Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 509: Revelations

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Chapter 509: Revelations


The Ice Queen, the first and only Venerable capable of wielding the Ice Element and also an Ice Giant.

She was the one that destroyed the Vampires that had conquered the world and had made it into their blood bank.

And she was the one that unified many races and even made Humans and Elves accept giants again.

Even until now, many years after she died, Ice Giants as a race are held in high regard as the race of the previous Venerable!

Even Rakasha told me that in the continent of humans, these small humans were very respectful of ice giants…

This just show the amazing might that this woman once wielded, to the point that she made everyone respect her, and that even after eons since she died, that respect still remains and is directed to her race.

It was said that her ice was able to not only freeze things around her, but that she was even able to freeze elements.

An attack of flames? Her logic-defying ice froze the flames and turned them into a fire-shaped statue.

Wind attacks? They were turned into spiraling ice statues.

Darkness? Light? They were all turned into ice.

All was ice before her.

The concepts froze, it was even said that she was able to freeze the entire world if she had wanted, but she chose not to.

If she had done such a thing, a new era of an ice-covered world would had emerged, where ice giants would become the dominant race, like vampires once were.

But she chose peace above all, she wanted harmony, and even unified the races that hated one another rather pa.s.sionately.

To being compared to such a figure fills me with pride, but to be honest, I will one day surpa.s.s her.

I glanced at my adversary as thousands of Ice Spears began to freeze the entire dreamscape, he was screaming in agony as if I was torturing him.

I couldn't help but feel happiness as I saw this arrogant b.a.s.t.a.r.d getting what he deserved.

I shaped my ever-expanding Nightmarish and Dream Domain as I gathered these energies and formed new ent.i.ties made of ice as I froze these nightmare and dream energies together.

I had already proven that it was possible to create "summons" out of this energy, although only inside of dreams.

So I decided to go even more ham, and made of myself some replicas of my previous evolution, isn't this quite fancy?

"Now go forth!" I said, as my ice dragons flew into the skies, each one was of an enormous size, their very presences froze everything.

They reached the high skies as they clashed against the skies themselves, the dreamscape roared angrily as if it were an ent.i.ty by itself, it tried to fight back constantly, enormous jaws tried to devour me and my ice dragons, gigantic black claws tried to slash my ice dragons and me, and hundreds of beams of darkness and red light tried to vaporize me constantly.

But what happened?



My aura constantly expanded, I wouldn't had been able to do this much without Belle's power with me, of course, but I knew that this was part of my true potential, and I was finally getting it out!

Spirit Fusion was really an amazing feeling!

"Unnnggrr…! How is this possible?! Nothing! You're… invincible in dreams or something?! Agghhhhh…!" groaned the ent.i.ty.

"Haha, so you guessed it? Indeed, I am invincible in dreams! Now answer to me if you don't want my ice dragons to shatter your entire dreamscape apart! And I know why you wouldn't want that, I've already realized you're part of it, aren't you? And even more, you don't have the time to separate yourself from it now that I had frozen you, right?" I laughed.

"Unngg… Y-You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! You know who you are messing with?!" roared the ent.i.ty.

"No, I don't, that's why I am asking you questions." I said.

"Ugh…! My goals are beyond your understanding anyways… I was created for the sole purpose of defying fate, for one day achieve what we, all colors, had forever longed for!" he said.

"What? Colors?" I asked.

"Your feeble mind can only see through the most surface level of knowledge based in the name of our group, of course, you can't possibly even begin to fathom… Ngh… Even begin to fathom our truest purpose! You… you and all your feeble attempts appoint to nothing at all! There are many more like me everywhere! Do you truly believe you can stand a chance?!" roared the ent.i.ty.

"Well, I do. I truly believe I can, Greenwood." I said.

"Unngh?! That's the name of Green?!" asked the ent.i.ty.

"Green? So that's this b.a.s.t.a.r.d alias?" I asked.

"H-How?! How did you guessed he was…! Ah! You're a unique Skill User that was chased down by him?!" asked the ent.i.ty.

"Why yes, and I am out for blood. I am not stopping until I have that b.a.s.t.a.r.d… and his colors' heads all served in a silver plate." I said.

"You pathetic worm! Knowing the ident.i.ty of one of us will not really do anything! He's not even in this continent after all! What can YOU do other than whine and cry?! You're all the same, you pathetic mortals! You don't even understand the truth of this world nor the real cage that all of this is! You live in a cage of your own making, made of your own lies, of your own ignorance, of your own petulant thoughts!" roared the ent.i.ty.

He was very angered, I guess I really hurt him badly.

He was talking a lot about philosophical stuff I didn't understand.

But I knew one thing, this b.a.s.t.a.r.d was… or is a part of "Black".

Colors, the group that Greenwood belongs to name each other with a color.

There is Black, this guy here, Red, the Vampire Immortal that had taken over Ruby's family… and apparently Green is Greenwood himself.

This means that Greenwood is not the main mind behind things, but yet another of the group?

Then who is the real culprit behind all of this?


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 509: Revelations summary

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