Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 723 - A Little Helper

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Chapter 723 - A Little Helper



The Slime-like creature groaned in agony, feeling pain as it received Hector's strongest blows! His light spear began to pierce through the darkness within the miasmic monster, even managing to turn a small part of its body into ashes!


Hector unleashed his strongest attack! …However, that was it. He was strong, but not at the level of this monster. The ruthless miasma creature grasped his spear, coiling a long tentacle around it, and consuming it with its gastric acids.



Hector heard the sound of his spear melting away by the grasp of the slime-like creature, as he gritted his teeth and desperately grabbed the memento of the girl of his childhood and moved several steps back, seeing the slime monster melting away his weapon with ease…

Hector felt the horror of the monster's strength, as his Mana was completely gone, making him feel weak instantly, he fell into his own b.u.t.t into the ground, looking at the creature flabbergasted.

"Gruuooohhh… GRUUOOHHH…!"

The monstrous slime had been here for only half a minute, but it was already angered by the weakling that had dared to blind and startle him for a few seconds! The prideful miasmic aberration suddenly began to move at a speed that Hector didn't noticed before, in a few seconds, it would catch him and eat him away!

Hector gritted his teeth, grasping the fang on his hand until he felt the fang's tip pierce his skin, his hand began to bleed and he quickly woke up from the paralyzing effect of the monster he was fighting, he looked back at it as he stood up barely, while trying to run away from the monster's trajectory! However, it was futile.


"M-Miminga…! I am sorry…" He thought to himself, grasping the fang tightly with his hand, as Hector had already accepted he would die a second after his thoughts pa.s.sed through his mind.

However, instead of hearing his entire body being digested in agony, he suddenly heard the voice of a young man speaking to his ear!

"I am not someone so ruthless as to let such a good man like you die pointlessly, I want to see the end of your story."

"Eh? Who's… there?!"

Hector realized that from within his armor, several small bits of blue slime began to gather constantly into a bigger, palm-sized blue slime!

"A-A blue slime?!" He asked in surprise. "W-What is this thing doing inside my armor?!"

"I am not a blue slime- I guess I am." Sighed the blue slime. "You want a second chance, Hector?!"

"I-I do! Whoever you are!" Cried Hector, he didn't had many options nor the time to question his situation anyways.

"Good! Take this spear, man! [Light-Branded Blessed Golden Spear]!"

The blue slime suddenly activated a Skill, as it was Drake's Slime Clone, it was capable of using some of his Skills as well! And within the many skills he had, there was an old Skill he had acquired by eating a golden spear, allowing him to summon it! This slime in particular had just received this skill from the original body which approved of it, and quickly summoned a beautiful golden spear emanating a divine radiance! As the Skill was already at Level 10, the spear's power was incredible, almost as if it were a legendary weapon!


The bright of the spear alone made the miasmic slime stop chasing down Hector, the bright light seemed to always makes these monsters stop! This was something Drake was a.n.a.lyzing with Hector, whom he had grown a bit fond of after seeing how the lonely man lived.

The spear floated in midair for a few seconds, as Hector quickly grabbed it without thinking it twice! His eyes shone brightly in surprise and awe at the situation in front of him. But he didn't doubted this anymore, he was already desperate to just live, he was an adaptable guy, and he was going to go with the flow, and this mysterious blue slime!

The moment Hector grabbed the spear, he felt as if its light encompa.s.sed his entire body, the radiant light was enormously strong, making him flow with enormous radiant light… It even seemed to enhance his basic strength. This was one of the special effects of a weapon originating from a Level 10 Skill from Drake's Unique Skill: System! …Of course, Hector had no idea of this!


The Miasmic Slime had grown angered and frustrated, it was already going to be a minute since it arrived and it had yet to devour something to bring as a sacrifice to his lord! The slime rushed towards Hector, this time without faltering against the bright light emanating from his spear!

"Now, attack! You'll know what's the best moves to use automatically! Slay that thing, my boy!" Laughed the Slime, his voice was awkwardly serious, making Hector a bit weirded out by hearing him refer to him as a "my boy"… However, Hector had no time to overthink things, nodding and pus.h.i.+ng forward with amazing mastery over his spear, which fused with the mastery that Drake was able to transfer to those wielding weapons that were summoned by his skills!


The wondrous spear shone with a brighter light than ever before, showering the Miasmic Slime with it and then, Hector's mind suddenly gathered information about several new ways of using a spear, which he merged with his previous knowledge! He moved swiftly, attacking the Miasmic Slime with everything he had! His spear moved faster than he could even think, leaving after-images as it pierced through the Miasmic Slime!

CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAAAs.h.!.+


The Miasmic Slime received a great amount of damage, retreating out of instinct a few meters, finally giving Hector some time to breathe! Hector began to gasp for air, as his body had gone through his limits to just match the amazing techniques that the spear was telling him to use…

"Hahh… T-This spear is incredible… It felt as if it even guided me through my movements…" He said while gasping for air, locking his sight into the Miasmic Slime, whose body was slowly recovering from the big damage it took from his previous attack…

"Don't take it easy yet. You have to slay that thing before it fully recovers!" Drake said through the slime.


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 723 - A Little Helper summary

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