Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 800 What Is Happening?!

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Chapter 800 What Is Happening?!


As Drake slept, Fuyu's slime body was wandering a dungeon far from her original body. She was inside the Goblin Dungeon. Since she acquired a Divine Dragon Mark and even gained a Job Cla.s.s and Skills that can somehow Level Up, she had been interested in growing stronger with this second body of hers. She entered the novice Goblin Dungeon and has spent a long week inside just slaughtering and devouring goblins. She would sometimes go to the slime dungeon at night and absorb any slime she found, growing stronger, bigger, and more colorful. Her small slime body had started quite weak, but now it has been growing stronger very rapidly. However, since Drake woke up that her main body had been feeling rather strange.



As she shot down a Goblin with a Slime Bullet in the head and slowly began to devour the corpse by dissolving it inside of his slime body, she started to think. Her main body had recently been overflowing with a lot of strange energies she couldn't even recognize the moment Drake woke up, but she hasn't told him anything yet because she didn't wanted to worry him. But today as he slept, the power overflowing through her main body let loose, beginning to even shapes.h.i.+ft and change her soul and body completely from the inside out!


The entire floating castle began to glow with bright divine light. Although n.o.body inside were able to see anything at all as they didn't detected it from there. The interior of Fuyu's first body was shapes.h.i.+fting, growing larger, more expansive, as if it were a landscape by itself now. The rooms suddenly led to enormous internal s.p.a.ces, with artificial suns, moons, plains, forests, rivers, and even a few handful of mountains!

"Uwaaaaah! W-What is going on inside of meeeee?!" Cried Fuyu, as her slime body began to jump around, quickly running out of the dungeon and rus.h.i.+ng back to her original body, finding that the enormous castle was continuing to grow bigger and bigger, emanating… divine essence in gigantic quant.i.ties! She quickly noticed that s.p.a.ce and time began to distort within the interior of the castle even more, something strange was happening!

And then, she heard a strange and soothing voice whispering to her soul. She didn't recognized it, but if Drake were to hear it, he would quickly realize it was the voice of the System!

[You have acquired the [Divine Spirit] Job]

[You learned the [Divine Realm: Lv1] Skill]

[You learned the [Divine Sense: Lv1] Skill]

[You learned the [Divine Soul Connection: Lv1] Skill]

More and more voices resonated through her mind, making Fuyu even more confused. Just what was going on with her anymore?! Without realizing it, she was turning into Drake's Divine Realm! Of course, there was no other place in the world he considered home other than Fuyu's interior! This was… something unprecedented though, not ever any G.o.d had ever made a living ent.i.ty into their divine realm… Fuyu was unique within the entire world of Yggdrasil, even more than she already was!

"Please Drake, wake up!"


[Day 266]

Ah, there is such a nice and calm breeze… Did somebody left the windows open?

When I opened my eyes to see what was going on, I found myself sleeping over a plain.

There was a bright sun atop the sky, fluffy white clouds, and in the distance, I was even able to see some forests, and in the background, mountains with snow peaks.

Wow, so beautiful… Am I dreaming?

Wait, no, this isn't a dream!

"EH? Where am I now?""

I looked everywhere alarmedly trying to find my way in this s.p.a.ce. Somehow, it felt very familiar and connected to me! But I really didn't know what was happening anymore! Is this really a dream? No, it isn't! I can feel I am "Real" here more than anything! This is… I was somehow sent here!

Where is my home? My room? My wife? Where are my daughters?!

Desperately, I began to scream their names.


And then, I saw something bouncing my way, it was a very colorful and fat slime. It had a bright pearl-shaped rainbow core that was emanating a strong amount of divine essence, just like this whole plain…


Eh? It can talk- Wait, that's Fuyu's second body, her slime body! Thank G.o.d someone is here… I quickly ran towards her without thinking it twice, as she hit me with all her body weight, and I fell into the ground with her slimy body covering me.


"A-Ah! Sorry…"

Fuyu quickly jumped off my body, as she landed at my left side. I gasped for air for a bit, and then asked her what was happening, she would surely have an answer, right?!

"This is… Erm, how can I explain it…? Err… I have become your Divine Realm… Hahaha…." Said Fuyu while seemingly feeling embarra.s.sed by admitting it. But I couldn't really… believe it at all.

"Come again…?"

"I became your Divine Realm… This entire s.p.a.ce is my interior. It has expanded so much that there is a little world inside now. You could think of this s.p.a.ce as something like an interior backyard?"

"A-Ah… Oh…"

Apparently, something like this was possible. I do remember my father saying that the place I considered my "home" would turn into a divine realm, but I never thought it would be so literal! Because this is quite literally just that! This place… the interior of Fuyu… No, the entirety of her first body existence turned into my Divine Realm.

…Has this ever happened before?

"The rest was already retrieved back to the areas where the rooms were randomly relocated, please come with me, master!" Said Fuyu, as she extended a little tentacle and held my hand. "Through here! I'll lead you to that place… My interior has become way too big, I am still processing everything…"

"I see… Thank you." I said. I was still confused as well, but things were just getting started.

"It seems my second body also acquired some divine power… So I might have become a small G.o.ddess." Said Fuyu. "Oh right! I guess this shape wouldn't be fitting of one… How about this?"

Fuyu then suddenly transformed into a beautiful girl with pale-white skin, long rainbow-colored hair, and bright golden eyes.

"Woah… You're filled with surprises today, aren't you?" I wondered.

"Hahahah…" Fuyu started to laugh nervously.


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 800 What Is Happening?! summary

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