Urban Ladies - Cop And Cat Part 3

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I gasped. "Ah, what are you doing to me?"

"Pleasuring you..."

The voice was like Adan's, but rougher, deeper.


"I don't know that name."

"You're Adan's twin. He's looking for you. Come to me if you can. Adar, show me where you are and we'll find you. I promise."

"I want only for you to come for me."

I felt a male body behind me. I felt his d.i.c.k pressing against my a.s.s, but when I looked back, no one was there. A breeze rustled the leaves overhead. I looked up and saw yellow eyes watching from a high branch. I forced a swallow. "Adan?"

Whoever watched didn't answer. He sat so still, I couldn't be sure if it was my imagination or not. This whole dream freaked me out. Most of my psychic dreams were distinguishable as such, not like the empty kind produced from eating pepperoni pizza too late at night. This experience held me captive.

The invisible man behind me stroked my a.s.s. I whimpered, hating that he turned me on.

He was familiar yet a stranger.

"I could enter you now." His voice rippled across the darkness, coming not from behind me but inside my head and all around me. Again, the deeper, rougher voice.

"Adar?" I asked again.

He didn't answer, but spread my cheeks. I thought about fighting him off, but I wanted it so bad. I thought of Adan, but somehow felt he wanted me to let this phantom f.u.c.k me just as much as I wanted it.

"Are you ready?"

He pushed inside me. I screamed. His d.i.c.k was so big it hurt, but I gripped the tree with both hands and arched my back. I stood on tiptoe to give him better access. He drove in deep.

"Yes, oh please, yes!" When the ache eased, I pushed back, driving against him. I felt his fingers digging into my hips, heard the slap of our bodies impacting each other, but still he wasn't there. I couldn't give a rat's a.s.s. I wanted each wonderful inch.

I came crying. Looking up, my scan met the yellow eyes and then I saw for sure that it was Adan in the tree. He enjoyed watching me have s.e.x, and I was sure he came at the same time that I did. Our emotions were entangled. Not just mine and Adan's but the other man also. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before.

Chapter Five.

I woke suddenly, my breathing ragged. Reaching down to my p.u.s.s.y, I found I was as wet as expected after having such an outrageous dream. Normally, when I had dreams of having s.e.x, the build up went on forever, and no matter how I humped the c.o.c.k inside me, in real life I couldn't come. So I would wake up just as desperately in need as I was in the dream. This time, I was completely sated.


I puttered around the house, cleaning before it was time for my first s.h.i.+ft, which this week would be after dark. This was my hardest time as I was not a night owl. I liked waking with dawn when everyone else was asleep. Not nearly the case when the sun went down. My city became a whole other world, and if Adan and his cohorts were any indicator of what was really out there, it was no wonder.

With my third cup of coffee in my hand to keep me awake through the long hours, I strolled down to my unmarked vehicle where I had parked it. The s.p.a.ces on our street were limited, and the day before, the only s.p.a.ce available had been near Ch.e.l.le and Ree.

I tried not to roll my eyes when Ree came out her house in something too short and too skimpy.

"Never see her in the daylight anymore," I muttered to myself.

She turned her head toward me as if she had heard me even though I was still out of earshot. She pasted on a fake smile as I drew up to my car. "Hey, Stacey. How's business?"

"Okay, you?" I really wasn't interested.

"I'm good." She s.h.i.+fted from one high-heel encased foot to the other, licking her lips. It was disconcerting but I also had the feeling she wanted to ask me something. I waited.

"You know Ch.e.l.le could use your help."

My eyebrows went up. "Really? With what?" I unlocked the car door, hoping the action would be a signal that I didn't have a lot of time. Ree could be overly social.

"Her man is missing."

The statement was so blunt, I thought I might have misunderstood. "Her man? Oh, you mean the guy who picks her up in the fancy car?"

Ree tilted her head to the side, a trick that must have been practiced to charm men. It meant nothing to me. "You watching her moves?"

"I'm a cop. Being observant comes with the job."

She seemed intent on riling me. "Ch.e.l.le doesn't depend on the police, says they're never there when you need them and getting them to come to our neighborhood is impossible."

"I already live here. They expect that my presence helps," I snapped.

She shook her head. "Nope."

I did roll my eyes this time and turned to open my car door. She caught my arm in a hold so tight, I think if she meant me harm, she could actually rip it off. I glanced back to look her over. Ree was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. She could easily be a model. I thought that without feeling jealous. Sure I had a few extra pounds, my, hips and a.s.s were too big and bouncy. But men had looked my way before with l.u.s.t in their eyes. I had a good square face with almond-shaped green eyes. My boss may have hated that I dyed my hair the color of honey, but he just had to live with it. I liked my short cropped curls. It was me.

"What? If she thinks we can't do anything, why are you bugging me about it?" No sense pretending we were all the best of friends when we weren't. I wasn't sure why we had never clicked when I moved around this area to save money, but we hadn't. Better to just leave things as they were.

"I've heard rumors," she told me. "And..." Her voice trailed off. She leaned in close to me and breathed deep. Had I just seen a flash of elongated teeth? That was crazy. Ree's teeth were another of her perfections.

But she was in my personal s.p.a.ce. I put out a finger to her shoulder to push her back. It was like pus.h.i.+ng against a brick wall, no budging at all.

I told Adan I had closed the door on my psychic abilities, and I had for the most part. I never connected with anyone anymore, but I still got occasional pictures or flashes of others when I touched them. That meant I rarely touched anyone unless it was necessary.

When I touched Ree's shoulder, I got nothing. Or rather, I got death. A flash of Ree dead.

Bile rose in my throat, a feeling of horror that she was going to die. She wasn't my friend by any stretch, but I didn't want her to die. Youth and beauty shouldn't be wasted that way. Her face even looked pale. Was she ill?

Ree burst out laughing, with her hand held in front of her mouth. After a few coughs and clearing of her throat, she grinned and dropped her hand. No trace of weird teeth was in evidence. "Strawberries," she blurted out. "I like strawberries and I smell them on you."

Okay, freaky.

"I had a strawberry Pop-Tart. Not healthy but all I had available at the time." I shrugged.

She resumed her previous position. "Do you know that what you eat goes to your blood stream?"

"I-uh-no I didn't know that." I searched for something more to say. "Ree, if there's nothing else..."

I don't know what it was, but some sense told me she knew what I had flashed on about her. She knew what I was thinking. I didn't speak to either her or Ch.e.l.le much, certainly not close up, but I remembered very clearly that Ree had no psychic ability when I first met her. Now, she most certainly did. Why didn't she help Ch.e.l.le find her man herself?

"You can tap into people." This was apparently the day for declarations.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I denied.

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Urban Ladies - Cop And Cat Part 3 summary

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