

"You know those people died horrendously as meat s.h.i.+elds for the sect, right?" asked Miranda.

"I figured out as much. It is very disgraceful for the sect and honestly, I am rather angered at everyone because of such a sinful thing… Our righteous sect should had never done such a barbaric thing. If we are just as barbaric as the evil magus, then what even makes us different from them? At the end, it feels as if we are all just evil people being a.s.sholes against one another." She sighed.

"Well that's how cultivation worlds go." I said.

"Y-You know such trope?" asked Yukihime.

"Oh… Haha… Well, everyone already knows that we are Unique Skill users anyways, which are always reincarnated people." I sighed.

"So you were a Unique Skill user?! I can see that! Wait, is she…?" asked Yukihime.

"Yeah, Benladann is also a Unique Skill user and Miranda is a subproduct of that power." I said.

"Yep." Said Miranda while snacking on a peach.

"My Unique Skills are quite… something." said Benladann.

"I see… Were you two from Earth as well? Which year?! I came from the year 2017!" said Yukihime.

"Wait hold on a second! That time? But… wouldn't it not make sense seeing how almost a thousand years pa.s.sed since the time you came here? I came here just the year 2021…" I said.

"Huh? I came here in the year 2025!" said Benladann.




"This doesn't makes any sense! So Benladann came earlier here but is actually from my future?! And you're also from the past, but also came earlier here and- Ugh… Okay maybe there's something weird going on with s.p.a.cetime around here." I said.

"I-Indeed, it doesn't make sense." Said Yukihime.

"By the way, are you j.a.panese?" asked Benladann.

"Oh, me? No, I was actually European, Germany, in fact." Said Yukihime.

I knew it! She was actually just a weeb! I can't believe it! She actually just made this entire place j.a.panese-like but she wasn't even j.a.panese herself!

"So you were just a weeb?!" I asked.

"W-Well, my grandmother was j.a.panese! She showed me j.a.pan a lot of times and I loved the culture, the aesthetic, everything! I also was good at the language so… Hehe, I decided to just shape my home like that! W-What's wrong with that?!" asked Yukihime.




We stood there, looking at her in disbelief.

"She's really a "weeb" as you said, Drake." Said Benladann.

"Yep. She's an "Otaku" too." Said Miranda.

"Indeed. I can see that. I guess I could also do the same? I kind of like the aesthetic…" I said.

"S-Stop calling me like that! I am not a weeb nor an otaku! …B-But I did enjoy j.a.panese Light Novels, Manga, and all of that… Hehe…" Yukihime giggled.

"Is that so? I see, so you were one of me! I was also a fellow reader of LN and Manga… Did you read Isekai?" I asked.

"Huh? Not really. I was more into Romance, Boys Love and-"

"We are not the same." I said, sighing.

"Huh? B-But we share the same likings!" she said.

"No, no, you're a different breed altogether." I sighed, waving my head. I wasn't going to compare myself to BL reader, thank you very much.

"Huh? What's Boy's love?" asked Benladann and Miranda at the same time.

"Oho! Do you want to know about it?! Fufu, I see some potential on you two to be honest!" said Yukihime. She suddenly gained a pair of over her eyes as if she were really an Otaku, the pair of even had spirals and were very big… this wasn't an item but just an image of her very soul shaping to how she sees herself as.

"And here she goes again…" sighed Mikoto.

"Wait a second! You're not contaminating their minds! Shoo!" I said, as I waved my hand. I covered the ears of both Benladann and Miranda.

"Huh?! But what's wrong with it! Every girl loves BL when they get to know it!" said Yukihime.

"Please stop! Or I am going to exorcise you!" I said.

"O-Okay, calm down…" sighed Yukihime, feeling rejected.

"Is she always like this?" I asked.

"Ah yes, definitely. She had meet other Unique Skill users before she died… They were always creeped out when she talked to them about BL." Said Mikoto.

"Mikoto, you backstabber!" cried Yukihime, hitting her with her arms.

"You're a creep sometimes, Yukihime, you gotta learn how to be a more decent person!" said Mikoto.

"Look who's talking, you're literally a giant lizard, what can you teach me about being a decent person?!" asked Yukihime.


I guess the dynamic between the two goes like that, huh…


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 439: Meeting Between Reincarnated People summary

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