The Rolliad Part 38

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The virulent fair, Protest and declare, This Ministry's not to their hearts; For say what they will, To them Master BILL Has never discover'd his parts.


----_Ex nihilo nil fit._

When PITT exclaim'd, "By measures I'll be tried,"

That false appeal all woman-kind denied.


Incautious Fox will oft repose In fair one's bosom thoughts of worth; But PITT his secrets keeps so close, No female arts can draw them forth.


Had PITT to his advice inclined, SIR CECIL had undone us; But he, a friend to womankind, Would nothing lay upon us.



_On_ Mr. PITT's _Prudence_.

Though PITT have to women told some things, no doubt; Yet his private affairs they have never found out.


Who dares a.s.sert that virtuous PITT Partakes in female pleasures; For know there ne'er was woman yet Could e'er endure half measures.


_Puer loquitur._

Though big with mathematic pride, By me this axiom is denied; I can't conceive, upon my soul, My parts are equal to the _whole_.

[1] "No! no! for my virginity, When I lose that," quoth PITT, "I'll die; Behind the elms last night," quoth d.i.c.k, "Rose, were you not extremely sick?" PRIOR.

[2] A coalition between the DUKE OF PORTLAND and Mr. PITT, was attempted to be formed by Mr. POWIS, and the other Country Gentlemen.--This endeavour, however, was defeated in consequence of Mr. PITT's construction of the terms _fair and equal_.


Why, says an indignant poet, should Mr. ROLLE alone, of all the geniuses that distinguish the present period, be thought the only person of worth or talents enough to give birth and name to an immortal effusion of divine poesy? He questions not that great man's pretensions; far from it; he reveres his ancestors, adores his talents, and feels something hardly short of idolatry towards his manners and accomplishments.--But still, why such profusion of distinction towards one, to the exclusion of many other high characters? Our Poet professes to feel this injustice extremely, and has made the following attempt to rescue one deserving man from so unmerited an obloquy. The reader will perceive the measure to be an imitation of that which has been so deservedly admired in our immortal bard, in his play of "_As You Like It._"

From the East to the Western Inde No Jewel is like Rosalind; Her worth being mounted on the wind, Thro' all the world bears Rosalind, &c. &c.

This kind of verse is adopted by the poet to avoid any appearance of too servile an imitation of the ROLLIAD. He begins,

Ye patriots all, both great and small, Resign the palm to DELAVAL; The virtues would'st thou practise all, So in a month did DELAVAL.

A _patriot_ first both stout and tall, Firm for the day was DELAVAL.

The friend to court, where frowns appal, The next became good DELAVAL.-- Wilt thou against oppression bawl?

Just so did valiant DELAVAL!

Yet in a month, thyself enthral, So did the yielding DELAVAL: Yet give to both, a dangerous fall, So did reflecting DELAVAL.

If resignation's good in all, Why so it is in DELAVAL: For if you p--- against a wall, Just so you may 'gainst DELAVAL: And if with foot you kick a ball, E'en so you may--a DELAVAL.

'Gainst _influence_ would'st thou vent thy gall, Thus did the patriot DELAVAL: Yet servile stoop to Royal call, So did the loyal DELAVAL.

What friend to Freedom's fair-built Hall, Was louder heard than DELAVAL?

Yet who the _Commons_ rights to maul, More stout was found than DELAVAL?

--'Gainst Lords and Lordlings would'st thou brawl, Just so did he--SIR DELAVAL: Yet on thy knees, to honours crawl, Oh! so did he--LORD DELAVAL.

An evil sprite possessed SAUL, And so it once did DELAVAL.

Music did soon the sense recal, Of ISRAEL's King, and DELAVAL, SAUL rose at DAVID's vile cat-call.

--Not so the wiser DELAVAL: 'Twas money's sweetest _sol, la fal_, That chear'd the sense of DELAVAL-- When royal power shall instal, With honours new LORD DELAVAL; Who won't say--the _miraculous_ hawl Is caught by faithful DELAVAL?

'Gainst rapine would'st thou preach like Paul, Thus did religious DELAVAL: Yet screen the scourges of Bengal, Thus did benignant DELAVAL.

To future times recorded shall Be all the worths of DELAVAL: E'en OSSIAN, or the great FINGAL, Shall yield the wreath to DELAVAL.

From Prince's court to cobler's stall, Shall sound the name of DELAVAL: For neither sceptre nor the awl, Are strong and keen as DELAVAL.-- Some better praise, than this poor scrawl, Shall sing the fame of DELAVAL: For sure no song can ever pall, That celebrates great DELAVAL: Borne on all fours, the fame shall sprawl.

To latest time--of DELAVAL: Then come, ye Nine, in one great squall, Proclaim the worths of DELAVAL.

[_The annotations of the learned are expected._]


Lord NUGENT.--This is the RAT, that eat the Malt, that lay in the House that George built.

Mr. FOX.--This is the CAT, that killed the Rat, that eat the Malt, that lay in the House that George built.

PEPPER ARDEN.--This is the DOG, that barked at the Cat, that killed the Rat, that eat the Malt, that lay in the House that George built.

Lord THURLOW.--This is the BULL with the crumpled horn, that roared with the Dog, that barked at the Cat, that killed the Rat, that eat the Malt, that lay in the House that George built.

Mr. PITT.--This is the MAIDEN[2] all forlorn, that coaxed the Bull with the crumpled horn, that roared with the Dog, that barked at the Cat, that killed the Rat, that eat the Malt, that lay in the House that George built.

Mr. DUNDAS.--This is the SCOT by all forsworn, that wedded[3]

the Maiden all forlorn, that coaxed the Bull with the crumpled horn, that roared with the Dog, that barked at the Cat, that killed the Rat, that eat the Malt, that lay in the House that George built.

Mr. WILKES.--This is the PATRIOT covered with scorn, that flattered the Scot by all forsworn, that wedded the Maiden all forlorn, that coaxed the Bull with the crumpled horn, that roared with the Dog, that barked at the Cat, that killed the Rat, that eat the Malt, that lay in the House that George built.

CONSCIENCE.--This is the c.o.c.k that crowed in the morn, that waked the Patriot covered with scorn, that flattered the Scot by all forsworn, that wedded the Maiden all forlorn, that coaxed the Bull with the crumpled horn, that roared with the Dog, that barked at the Cat, that killed the Rat, that eat the Malt, that lay in the House that George built.

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The Rolliad Part 38 summary

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