Bob the Castaway Part 30

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"Yes--but I sha'n't mind it so much, if only we reach a place of safety."

"Oh, if only I was home!" sighed Mr. Tarbill. "If only I was home!"

"Wouldn't just dry land suit you?" queried Bob, with a bit of his old-time humor.

"I--I suppose so, but I'd like home best."

"Any land would suit me just now," put in the captain.

"Supposing we should land among cannibals!" murmured the nervous pa.s.senger.

"I don't believe there are any around here," answered Captain Spark.

"But are you sure?"

"No, I am not sure."

"I knew it! Oh, if the savages got us it would be terrible!" And Mr. Tarbill shuddered.

"Well, he's a wet blanket, if ever there was one!" declared Mr.

Carr, in deep disgust.

"I am--er--a wet blanket?" demanded the nervous pa.s.senger.

"Yes, you are!" declared the other. "And I, for one, am tired of hearing you croak."

"Hum!" murmured Mr. Tarbill, and then, for the time being, he said no more. The constant rocking of the boat made him somewhat sick at the stomach, and he was anything but happy.

Bob could not help but think of home, and of his dear mother and father. If he was lost, what would they say and what would they do?

"Dear folks at home!" he murmured. "If I ever get back you'll find me a different boy, yes, indeed, you will! No more silly tricks for Bob!" And he shut his lips with a firmness that meant a great deal.

The boy had just closed his eyes to take a nap when a loud cry from Tim Flynn awoke him.

"What's the matter?" he questioned.

"What do you see, Tim?" asked the captain.

The sailor was at the bow, standing up on the seat and gazing far across the rising and falling waters. He did not answer until the craft was on the crest of a high wave.

"A s.h.i.+p!" he exclaimed.

"Where?" came from all of the others in concert.

"Dead ahead!"

Both the captain and Mr. Carr looked and saw that the report was true. Far, far away could be seen a low-lying dark object, with a trail of smoke behind it.

"It's a steamer," said Captain Spark.

"Is it headed this way?" asked Bob, eagerly.

"I believe so."

"Are you sure, sir?" came from Mr. Tarbill. "Please don't make any mistake."

"No, I am not sure. Tim, what do you think?" went on the captain.

The sailor shrugged his shoulders. He was too anxious to even venture an opinion.

How eagerly all on board the little craft watched that dark object so far away! One minute they felt certain the steamer was headed toward them, the next they were afraid it was moving off to the northward.

"Let's sail after the steamer," suggested Bob.

"It won't help us much," answered Mr. Carr.

"Never mind, it will help some," came from Captain Spark, and they sailed and rowed with all the skill and strength they possessed.

"Are we closer?" asked Mr. Tarbill.

"Not yet!" answered the captain.

"Can't we call to them?"

"No--but we can fire a shot," answered Captain Spark, and not one shot but half a dozen were discharged.

"If only the lookout sees us," said Bob. "I wish we could hoist some big signal."

But they had nothing larger than the sail and a s.h.i.+rt. Mr. Carr furnished the garment and it was tied to the masthead. But if those on the steamer saw the signal they gave no sign.

"She's goin' away!" wailed Tim Flynn at last. "Bad luck to her fer lavin' us!"

"Going away!" e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed Bob, and his heart sank like a lump of lead in his bosom.

"Don't say that!" wailed Mr. Tarbill. "Shout--fire a gun--anything! They must come and rescue us!" And in his nervousness the man began to caper about wildly.

"Look out, or you'll go overboard!" shouted Captain Spark.

Scarcely had he spoken when the boat was caught by a big wave and stood up almost on end. With a yell Mr. Tarbill slid to the stern, clutched at the gunwale, and disappeared with a splash.

"Man overboard!"

"Of all the fools!" muttered Mr. Carr. "Why couldn't he sit still and behave himself?" His patience, so far as the nervous pa.s.senger was concerned, was completely exhausted.

Bob reached for the boathook, and as soon as Mr. Tarbill came up, he caught the iron in the man's coat and hauled him to the side.

Then the captain and Tim Flynn hauled him back on board.

"Help! I am drowning! Save me!" spluttered the nervous pa.s.senger.

"I'll go to the bottom of the Pacific!"

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Bob the Castaway Part 30 summary

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