Urban Ladies - Cop And Cat Part 6

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I gasped. "Adan, he spoke in my mind. He did in the dream too. But just now, I heard him say he doesn't know the name Adar. He doesn't know me...or you. I'm so sorry." I wasn't a crier, but I sure felt like it, knowing first hand how it felt to have the only family you had left in the world not know who you are.

Adan smiled. "He comes when we make love, Stacey. He's drawn to us. Yes, it hurts to know he doesn't remember, but somehow we can get closer together like this. Are you willing?"

I nodded. He laid me back and positioned himself between my legs. This was an impossible and straight crazy situation, but if a lost brother could be found with his hot twin f.u.c.king me, then a girl had to do what a girl had to do.

He entered me. Two years shouldn't have made me feel like a virgin, but d.a.m.n he was huge. His c.o.c.k stretched me so wide, it hurt almost as much as his brother in my a.s.s, in the dream. "s.h.i.+t that hurts!" I cried out.

Adan drew back. I grabbed hold of his a.s.s to stop him.

"If you take it out, I'll shoot you."

He laughed. "Your wish is my command."

Both my legs straight up, with his firm grip around my ankles, Adan began to plow deep and hard into me. I screamed and he drove harder, faster. My c.l.i.t pulsated with his thrusts. My thighs pinched the swollen bud, rubbing and making me come too soon. Still my lover didn't slow. He pushed my legs to the side and pounded against my a.s.s, smacking it between thrusts. The sting brought tears to my eyes, but it was so good, I craved more. No lover had been, so big, and so good at what Adan did.

When I had come twice more, Adan jerked back out of me. He whipped me completely over to my knees and plumped my a.s.s high. "Put your palms against the headboard," he demanded.

I turned to look back because his voice was different. I still couldn't see a thing. Maybe he was just in the throws of pa.s.sion. After all this was the first time he was inside me so I couldn't be sure how desire affected him. Yet, something told me if wasn't Adan who rubbed my come on my a.s.s opening and then plunged his d.i.c.k inside.

He gripped my hips and shoved over and over. I screamed and came, came and screamed.

"Adar?" I sniffed.

"You want me to stop, Stacey?" he asked, not confirming one way or another.

"No, don't. Don't ever stop," I pleaded.

"Your skin is so dark, so smooth," he mumbled, senseless with l.u.s.t. "I would gladly die buried inside you. are for me...and for him."

I knew what he meant. In some way, Adar was inside his brother's body. The twins were as one, and I got the benefit of having two lovers in one body. The pleasure was so great, I felt faint with it.

Adar came groaning my name, and then he pulled out of me. He slid to the side of the bed, and I felt like crying for him leaving my side. But immediately he lifted me and carried me in the darkness. From the direction we went, I a.s.sumed we were headed for the bathroom.

After setting me on my feet, I heard Adar turn on the shower, and then he guided me inside. He put my apple-melon body wash in my hand. "Wash me," he commanded.

I was a commanding person, and had previously balked at being ordered around by any man. But I was under a spell of l.u.s.t for my panther lover, and all I wanted to do was please him. I squeezed out the chilly, scented liquid and rubbed my hands together until it became suds. I washed his chest, his arms and abs. Running my hands along his muscled thighs got me worked up all over again.

When I would have moved to his a.s.s and back, he stopped me. "Wash my d.i.c.k, Stacey."

My hands shook. Was it even possible for a man to have such a big c.o.c.k, so long, so thick? How had he gotten all of that in me and not caused damage? Even while I thought that, I craved for it to happen all over again.

I stroked his d.i.c.k up and down, teasing the head and playing with the slit at the top. A man's c.o.c.k makes a woman come just holding it, seeing it. At least that's what it was for me. I almost sunk down in the tub as I whimpered my release. Adar wrapped a hand around my waist holding me up.

"Adar..." I cried through tears.

He jerked a little and went still. "Baby, do you prefer him?"

I gasped. Suddenly I knew the difference between the two of them. They switched back and forth so fast, I wouldn't be surprised if I mixed them up. Adar was the rough one, harsh almost uncaring of how I felt. He wanted only to satisfy his need. Adan was gentle.

It was he who gently carried me to the bath, he who held me up when I would have fallen. But it was Adar who commanded me to put my hands on the headboard and to wash him. How could I sort everything out?

"I-no." I stumbled over my words.

Adan-I was sure it was him-turned off the shower and we stepped out. He found a towel in the darkness and dried me before leading me into the bedroom again. While he flicked on the lamp, I climbed on the bed and hid beneath the covers.

He sat down at my side. "We should talk about what happened."

I nodded. "What's there to talk about? I was just f.u.c.ked by two different men in the same body. Simple."

Chapter Eight.

I lay back against Adan's chest, my head tilted so he could kiss me. His mouth was so good, I wanted him kissing me forever. Finally, when my lips were half numb, we came up for a breather.

"So..." he said.

"Yeah. Wherever Adar is, he's drawn when we make love. I felt him near as we kissed."

Something occurred to me. "Did you feel him, Adan? Do you not like it when he's in control, touching me?"

He squeezed my shoulder, and rubbed his palm across my pebbled nipples. "I actually do like it. I feel what my brother feels, but I also know it's him. It's like feeling the sensations at the same time watching them from outside. Doubly pleasurable, as a man likes to watch."

"I felt him watching just now."

"Yes, he likes that part of it too." He kissed my cheek. "It means everything that you brought him back to me."

"But he's not here. We don't know where he is."

He sighed, closed his eyes and I saw moisture there. "He's dead, baby. I guess I always knew. I have never known where we come from, why we're different. In the same way, I couldn't know what happens when we leave our physical body...Maybe I should give in to him and let him tell it."

I twisted to face him. In that instant, I knew my lover wasn't Adan now, but Adar. His eyes were darker, his hair lighter, yet he looked exactly like Adan. Strange. But if Adar had only gained access to us through our s.e.xual connection, how was he here now? My answer came when he stroked my breast. Adan had never stopped touching me intimately. Even a kiss opened the door. How odd, yet so exciting.


He quirked an eyebrow. "You were expecting someone else?" Arrogant, commanding, devil-may-care. This was Adar alright.

"What happened to you?"

He kissed me. "Who cares about that right now? I want to f.u.c.k you again. A black woman. Who knew you would be so good? I want to eat your p.u.s.s.y like my brother did. I only watched in the forest, but I want a taste."

"You don't bite your tongue do you?" I laughed. "I like that. Blunt like me. But sorry, I'm just a regular human. I'm so sore, I could never take you again today."

He looked defeated. "Fine. You know about the challenge?"

I nodded. "Yes, you decided you wanted to lead the panthers and challenged this older man to a fight."

"Yes, and I won. I beat him easily, being bigger and more powerful." He flexed his chest.

I rolled my eyes. He grew pensive. "Several of the others decided I needed to die for what I did. They jumped me and Adan fought with me. We were outnumbered. I ended up falling over a small cliff or something and hit my head on a rock. I woke up hours later, not knowing where I was. I got up and wandered around, trying to get my bearings but soon it became clear that I never would."

"Why?" My heart raced listening to him. I almost didn't want to know what he would say.

"Because I couldn't remember who I was or how I got wherever I was. I was in the woods lost. I had no idea of time pa.s.sing. And then I felt something. My d.i.c.k grew hard.

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Urban Ladies - Cop And Cat Part 6 summary

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