Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 727 - Benladanns Titanic Might!

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Chapter 727 - Benladanns t.i.tanic Might!



Benladann roared like a barbarian, raising her axes, and unleas.h.i.+ng her power! Her mana flowed into her axes as both began to emanate a strong aura of elements. The Axe created by Drake glowed with a bright azure light, unleas.h.i.+ng an aura of icy cold winds, meanwhile, the Black Axe they bought at the market made by Dwarves themselves was so amazing that it was even able to conduct her powerful Chaos Attribute Mana!

"Axe Arts: Twin Elemental Slas.h.!.+"

Benladann unleashed a cross-shaped slash using both axes with all the strength she could, without even having to target her enemies, two enormous cross-shaped slas.h.i.+ng attacks were unleashed against the army of lizardmen, the moment they saw her mounting her giant white dragon, they felt a strange sense of horror in their spines, but the dark armors and weapons forced them to go berserk and fight anyways, as dozens of lizardmen were suddenly hit by Benladann's attacks!

SLAAAAs.h.!.+ CRAAAs.h.!.+

An enormous explosion of chaos magic and freezing cold ice fell over dozens in seconds! A side of the army was frozen, over 30 soldiers and 10 monsters were instantly made into ice statues, while the other half was sliced apart into pieces, splattering blood and innards everywhere! Benladann's catastrophic attack didn't stopped there, as her ruthlessness didn't let her miss the opportunity to smash those that were frozen but still alive.

s.h.i.+ro quickly went towards the frozen icy statues and opened her jaws, unleas.h.i.+ng a deadly moonlight beam against them!



The ice statues were all shattered into pieces, as the frozen corpses of the enemies were all splattered over the floor, all while s.h.i.+ro jumped over them and turned them all into ice dust…! Almost a hundred soldiers were slain with just those mere attacks, as Benladann quickly decided to jump out of s.h.i.+ro to enter battle at close range.

Now that she wasn't any longer pregnant, she could move swiftly without feeling so heavy unlike before, and she could now fight more freely and do as she pleased as well! She was already strong, at Rank 4 Middle Stage, and received all the bonuses that her special evolution gave to her, alongside the power of the amazing equipment that Drake had made for her which she was equipping, which granted her nice bonuses to the stats she was incapable of seeing. All while she was also receiving the power of the Dragon Crest and her own amazing Abilities, including the unique and destructive Chaos Element, which was even destructive against these monsters that supposedly had Chaos within them…

Benladann looked around the battlefield as she continued rus.h.i.+ng forward, dozens of Lizardmen pointed their weapons at her, many of them holding swords, axes, and spears roared savagely against her as she unleashed her amazing techniques, slicing them apart using her twin axes, while evading their hits!

SLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ BOOM!

However, sometimes she was attacked from behind without realizing it, but her body was covered in her amazing Ice Armor made by Drake, which had been upgraded each time he found new materials around their journey!



The Lizardmen that attacked her realized her armor bounced most of their offensive techniques and even magic wasn't so effective, Drake's scales were incredibly durable, and her armor was made with them as well!

"You truly think your weapons can pierce the legendary scales of my husband? Don't make me laugh!" Said Benladann rather pridefully of being the husband of a dragon, unleas.h.i.+ng powerful beams of chaos magic against her foes and blowing them away constantly, her two axes swung one more as well, slas.h.i.+ng in half several of the lizardmen that had gone insane attacking her!

SLAAAs.h.!.+ SLAAAs.h.!.+ BOOOOOMMM!!!

Dismembered bodies and explosions surrounded Benladann as she moved forward like a true warrioress, she had been missing this thrill in battle more than anything, and as many more foes swarmed her, and even more monstrous creatures such as Miasmic Slimes, Miasmic Chimeras, and even Miasma Golems attacked her, she moved forward and fought with everything she had!



A giant golem made of black stone, Chaos Crystals, a materialization of Miasma that made these Miasmic Golems fell into the ground, as Benladann shattered its red-colored core and made the t.i.tan fall into pieces.


The enormous golem was shattered into countless tiny pieces, as Benladann jumped off the ground, reaching a giant chimeric miasmic monster that ran towards her, slas.h.i.+ng her body while in midair but without managing to even do a scratch against her powerful armor!

SLAs.h.!.+ SLAs.h.!.+ CLAAAs.h.!.+

However, the giant chimera, that looked like a grotesque mismatch of many monsters unified by a black goo generated a big tentacle, pus.h.i.+ng Benladann forcefully into the ground!


Benladann, however, fell into her feet as she made the ground tremble with her large size and weight as an Ice Giantess, which was multiplied as her physique was amazingly developed through cultivating and growing stronger, additionally, the power of Drake's energies flowed across her body too as she had Dual Cultivated with him through his special Skills! Without realizing it, every time she shared the bed and did love to him, her power increased slightly, and that was many times over since he acquired such a power!

"RAAAAH!" Benladann roared bravely like a Viking Heroine, her muscles wondrously tightened as the sweat made her arms s.h.i.+ne glossily, she swung her axe, slas.h.i.+ng apart the chimera's head and then slas.h.i.+ng the rest of the beast with her axes, freezing each part individually, and them blasting them all into debris using a beam of chaos magic!


Only ice dust was left behind her path, as Benladann ruthless continued to fight, at some times she was swarmed by many enemies jumping over her body and trying to eat her or slay her, but she kicked, punched, and slashed them, even biting them with her jaws which had evolved sharp like those of a dragon after having drank her husband's blood. Even the areas with exposed skin they tried to target were as hard as scales!


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 727 - Benladanns Titanic Might! summary

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