Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 574: Earth: The Monstrous Aberrations

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Chapter 574: Earth: The Monstrous Aberrations


Chris and Lucia rushed across the Organization's building, rus.h.i.+ng upstairs to catch Ivan before he could escape from their grasp.

Although the North Korean army had said that they would attempt to stop him if they were to see him escaping, there was no guarantee they would actually do as they said.

It wasn't feasible to trust the communists after all, so Chris and Lucia had to count only on themselves in this mission, and not let themselves be easily caught off-guard.

But that's exactly what happened.


Suddenly, as the group was rus.h.i.+ng forward, the walls to their left broke apart in an instant!


The boulders of the wall began to fall over the soldiers, hitting them and burying a handful over these incredibly heavy pieces of stone, some even ended injured, but thanks to their armor suits, they all looked fine.


"W-What is happening?!"

"The wall just broke?!"


Suddenly, as some of the soldiers tried to free themselves from the heavy pieces of stone, a sudden groan resonated across the entire corridor.

From the room to the other side of the broken wall, a ma.s.sive creature emerged.

It mildly resembled a humanoid figure, but it lacked skin and only showed red muscles all around its body, with a small and amorphous head filled with tumors all over the place. Its veiny muscles exuded a powerful air.

And it was towering over 4 meters…


It roared loudly and pushed forward without waiting for the soldiers to escape!

"s.h.i.+t, another one this soon?! I have never seen this thing before!" said Chris.

He quickly pointed his gun at the monster, firing countless bullets at it.


The bullets were special, as they carried an explosive effect, the monster attempted to s.h.i.+eld itself using its enormous muscular arms, and the bullets managed to be s.h.i.+elded, however, as they reached deep into its muscles, they exploded, blowing away the muscle ligaments as large chunks of flesh and blood exploded everywhere.


The monster fell over the floor in agony, as the other soldiers quickly began to shoot it down with their explosive bullets, specially made bullets created by the Organization to deal with these aberrations with powerful regeneration factors!


The monster began to hit the ground angrily, suddenly cracking the floor with its enormous strength!

"It is going to destroy the floor!" said Chris.

"I'll deal with it!" said Lucia.

"Wait! But…!" said Chris.

"Don't worry about me!" said Lucia.

She rushed forward and used her flames to propel herself at a fast speed, her movements were swift and precise, as she reached the monster before her and then filled it with a storm of flames!


The muscular t.i.tan was bathed in flames as it groaned in pain, only for it to move backwards and attack her!

"What the…?!"


A barrier of flames emerged around her in her last moment, as the attack of the monster was reflected by an explosion of fire that engulfed the beast once more!



It resulted to have greater reflexes than she thought, and because it was an amorphous creature, it had no problem in twisting its own limbs or even its torso just so it could reach her and crush her with its enormous force.

However, Lucia managed to deflect with a barrier of flames, a technique she had learned some time ago, one of her few defensive abilities.

The flames reflected the damage as well, the more damage they received, the more explosive the flames that would come out of it would be, the monstrous being was engulfed by the flames as its entire fleshy body began to burn to a crisp!


It gave a last groan before dropping dead in the floor, its body quickly was calcinated by the flames that seemed to never be able to turn off until they consumed a target to ashes.

Chris began to help the soldiers free themselves form the boulders, most of them were okay and the others only had minor injuries and could still walk and work as intended.

"n.o.body died… She really saved us once more…"


"Espers are incredible…"

"No… it was thanks to you guys weakening it first… I only finished it off." Said Lucia, using a paper to clean her blood from her nostrils and throwing it off leisurely, she lacked lady-like manners.

"Let's quickly move forward then… we cannot stay here for too long; this entire area of the floor seems cracked… Let's go!" said Chris.

The soldiers quickly continued moving behind Chris, as Lucia looked over their backs by staying in the rear end, her abilities had become sharper today, the drug she took that eased pain also had the power to enhance psychic powers, it was named Esper Pills, and were power-enhancement and also pain-easing pills, which she had grown addicted to in a way, but that she always tried to not overuse…

In a way, it was all a scheme of the Organization, making her dependent in these Pills to showcase more of her true powers, but also making it an addictive feeling to be eased of the pain that the headaches and the nose bleeding caused by overusing her powers.

Her eyes were enhanced by her powers, as she began to detect if there was any other weird lifeform around.

"Nothing… we can safely move upstairs- Ah!"

It was a bit too late before she realized, as half the soldiers were already moving upstairs through the staircases, Chris was leading the party.

A sudden ma.s.sive amount of lifeforms were detected the floor above them, as Lucia's eyes opened wide.

"Wait! Chris, fall back!"

Chris looked back at Lucia as he opened his eyes wide, a ma.s.sive tentacle suddenly reached up to him, the tip of the tentacle had a sharp bony end, like a spear ready to pierce through his body!

Chris looked at the tentacle as he quickly tried to move aside, but the deadly attack pierced through him!





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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 574: Earth: The Monstrous Aberrations summary

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