Urban Ladies - Cop And Cat Part 5

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We sat at the table holding hands across the top. The smell of the pine polish I had used yesterday was in my nostrils. I concentrated as hard as I could for a good twenty minutes and got absolutely nothing.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what's going on."

He ran a hand through his hair, making chunks of it stick up. He was so hot, I had to restrain myself from leaping on his lap again. He winked, knowing what I was feeling. I grumbled.

"I don't get it either." He entwined his fingers with mine and we sat staring at each other.

"I thought we had a connection."

Drawing away from him, I stood. "That's just it. I don't form connections without giving into it, seeking it. With regular people, I can close myself off. With you, in my dreams..."

I stopped, forcing myself not to think about what I had dreamed, which was near impossible.

"Don't bother. I was there."

I blinked. "What? Where?"

"Inside your mind, in your dreams."

"That's impossible."

"And yet, I know you and I made love, or rather started to in the woods, in front of my men. A fight broke out because I thought it a good idea at the time to tease them. Later, I watched you being f.u.c.ked by someone. Well, I'm sure it was Adar."

I hesitated. "You liked it."

He nodded. "I wasn't going to let my men have you, but Adar having you was like me having you. It was so sensual, so good I came watching."

"It wasn't real. Only a dream." I hoped to convince myself while I convinced him.

"Was it? Maybe the three of us made a connection, even though you didn't try. It happened. Maybe we're meant to be lovers, the three of us."

"Adan, you know that's a stretch. My dreams have been of things that will happen, have happened or are happening currently. They've never been an experience in and of themselves."

"First time for everything."

I grunted.

"How about this?" He took my hand. "We connected when we both were asleep. Maybe we can again."

"You just want to get in my bed." I laughed.

"That too."


We went up to my bedroom and Adan pulled off the black jacket he wore. I watched with greedy eyes as he slipped out of the equally dark clothing, wondering if black was his favorite color. By the time, he was in boxers only, I was ready to jump him.

With more self-control than I had, he led me to the bed and stopped. "Aren't you going to take something off?"

I hesitated. "I don't have anything on under this, and I'm not entirely sure I'm ready to show you in the light of day."

He didn't miss a beat but moved to the blinds and tightened them closed. Then he drew shut the heavy curtain I had hanging all year around for my daylight bed times. The room was pitched into total darkness. I couldn't see a thing.

Figuring he was still near the window since I hadn't heard him move, I quickly shed my clothing. His groan and warm breath on my shoulder clued me in that he had moved without a sound.

"Stacey, do you know a cat can see clearly in the dark?" he asked.

I screeched and covered my b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Adan pulled my hands down to my sides and pinned them there. When I felt his tongue on first one nipple and then the other, my knees buckled. He lifted me in his arms and carried me to the bed.

"Our dream was incredible, but I want the real thing. Will you let me pleasure you, Stacey?"

Did it really matter that I didn't know him, had met him only a couple days ago? That he was a shape-s.h.i.+fting panther who had done who knows what to who knows who? h.e.l.l no!

Chapter Seven.

"Yes, do it," I demanded, barely able to stand waiting another second.

Adan didn't have to be asked twice. He jumped on the bed, landing at my side. The laughter that had bubbled in my throat died as soon as his mouth came down on mine.

Our tongues curled together, and he pinched my nipple. After a time of us trying to eat each other's mouths with our hungry kisses, he moved to my breast, circling my dark areola with the tip of his tongue.

"Mmm," I groaned.

"You like that?"

I nodded with my eyes closed. "You know I do."

Adan kissed down across my belly, roughly shoved my legs apart and plunged down to my wet p.u.s.s.y. He licked and sucked at my c.l.i.t so hard, I came, rocking my hips and grinding against him. He drew back in surprise.

"You come so quickly."

"Yes. I also come alot. I mean often. You don't mind?" I bit my lip.

He shook his head, his eyes glowing in the darkness. I wasn't the least afraid. "Are you kidding me? What man wouldn't love to bring his woman to climax over and over?

There's a Tarzan reaction in there, making me want to pound my chest in pride."

I giggled like a teenager. Don't fall for him, I told myself, hoping he wasn't choosing that moment to read my emotions.

When he lowered his mouth down to eat my flowing cream and bring me to climax again, I thought I saw yellow eyes matching his in the corner. I screamed. Adan looked up.

"Did I hurt you?"

I pointed. "I thought I saw someone, something over there."

He turned to the direction I pointed, and he sniffed the air. His eyes widened. "Adar?" He moved to his knees. ""

"You see him?" The room was as dark as before, and whatever I thought I'd seen wasn't there now.

"No, but I sense him, smell him even. How can that be?" he wondered aloud. "We are physical beings. The extent of our power is shape-s.h.i.+fting and picking up emotions. But I feel like my brother is here. Can you see anything?"

I was about to say no, and then I heard him as before in my dream. This time, I knew I was wide awake, and I heard him in my head.

"I don't know that name. I am drawn to you...and to him. Who are you?" I knew now, the voice was Adar's.

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Urban Ladies - Cop And Cat Part 5 summary

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