How Girls Can Help Their Country Part 23

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Fresh eggs are more transparent in the _middle_. Very bad eggs will _float_ in a pan of water.

Poached Eggs

Break each egg separately into a cup. When your water is boiling fast, drop in an egg sharply. Use a large deep pan, with salt and vinegar in the water. Lift the egg very carefully in a ladle before it is set too hard. Place the eggs all round a soup plate, pour over them a nice sauce made with flour and b.u.t.ter, a little milk, and some grated cheese and salt.

STOCK POT.--Keep a pot going all day, into which you can put any broken-up bones or left over, to make nouris.h.i.+ng broth. Clean turnips, carrots, and onions improve it. Before using let it get cold, so as to skim off the fat.


Contributed by Dr. Thomas D. Wood.

~1. Dust~ (carries germs and bacteria)--

a. Must be kept out of the house by

1. Being careful not to bring it in on shoes or clothing.

2. By really removing the dust when cleaning, not just brus.h.i.+ng it from place to place with dry brushes and dust cloths.

b. Tools needed--

1. Vacuum cleaner (if possible).

2. Brooms and brushes of different kinds.

3. Mops.

4. Dust cloths of cotton, outing flannel and wool.

5. Soft paper.

c. Methods of cleaning--

1. Cleansing and putting away all small movable articles first.

2. Wiping walls, pictures, floor, furniture, woodwork, etc., using damp cloths and brushes, if possible, so that no dust can fly, and gathering all dust on a dustpan that has a damp paper on it to collect dust.

3. Airing and sunning each room while cleaning.

4. Wiping window shades at least once a week.

5. Cleaning hangings often and laundering table and cus.h.i.+on covers.

6. Keeping every corner, drawer, and closet aired, cleansed, sunned and in order at all times to prevent acc.u.mulation of dust, germs and household pests.

7. Keeping all bathroom furnis.h.i.+ngs spotless and sweet, always drying after cleansing.

8. Scalding all cleaning tools and drying in suns.h.i.+ne, if possible, before putting away.

~2. Care of the Bedroom--~

Hygiene of the Bedroom--

1. Substances that tend to make the bedroom unhealthy are--

a. Excretions from lungs, skin, kidneys.

b. Street dust that has settled on clothing in day.

2. Relation of personal habits to healthfulness of the bedroom--

a. Leave outside wraps outside bedroom, if at all possible, at least until they have been well dusted.

b. Never put into the closet clothing that has been next to the skin during the day. Such articles should be aired by an open window during the night.

c. A bath each day at some time and a thorough cleansing of face, hands and feet before going to bed will prevent much dust and body excretions from acc.u.mulating on bed clothing.

3. Preparation for the Night--

a. Remove counterpane and fold carefully.

b. Protect blanket by covering with a sheet or other light covering.

c. Open windows from top and bottom.

d. Hang used clothing to air.

4. Care of Room on Rising--

a. Remove bed clothing and hang by open window in the sun.

b. Air night clothing before hanging away.

c. If a washstand is used, empty all bowls and jars, soap dishes, etc., wash and dry them before leaving the room for breakfast.

d. When thoroughly aired, make the bed and put the room in order.

5. Making the Bed Properly--

a. Mattress must have been turned. There should be a covering for the mattress under the first sheet.

b. Put on the under sheet, tucking it securely under mattress at top, bottom and sides.

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How Girls Can Help Their Country Part 23 summary

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