Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 981 The Evil Dragon's Might

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Chapter 981 The Evil Dragon's Might


"What a coward!" Jotun pointed out. "Nifl, I can't believe you got with such a cowardly rat like that Fafnir!"

Nifl remained in silence as she watched Fafnir with a bit of concern in her eyes, but she quickly seemed to smile.

"Coward?" She asked. "My husband is not coward at all. In fact, my husband is the most prideful, naughty, and evilest dragon that has existed in the face of this world."

"What…?" Asked Jotun while raising an eyebrow.

Svartalf laughed a bit as she saw Jotun's reaction.

"Fafnir's someone amazing. And you're about to see the real him now." Said Nifl. "It is only in these moments when his truest self resurfaces, the one that made me fall for him… He might be a bit rusty now, but that's certainly not enough to be defeated by Boulder."

The crowd cheered for Boulder, but quickly changed their face expressions as they saw Benladann interrupt his attack and protect Fafnir.

"Move aside!"

"You're ruining the fun!"

"What sort of power is she awakening?! Those muscular arms…?!"

"Wait, is this the bloodline of a t.i.tan within her?!"


However, as the crowd put their attention into Benladann, something was happening with Fafnir.

His entire aura began to evolve, growing larger and larger, as if something was happening with him!

Was all his cowardly just a fa.r.s.e?


He began to laugh!


Boulder looked at Fafnir, and so did Benladann, both feeling taken aback.


Fafnir laughed his lungs out, as he smiled pridefully! His red eyes shone bright red, quickly piercing the soul of Boulder as his madness grew bigger and bigger, he extended the various tentacles from his body and shapes.h.i.+fted his size like his son did so, using a few tricks such as mixing shadows with his tentacles to make himself look bigger.


"What are you laughing for?!" Boulder roared furiously.

"F-Father-in-law?! Did he finally lost it?!" Benladann wondered.

"Move aside, Benladann! I shall take down this clown myself!" Laughed Fafnir.

"Wait, what?! Yourself?! You're insane, father-in-law! Don't even try it!" Benladann said.

"Insane? I am not insane. I know very well I can easily take down this pathetic walking rock any time!" Fafnir said.

Boulder who had little patience quickly felt the veins over his forehead popping up in fury.

"Okay, you've said enough."


His enormous body moved at an abnormally fast speed, reaching up to Fafnir and throwing Benladann away by the shockwave produced by his movement!

"Catastrophic Meteor Shower!"

Boulder's claws regrew anew in a matter of seconds as he broke out of the ice encompa.s.sing them! His enormous claws slashed through Fafnir's entire body as they unleashed an enormous barrage of attacks one after the other!

CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+

"Ungh…! HAHAHAH!"

However, Fafnir laughed!

"You've fallen into my trap, fool!"

"What? Trap?!"

Boulder suddenly reacted as if he had fallen into a trap Fafnir never set up, suddenly flinching and stepping back!

Of course, it was just a lie!

"AH? There's no trap-"

"Sinful Flames!"


Fafnir's entire body was covered in deadly wounds, but from his black blood, a sudden eruption of purple flames emerged, covering the entire body of Boulder and burning through him completely!

"Agh! W-What sort of magic is this?! AGGHH! E-Eh? It hurts?! NNGHH?!"

Boulder suddenly showed a face of utter agony as the flames continued burning through him, the power of the flames growing with each pa.s.sing second!

"Fool! You've fallen against my incredible tactic of pretending to be a coward!" Laughed Fafnir.

"What f.u.c.king tactic?! You're just pretending!" Roared Boulder furiously, barely managing to move by the flames over his body.

"Pretending?! And what's with this pain in your body then?! Is that false?!" Laughed Fafnir.

"Why didn't you used such a powerful technique beforehand though!?" Asked Boulder.


The truth was, Fafnir's powerful Sinful Flames had a terrible weakness! And those were that… if he was too cowardly, they wouldn't deal any damage, at all!

Fafnir's powers were extremely strange. Since the moment he hatched from his egg that Svartalf herself realized her son was a rather odd one. As he was born near the end of the Chaos War, he never had that much fighting experience, but managed to survive all the way to the present, surviving, hunting, and evolving wild monsters by using his unconventional powers.

The ability that dwelled within him since he was born was the power of two Sins! Dragons were popularly known to be prideful and greedy, but this was merely a myth, a myth that somehow… turned into reality within Fafnir's Divine Core when the dragon hatched from his egg.

These two "Sins" or whatever they truly were, worked in strange means, but could bring Fafnir immense quant.i.ties of power if used correctly! One of the first rules to use the powerful Sin of Pride was, however… to be prideful! To boast to the heavens themselves, and to truly believe, deep down, that he is an amazingly strong dragon!

Like this, his Sinful Flames would intensify their power accordingly to his own sins, but that wasn't all!

"The damage is based in your own sins." He said.

"What…?" Boulder felt suddenly shocked.

"The lives you've taken… the times you've boasted, all of those amount to your suffering, the more you sin, the more painful it becomes!" Laughed Fafnir.

"Y-You've gotta be kidding me, there should be some sort of weakness to this!" Roared Boulder, rus.h.i.+ng forward. His enormous tail clashed against Fafnir, who couldn't move due to being so wounded he almost was dropping dead.


However, Fafnir smiled manically and intercepted the attack, grabbing Boulder's tail and entangling it with his many tentacles.

"No… I am not giving in yet! Not yet, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" Roared Fafnir, suddenly, using an unprecedented strength, he grabbed the dragon's tail, suddenly lifting him up off the ground!

The entire crowd was shocked!

However, deep down, Fafnir had to keep up the act, shouting to himself he was strong, he was the strongest, even while bleeding, even while almost just dying right now!

"Don't fail me now, you d.a.m.n Pride!"


His Divine Core shone with a black aura, encompa.s.sing his entire body as Fafnir lifted Boulder's entire body, quickly slamming him into the floor!



Boulder couldn't believe what was happening right now, as he suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood and felt several of his bones… breaking?!

Drake looked from afar, completely shocked by his father's amazing power.

"Wait… is my father actually awesome?!"


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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 981 The Evil Dragon's Might summary

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