Urban Ladies - Cop And Cat Part 4

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She made as if she would touch me, but I jumped backward, nearly falling on the ground like an idiot. There was definitely a difference in this woman from the last time. Ree had always been confident, but there was something not quite human about her. That seemed like a silly thought, given that I'd only just found out human beings could be so much more than what met the eye. Or maybe I had dreamed up Adan and he and his brother didn't exist. Okay, I wasn't convinced of that because I had distinctly heard him whisper, "Good morning, beautiful," to me that morning when I woke. I had ignored him, still so uncertain about the night before.

Ree smirked. "Oh yes you do. You can read minds."

"I a.s.sure you I can't."

She tapped her lips. "Maybe not read minds, but you can pick up things. You might as well know...I can read minds."

Okay, anybody for a trip to la-la land?

She winked. "No, no trip to la-la land for me."

For the second time in too short a period, I was bowled over. If Ree could read my mind, then maybe I hadn't imagined Adan, a shape-s.h.i.+fting panther who could get inside my head any time he wanted.

Mentally, I pictured a door slamming shut on my thoughts. Just as easily, I saw Ree kick it open; her candy apple red heels glittered in my thoughts. I stared in shock at her, but she only grinned. Out of habit, I felt for my gun. Ree laughed outright. She moved close to me so that our noses almost touched.

This time, from up close and scarily personal, I saw her teeth grow out. "You can't imagine how hungry I am. I can smell your strawberry flavored blood, hear it pumping through your veins. I could drain you right here, right now and you'd never get that weapon out of its holster before I did it."


I don't know who spoke inside my head, whether it was Ree or Adan or some other person. I just know my heart had been hammering at her words and then it felt like it stopped dead. Dead. That's what I'd seen when I touched her. Ree dead. I remembered the movies about vampires. They were the walking dead. When did she...

"Die?" She smacked her lips together. "Long story, but yes, I am dead. That's neither here nor there, girlfriend. But I thought it was important for you to know what I am so you can be prepared when you help Ch.e.l.le. She'll have to talk to you about herself."

My eyes bugged so much they hurt. "That's why I never see you in the day any more."


My mind worked furiously. "And Ch.e.l.le..." I closed my eyes remembering. "When Adan came, his men backed away from her door like they were afraid... My mind just couldn't accept that.

I felt her probing my mind. It hurt since I was trying so hard to keep her out. Forgetting what I was dealing with, and my overly aggressive tendencies, I smacked her. "Stop it!

That hurts."

She hissed and lifted suddenly sharp long nails toward me. The next thing I know, someone moved between us and sent Ree flying backwards.

Chapter Six.

I stood there in shock, with a little thrill at seeing Adan. It was a relief to know he was in fact real and not a figment of my s.e.x deprived imagination. My happiness morphed to nervousness when Ree shot to her feet and charged at him. This time, I unhooked my gun but just as quickly Adan placed a hand over mine.

"No." He glanced at Ree. "Do you really want to have this fight here?"

At that she scanned the area. Every nosy neighbor was watching the fight from their front steps or in windows. One woman even chattered about it on her cordless. I'm sure I overhead her speculating on where the white guy had come from. Someone else wondered loudly why our block was now being invaded by white people. I almost laughed.

Ree, taking all this in, settled down. Her friend Ch.e.l.le, maybe having heard the commotion, came sauntering out of her house. She glanced over Adan's shoulder at me.

"So, you have a new man, huh? Aren't we all something. The b.i.t.c.hes are already complaining Ree and I think we're too good for brothers, and here you come adding to the fire."

I gave her a once over and rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Look, Adan, I'm glad to see you because I have a lot of questions, but I need to get to work." I checked my watch. d.a.m.n, ten minutes late.

Adan wasn't listening. He was watching Ch.e.l.le. Jealousy rose in my chest, although I had just met the man. Then I realized he wasn't looking with l.u.s.t in his eyes. This was pure hostility, and it was mirrored in Ch.e.l.le's.

Ree burst out laughing. "You don't get it, do you, Stacey?" She made as if to move closer to me. Adan blocked her and she stopped with a sigh. "He's a cat and she's a dog," she whispered.

I blinked.

"Werewolf," Adan spoke in my mind.

What the h.e.l.l?

Before we could get into another blowout, someone suggested moving to the house. I backed out needing to get to work. "But I'll meet you tomorrow morning when I get in, Adan. Stop by my house about eight. Okay?"

"I can't meet at that time!" Ree snapped.

Like I cared when she could. Adan's problem wasn't hers.

Ch.e.l.le cut in. "Kyle is missing. He always picks me up and this last time, I had to hunt without him. And my other problem is suffering, so I'm not in the best mood. But I need your help, Stacey, and don't go protesting that you don't know what I'm talking about.

All of the freaks know about you."

"The freaks?" I looked at her like she was describing herself. Turned out she was.

She nodded. "Yes, everybody with ties to anything out of the ordinary. Hanging at Ree's man's club, you meet all kinds. That's where I found out about you and your little skill.

You helped out this guy a few years ago before you moved around here. He said you're a powerful psychic. A few others confirmed it."

Did I really think my past was just that-in the past? Apparently not. I sighed. "Fine. I will meet with you and Ree tomorrow night after sundown. I took in Adan's s.e.xy firm body. "You meet me at eight in the morning."

With that, I hopped in my car and drove off.

Eight couldn't roll around quick enough. When I finally got off work, I rushed home and showered as quickly as possible. I had made the snap decision to go for it with Adan. I had enjoyed my dreams as if they were real. Now I wanted him while I was awake.

I shaved my legs, trimmed my p.u.s.s.y bush and splashed on something sweet and light. By the time, I slipped into a pair of cootchie cutters and a tee that hugged my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, my doorbell dinged twice.

"d.a.m.n, he must know he's getting some." I smirked as I strolled downstairs like I didn't want to tumble down and dive on him.

When I opened the door, Adan stepped inside. His eyes went from my face straight down to my b.r.e.a.s.t.s. My nipples had gone hard and were clearly outlined through my s.h.i.+rt. I said nothing. As I closed the door to lock it, I knew he had a good view of my rear. Half my a.s.s was hanging out of the cut off jean shorts. I pretended not to hear his intake of breath.

"Come on in the living room. Do you want something to drink?" I paused. "I don't have milk."

"Funny." He smacked me on the b.u.t.t, hard. It stung. "You look good in those shorts. Are they for my benefit?"

"What do you think?" I sat down and propped my feet up on the side of the table. The polish on my toenails was still in perfect condition since I'd done them two days ago.

Adan flopped down beside me and pulled my legs onto his lap. "I think I would rather see them off. Do you have on panties under them?"

I shrugged. His eyed darkened. "I'll find out for myself soon enough. For now, we need to concentrate. I want to do a...session with you. I need to know my brother is okay."

My heart went out to him. I slid forward and sat on his lap to give him a hug. He allowed it for all of a second then gently put me back on the sofa. I gave him a look of annoyance, but he didn't have to explain. He was hard as a rock. There would be no "session" if he couldn't get his mind off his d.i.c.k.

I stood with a sigh. "Fine. Come on. Better to sit at the table then so we aren't tempted.

Not too much though because it's been a long night and I'm tired. If I have to do this all over again tonight, I don't know what kind of results, if any, we'll get."

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Urban Ladies - Cop And Cat Part 4 summary

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