Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 813 Fuck The Rules

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Chapter 813 f.u.c.k The Rules


I found myself in the same inheritance s.p.a.ce I had visited some time ago as well, there were purple and pink clouds floating everywhere, and a cute little girl version of the original Venerable's appearance, which was the other half of Belle's body that remained in here like a mindless drone (as all her mind as in her body in the outside world right now, who was snoozing out). I also felt another presence within, most likely the Venerable herself who was looking at us from within her own secluded Dream Realm.

"So you're here again! You're now a G.o.d so you might be more than capable of going through the trial of the Venerable… I guess you're ready?" Wondered Belle.

"Yes… But first, Venerable, are you here? I can sense your presence." I said.

Suddenly, two enormous fox-like eyes of purple and pink color emerged within the darkness of this realm, as Belle felt frightened and surprised, not even she had felt the Venerable, but I did.

"Fufufu… Now that you've awakened your G.o.dly powers you can even feel my presence now." She said while laughing.

"Have you been watching over here all this time?" I wondered.

"Precisely, since the very first moment you got here, to the last, every moment you've been here, I've watched it… I gained a big interest from you due to that, and well, because you're from another world as well… Now that we are official allies, I suppose there's no point in hiding my presence." She said.

"Uwaaaah! T-The Venerable is here?! My creator?!" Asked Belle.

"Yes, it is me, my creation." Said the Venerable. "You're very unique and your personality and character has diverged so much from me that you're very entertaining to see. I apologize for never speaking with you, I liked seeing you despair a little bit…"

"Y-You're really a s.a.d.i.s.tic woman!" Cried Belle, as she ran to my side and hugged me, feeling more comfortable with me than with her creator. "Drake, once you're done here, this half of mine will disappear, can you form a contract with this one as well so it can go back to the body outside once you're done here?"

"Oh, I see. Sure thing." I said, kissing her forehead. A contract was instantly made.

"Uwawawahh…! Y-You just kissed me?!" She cried.

"It was just the big forehead you got." I said. "A kiss is a quicker way to form a contract as well."

While I said that, Belle was covering her face in embarra.s.sment while giggling stupidly. She's really childish sometimes… Oh well, for now I should get to work-

"H-Hey! That's not fair! You ran away from my invitation of s.e.x yet you kiss her?! At least you could had also given me a little kiss!" The Venerable began to cry like a baby as well.

"Hey! Aren't you thousands of years old?! How can you cry so much over something like this?!" I asked. "Belle is a little girl compared to you!!!"

"Y-You dare… call me old?!" Asked the Venerable in shock. "Hmph! Maybe I should reconsider our alliance…"

"What?!" I asked. "Come on, I am sorry!"

"Hmph… How sorry? Enough to give me a little kiss?" She wondered while giggling mischievously.

"You're really like a fox…" I sighed. "Maybe later, alright? I am quite busy right now."

"Oho, fine then, I shall take that as something of a debt!" Said the Venerable. "Every certain amount of time that you have yet to pay it, it will gain interests!"

"Don't go around saying insane s.h.i.+t like this…" I sighed. "And you know what? I am not going to play by the book."

"Huh? What do you mean by that-"


[Large quant.i.ties of Divine Power and Divinity had been detected within the Dream Realm]

[Would you like to Absorb Divinity?]

Heh… and there it is. I had already guessed this was it… Why would I even complete this boring Dream thing when I can just directly absorb all the divinity within the inheritance, including any treasure she hid within it? I am not playing by her rules. I am sorry, Venerable, but I don't got the time to play your games.

I swiftly pressed as the system windows disappeared and a crack in the middle of this entire Dream Realm Inheritance emerged, the crack started to quickly grow larger and larger, until it began to distort everything within it like a vortex of dream essence, all reaching up to me and being infused directly inside of my soul!


"W-What are you doing?! T-This is not… HOW?!" Asked the Venerable, completely flabbergasted by what I was doing right now. I had completely surpa.s.sed her own expectations as I began to absorb the Divinity flowing across this entire place, the secrets, and dreams within were also eaten, as all the information and scenes within them were absorbed by my mind.

"I told you, I am not playing by the book. All of this shall be absorbed, this is part of our deal, right? Don't complain now, you never said I had to complete the inheritance in a single way! Hahaha!" I laughed as maliciously as I could, as the Venerable felt utterly infuriated.

"Y-You d.a.m.n Dragon! I never said you had to be so hasty! T-This can't be…! Ugh, wait a second! You can't… D-d.a.m.n it! You'll have to pay an extra kiss for this annoyance, you're breaking down an inheritance that took me so many years to create… Are you a living blackhole or something?!"

"Maybe, that's a good nickname for me, I accept it!" I laughed.

"Uwaaaaaaaaah!" Belle began to scream. "What's happeningggggg?!"

"Go outside and fuse with your other body, Belle." I said, quickly pus.h.i.+ng her outside, as I remained within the Dream Realm until it completely disappeared, eaten away completely by my own soul…

And with that, an insane amount of memories and images of the Venerable's past began to go through my mind!

…But I ignored them as something even greater was happening, an overflowing amount of Divine Power was being merged with my own! This feels amazing!


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 813 Fuck The Rules summary

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