Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 863 A Lesser Yggdrasil Tree In My Divine Realm

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Chapter 863 A Lesser Yggdrasil Tree In My Divine Realm


When everything ended, things became oddly quiet. Midway through the branch transforming, our surroundings began to tremble due to the enormous roots of the tree spreading out almost endlessly around us. I felt as if several tree roots and branches entangled my entire body. I even lost sight of Benladra and Kate, but I could feel they were alive and well through our connection. When I opened my eyes, what I found was a beautiful sky and countless branches spreading into the high sky, with beautiful green leaves everywhere, so big that they could easily make for houses.

"Ugh… Just how high am I?!" I wondered.

Quickly sliding out of the entanglement of branches, I found myself standing over a gigantic and thick branch extending upwards. When I looked down, I saw that I was at least ten kilometers over the ground, and the tree kept going up.

"What the h.e.l.l?"

[Drake, apparently the tree had grown quite a lot. It reacted towards the enormous quant.i.ty of divine power you ended giving it alongside Benladra. It had grown into its sapling pace]

"S-Sapling?! You mean this thing is not an adult yet?!"

[Indeed. The tree itself seems to have the potential to grow as big as the entire world or bigger. Naturally, a 12-kilometer-long tree is actually a mere sapling]

"Insane… I can't believe we just found this out in the market in the open, it is really an incredible treasure."

[Not many would be able to actually make it grow as you did though, Drake. This might be a unique power of you and your daughter. Also, I am impressed that a branch ended coming to another continent, seeing how the elves might be zealously protecting the lesser Yggdrasil's in their continent.]

Huh, I wonder how many G.o.ds are out there…

[Probably less than a hundred G.o.ds around the entire world. People that can reach Rank 7 and above must be incredibly rare. However, I can confidently say there might be many beasts within such ranks roaming the world, and even dungeons. Also, G.o.ds in this world still have lifespans if they were born as mortals, so they never stay for too long in this world, at most, a thousand years. Therefore, the overall G.o.d population is always maintained quite low, probably.]

Oh, so there are monsters that can even rival G.o.ds?

[After eons since monsters were brought to this world, it doesn't seem far-fetched to think about it in such a way. I am detecting a lot of powerful auras from the Frost Tower as well. …Nonetheless, I would recommend to first seek both of your daughters, Drake]

"I am on it!"

I quickly moved around the tree, generating large draconic wings, and flapping them rapidly to fly around, seeking my daughters. I spread out my senses to see if I could find them quicker, and suddenly found a crevice inside the tree. Without thinking it twice, I dove inside the tree, finding an enormous hollow area. the tree by itself wasn't really hollow, but it was many gigantic branches spiraling upwards, leaving a large empty area inside where moss and other plants began to grow. I even saw mushrooms there.

"Benladra?! Kate!"

I flew downwards, quickly sensing the girl's presences. I suddenly found another crevice that led to a small "cave" inside a spiraling branch moving downwards and went through it. This entire d.a.m.n tree was like a living labyrinth, the farther I got, the more I felt the presences of my daughters getting closer.

And then, I finally reached a secret area within the gigantic tree, there was an enormous spring in the middle of an entire hall made out of wood, with moss and mushrooms growing everywhere. In there, Benladra and Kate were sitting near the pool of what looked like a beautiful golden liquid pouring out of the tree branches, and they were drinking it viciously.


"Oh! Papa! Wook!"


Benladra noticed me and called me over. I was honestly surprised she was so calm, and Kate looked slightly… dizzy? As if the sweetness of whatever they were drinking made her feel that way.

"I am glad you two are okay!" I sighed. I ran to their side and hugged both. "Let's not make whole trees grow like this for the moment… Okay?"

"Fun!" Benladra said while nodding.

"I know it was fun but… Wait, what is this thing anyways?" I wondered, quickly putting my finger on it, and then tasting it.

The sweetness. .h.i.t like a rock. It was probably the sweetest thing I had ever tasted in my entire life. But not only that, the sap was shockingly filled with divine essence and magical power. Merely licking it suddenly made my Mana recover incredibly quickly. I felt like I could had gained Divine Power if I drank more of it too. Just what sort of Divine Treasure is this? Sap?


[Lesser Yggdrasil's Divine Sap]

A Sap infused with the element of divinity. This sap pours slowly from the branches of a Lesser Yggdrasil Tree that has reached a state of early maturity and youthfulness. The delicious and sweet sap can be used as a Divine Ingredient for the preparation of food recipes and alchemy recipes. Drinking it straight from the tree will hasten Mana Recovery a thousandfold, and if drunk in large quant.i.ties, even Divine Power can be gained in small quant.i.ties. However, it is recommended to create special items through Alchemy to see the ingredient's truest power emerge.


Amazing! So this is the sap of the tree, just as I had guessed. I can't believe it just grew like this in an instant after we infused enough power and magic into the branch… Perhaps my [Earthy Harvest] Divine Ability and the [Fruitful Harvest] Divinity helped at the growth of the tree. But still, this is amazing. In fact, I cannot get enough of it, I keep drinking more and more without stopping, it is so sweet and delicious! And the best part isn't just that, but that it can recover Mana almost instantly, and could be used as an ingredient for alchemy or cooking.


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 863 A Lesser Yggdrasil Tree In My Divine Realm summary

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