The Villain's Story Chapter [314] Patriarch.

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Chapter [314] Patriarch.

In a s.p.a.cious Hallway adorned with historical art pieces and other items of immense worth that could feed entire cities for weeks, Sabrina walked wearing a beautiful ornate black dress. The dress exuded an Air of mesmerizing opulence and sophistication. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, it awakened a sense of awe and Admiration. Its sleek silhouette clung to Sabrina's body and accentuated her feminine features. Its black garment was like a starless night sky, possessing a l.u.s.trous sheen. Ornate patterns made with gold thread covered the dress, and the Wellington crest seemed to have been made with real gold. The l.u.s.ter was like such. Swirling motifs of lace adorn the edges of the dresses, reminiscent of Gothic tapestry.

The dress boasts a high neckline, adorned with intricate beading or a cascading collar of ethereal black feathers, adding a touch of dramatic flair. Along the bodice, the embellishments converge, forming an intricate symphony of s.h.i.+mmering crystals, pearls, or sequins, catching the light in a captivating display. Each carefully-placed gem, like stars in an endless night, contributes to the dress's aura of enchantment.

And the one who wore such an ornate dress was Sabrina herself. Her obsidian-black hair was even darker than the garment itself. Her beauty was truly the pride of the Wellington family. She was their pride, their holy jewel.

But this holy Jewel of Wellington had black circles under her eyes. Her gait was also irregular…it was as if she was tired as if she hadn't slept for quite a while.

She was back, in the home she hated and loved at the same time.

As she walked across the dark hallway, illuminated only a little by the rays of the sun from outside…She felt uneasy. She approached closer to the windows and saw the lands of the Wellingtons that stretched far, far beyond what her eyes could see. Even if she enhanced her optic nerves. Their land would never end.

That was their wealth. The Wealth of the Richest Family.

Finally, as she walked along the dreaded hallway, She reached the end. A Ma.s.sive door stood before her, made of the strongest material on Earth. Not even S-ranks could scratch it.

She stood outside silently, and waited. She knew the Man behind that door was aware of her presence. The Patriarch of the Wellington Family was no joke.

He was one of the strongest Humans Of all time.

The Door opened as a creak resounded.


Sabrina walked inside, and her Amethyst Eyes met with the eyes of the Patriarch. Her Grandfather.

Hugo Wellington.


Hugo Wellington, It was unknown how old he was, maybe he was even older than Sage Oliver. He had been the Patriarch for a long time. A very long time. He was one of the top 10 strongest humans that had ever lived. That was her grandfather.

Sabrina greeted her grandfather with a bow and proper n.o.ble etiquette.

"I greet the patriarch of the Wellingtons, Sir Hugo Wellington."

Her voice was mellow, it was naturally pleasant to the ears.

"It's been a long time, Sabrina."

In contrast, the voice of the Patriarch was rough.

"Take a seat, I've prepared the finest tea for your return."

"It is my pleasure."

Sabrina took a seat in front of him and watched him pour the tea for her."

"Are you well?"

He asked, worried. Hugo saw the black circles on her face and was worried for his granddaughter who he had not seen for quite a while.

"I…just have trouble sleeping."

Answered Sabrina. She has been having trouble sleeping since the incident.

"Is it because of the Aror Incident?"


Hugo's tone became serious.

"Are you having nightmares?"

He asked. It was pretty common for someone who experienced traumatic events to have nightmares. It was very common. Hugo wondered if his dear Granddaughter suffered from PTSD(Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

Sabrina remained silent. And Hugo's brows furrowed.

"Go to the treasury and take Any artifact that will help prevent those nightmares. Immediately after."

He ordered. Sabrina just nodded. She was having trouble sleeping…but it wasn't because of nightmares. It was something else.

Sensing Sabrina's discomfort. Hugo changed the topic.

"How is s.h.i.+eld? Has that old geezer changed?"

He asked. Obviously referring to Oliver using 'Old Geezer.'

'Grandfather is older than sir Oliver…'

Of course, She wouldn't say these words out loud.

She didn't want to upset her grandfather.

"It's a lovely place. I've made many friends there as well. And Sir Oliver is also the same. He doesn't meet with us Students that much.

"That's great."

Hugo smiled. He was happy Sabrina was opening up to more people.

"How about that bodyguard of yours? Is he satisfactory?"

He asked. His voice became stern. He truly wanted to hear what Sabrina thought about her bodyguard. If she expressed even one complaint he was ready to cut off all ties with Twilight. The happiness of his granddaughter was just worth that much to him.

Out of all the Wellington children, he cherished her the most.

"He's fantastic."

Sabrina complimented Alan with a smile.

"If it wasn't for him, I would already be dead by the hands of the marquis. He was the sole reason the marquis was stopped."


Hugo noticed the smile On Sabrina's face when she talked about him. It was suspicious.

"It seems he does his job well. For you to praise him that much for it."

"Yes, he does."

Sabrina took a sip of the exquisite tea. It was truly marvelous. It seemed to have been brewed with special tea leaves, she could feel her heart pumping and the mana in her body becoming excited. Her mana was having an Odd reaction to the Tea.

"You can leave now, go get some rest. I have business to attend to."


She could sense why her grandfather dismissed her recently. He looked at the door before dismissing her…so there was probably someone of importance there.

"Yes, Thank you for your time, Patriarch."

She bade farewell and left.

Ah…so it was him.

She thought when she saw who the Man at the Door was, Someone who she once adored but now loathed. He was probably here to talk about business with her Grandfather.

Her Uncle, James Wellington. A fellow user of Darkness

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The Villain's Story Chapter [314] Patriarch. summary

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