The Rolliad Part 48

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To thy candour now, HAYLEY, I offer the line, Which after thy model I fain would refine.

Thy skill, in each trial of melody sweeter, Can to elegant themes adapt frolicksome metre; And at will, with a comic or tender controul, Now speak to the humour, and now to the soul.

We'll turn from the objects of satire and spleen, That late, uncontrasted; disfigured the scene; To WRAY leave the rage the defeated attends, And the conqueror hail in the arms of his friends; Count with emulous zeal the selected and true, Enroll in the list, and the triumph pursue.

These are friends.h.i.+ps that bloomed in the morning of life, Those were grafted on thorns midst political strife; Alike they matured from the stem, or the flower, Unblighted by int'rest, unshaken by power.

Bright band! to whose feelings in constancy tried, Disfavour is glory, oppression is pride; Attached to his fortunes, and fond of his fame, Vicissitudes pa.s.s but to shew you the same.

But whence this fidelity, new to the age?

Can parts, though sublime, such attachments engage?

No: the dazzle of parts may the pa.s.sions allure, 'Tis the heart of the friend makes affections endure.

The heart that intent on all worth but its own, a.s.sists every talent, and arrogates none; The feeble protects, as it honours the brave, Expands to the just, and hates only the knave.

These are honours, my FOX, that are due to thy deeds; But lo! yet a brighter alliance succeeds; The alliance of beauty in l.u.s.tre of youth, That s.h.i.+nes on thy cause with the radiance of truth.

The conviction they feel the fair zealots impart, And the eloquent eye sends it home to the heart.

Each glance has the touch of Ithuriel's spear, That no art can withstand, no delusion can bear, And the effort of malice and lie of the day, Detected and scorn'd, break like vapour away.

Avaunt, ye profane! the fair pageantry moves: An entry of VENUS, led on by the loves!

Behold how the urchins round DEVONs.h.i.+RE press!

For order, submissive, her eyes they address: She a.s.sumes her command with a diffident smile, And leads, thus attended, the pride of the Isle.

Oh! now for the pencil of GUIDO! to trace, Of KEPPEL the features, of WALDEGRAVES the grace; Of FITZROY the bloom the May morning to vie, Of SEFTON the air, of DUNCANNON the eye; Of LOFTUS the smiles (though with preference proud, She gives ten to her husband, for one to the croud), Of PORTLAND the manner, that steals on the breast, But is too much her own to be caught or express'd; The charms that with sentiment BOUVERIE blends, The fairest of forms and the truest of friends; The look that in WARBURTON, humble and chaste, Speaks candour and truth, and discretion and taste; Or with equal expression in HORTON combined, Vivacity's dimples with reason refined.

REYNOLDS, haste to my aid, for a figure divine, Where the pencil of GUIDO has yielded to thine; Bear witness the canvas where SHERIDAN lives, And with angels, the lovely compet.i.tor, strives---- While Earth claims her beauty and Heaven her strain, Be it mine to adore ev'ry link of the chain!

But new claimants appear ere the lyre is unstrung, Can PAYNE be pa.s.sed by? Shall not MILNER be sung?

See DELME and HOWARD, a favourite pair, For grace of both, the zealous and fair---- A verse for MORANT, like her wit may it please, Another for BRADDYLL of elegant ease, For BAMFYLDE a simile worthy her frame---- Quick, quick--I have yet half a hundred to name---- Not PARNa.s.sUS in concert could answer the call, Nor multiplied muses do justice to all.

Then follow the throng where with festal delight, More pleasing than HEBE, CREWE opens the night.

Not the goblet nectareous of welcome and joy, That DIDO prepared for the hero of TROY; Not Fiction, describing the banquets above, Where G.o.ddesses mix at the table of JOVE; Could afford to the soul more ambrosial cheer Than attends on the fairer a.s.sociates here.

But CREWE, with a mortal's distinction content, Bounds her claim to the rites of this happy event; For the hero to twine civic garlands of fame, With the laurel and rose interweaving his name, And while Io Paeans his merits avow, As the Queen of the feast, place the wreath on his brow.


_For the_ DUKE OF RICHMOND'_s Bust to the Memory of the late_ MARQUIS OF ROCKINGHAM.

Hail, marble! happy in a double end!

Raised to departed principles and friend: The friend once gone, no principles would stay: For very grief, they wept themselves away!

Let no harsh censure such conjunction blame, Since join'd in life, their fates should be the same.

Therefore from death they feel a common sting, And HEAV'N receives the one, and one the K--G.


_Reason for Mr._ FOX'_s avowed contempt of one_ PIGOT'_s Address to him._

Who shall expect the country's friend, The darling of the House, Should for a moment condescend To crack a [1]PRISON LOUSE.


_On one_ PIGOT'_s being called a_ LOUSE.

PIGOT is a _Louse_, they say, But if you kick him, you will _see_, 'Tis by much the truest way, To represent him as a FLEA.


For servile meanness to the great, Let none hold PIGOT Cheap; Who can resist his destined fate?

A LOUSE must always CREEP.


PIGOT is sure a most courageous man, "A word and blow" for ever is his plan; And thus his friends explain the curious matter, He gives the first, and then receives the latter.

[1] The substantive in the marked part of this line has been long an established SYNONYME for Mr. PIGOT, and the PREDICATE, we are a.s.sured, is not at this time less just.


_To the Tune of_ ALLY CROAKER.


There lived a man at BECKHAM, in KENT, Sir, Who wanted a place to make him content, Sir; Long had he sigh'd for BILLY PITT's protection, When thus he gently courted his affection: Will you give a place, my dearest BILLY PITT _O!_ If I can't have a whole one, oh! give a little bit _O!_


He pimp'd with GEORGE ROSE, he lied with the DOCTOR, He flatter'd Mrs. HASTINGS 'till almost he had shock'd her; He got the ARCHBISHOP to write in his favour, And when BILLY gets a beard, he swears he'll be his shaver.

Then give him a place, oh! dearest BILLY PITT _O!_ If he can't have a whole one, oh! give a little bit _O!_


To all you young men, who are famous for changing, From party to party continually ranging, I tell you the place of all places to breed in, For maggots of corruption's the heart of BILLY EDEN.

Then give him a place, oh! dearest BILLY PITT _O!_ If he can't have a whole one, oh! give a little bit _O!_


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The Rolliad Part 48 summary

You're reading The Rolliad. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Ellis, Laurence, Richardson, and Tickell. Already has 499 views.

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