Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 697 - Boss Battle! Against The Rainbow Slime Emperor! 1

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Chapter 697 - Boss Battle! Against The Rainbow Slime Emperor! 1


Rainbow Slime Emperor, according to the description that the a.n.a.lyze system function told me, this Slime was a special slime that would have an extremely low chance of appearing, it is a slime that is born when the resentful souls of ten thousand different slimes all fuse together in a single place of the dungeon, it is a resentful slime that hates Adventurers for killing its kin and will proactively seek adventurers to kill. But because it is inside a boss room, it can only wait patiently for its next victim. And… the preferred method of attacking it has is the very straightforward usage of his enormous body, he tries to crush his foes and devour them by dissolving them into his acid!


The angry Rainbow Slime Emperor immediately leaped towards us, using its enormous body, it attempted to crush us with his full force, but we quickly evaded, moving away and jumping out of its range. However, the Rainbow Slime Emperor was a vicious little b.a.s.t.a.r.d and he chased us down quickly after, trying to catch us off guard by spreading his body into a pool of slime everywhere, it was able to wonderfully and majestically spread his body around and manipulate it, unlike most slimes that had a protective transparent layer over their slime bodies, this one b.a.s.t.a.r.d was able to easily spread himself around and even probably drown the entire small room, so we had to attack or get drowned and consumed.

Benladann and Benladra were the first and quickest to react, Benladann used her two axes and attacked while I was holding our daughter in my arms, Benladann spun her axes while rus.h.i.+ng towards the slime and then unleashed a storm of ice winds and chaotic energies, splattering the slime everywhere and causing real and nice damage to it as it was telling me the status of the slime.



The slime cried in pain, that was a clear sign I actually took some damage, and the chaos energies spread over part of the slime's body, contaminating it, and consuming some of its lifeforce as well, this chaotic energy was amazing, it could do many things!

And then, Benladra used her Heaven Magic, something we had not seen before, and unleashed a beautiful magic circle that shone so brightly it resembled the sun itself.



Benladra pointed her hands at the Rainbow Slime Emperor, as her magic circle started to rotate around and then unleashed an enormous beam of Heaven Element, which was composed of holy light, light, fire, life, fate, and nature elements all coupled together!


The beam was enormous, consuming at least 30% of the slime's ma.s.s, and hitting it hard, the Rainbow Slime Emperor felt the pain, as the Rainbow Slime Emperor quickly began to groan in agony and seemed to be somehow complaining about it, which I found a bit funny (wait, am I a s.a.d.i.s.t?).


The Rainbow Slime Emperor cried in pain, jumping away from Benladra and Benladann's range who were the strongest, and then its entire body began to s.h.i.+ne with bright rainbow light, several magic circles appeared in the ground and the Rainbow Slime Emperor started to summon slimes!

Suddenly, Blue Slime Kings, Angel Slimes, Diablo Slimes, and Trio Slimes emerged from the magic circles, they were around 7 of them from different types, and they all quickly jumped to attack us with their powers, burst of flames, beams of holy light, slicing water torrents, and combined elemental spiritual magic all at once!

"I guess I will have to do work too! Dream Ice Mirrors!"

I had to quickly intervene, as I combined my magic together and formed Dream Ice, combination of Winter and Dream Magic, and quickly generated enormous mirrors made of this ice, which I named Dream Ice Mirrors, capable of reflecting 50% of all magic back to the user, of course, it has to be weaker than my own magic!


The mirrors worked, although they broke the moment afterwards, the magic bounced back but only with 50% of their original power, and clashed over the slimes that sent it, some evaded jumping away, others ended being hit and died in the spot, while others unleashed more magic to intercept it and protect themselves, at the end, three died and four were alive. The Rainbow Slime Emperor wasn't summoning them like crazy, so it was apparently limited somehow.


The Rainbow Slime Emperor attacked Yuki, Pekora, and Tisha who were behind us, Yuki and Tisha unleashed powerful physical attacks while Pekora conjured tree roots to attack the slime, but the slime easily tanked them and hit all three of them, throwing them away and covering them all into corrosive slime, which quickly attempted to consume them by burning through their fur, skin, and clothes- wait, is this a hentai now or something?!

"Uuuagggh…! Disgusting!" Said Yuki, as she covered herself in ice and froze the slime, taking it out of her body in just a second.

"Slimes are the worst…" Sighed Tisha, doing the same.

"If it wasn't for my magic my fur would had melted, d.a.m.n slime!" Roared Pekora, she was actually covered in a magic barrier veil made of her own spiritual magic.

I guess there are no lewd scenes here, thank G.o.d.


The Rainbow Slime Emperor suddenly called the slimes back and they all fused with him out of nowhere! The Rainbow Slime Emperor suddenly started to grow bigger and regained part of the ma.s.s it lost when it fought against us, this d.a.m.n b.a.s.t.a.r.d was sneaking out such an amazing technique?! Wait, so that's his tactic! He summons slimes, make them attack, and then absorbs them back and regains HP! In fact, his HP was going up out of the sudden, is this an infinite loop? We have to be more aggressive then and finish him off quickly, maybe with a single shot! Alright, time to get serious and do some work like the father of a family that I am!


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 697 - Boss Battle! Against The Rainbow Slime Emperor! 1 summary

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