The Radicalism of Shelley and Its Sources Part 13

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COPELAND, C. T.: _Sh.e.l.ley, P. B._, Vol. IV. Gateway Series Texts.

COURTHOPE, W. J.: _A History of English Poetry_, Vol. VI. 1910.

CRASHWAY, ROSE M.: _Byron, Sh.e.l.ley, Keats Prize Essays._ 1893.

DARMESTETER, JAMES: _Essais de Litterature Anglaise._ 1883.

DAWSON, W. J.: _Quest and Vision, Essays in Life and Literature._ 1886.

DELL, E. E.: _Pictures from Sh.e.l.ley._ 1892.

DE QUINCY, THOMAS: _Essays on the Poets._

DIBDIN: _Reminiscences of a Literary Life._ 1836.

DOWDEN, EDWARD: (a) _Transcripts and Studies._ 1896.

(b) _The French Revolution and English Literature._ 1897.

DREYER, C.: _Studier og Portraeter._ 1901.

DROOP, A.: _Die Belesenheit, P. B. Sh.e.l.ley._ 1906.

DRUSKOWITZ, DR. HELENE: _Sh.e.l.ley._ 1884.

EDGAR, P.: _A Study of Sh.e.l.ley._ 1899.

EDMUNDS, E. W.: _Sh.e.l.ley and His Poetry._ 1911.

ELLIS, F. S.: _Alphabetical table of contents adapted to Forman's._ 1888.

ELSNER: _Sh.e.l.ley's abhangigkeit, V. G.o.dwin's Political Justice._ 1906.

ELTON, C. T.: _An Account of Sh.e.l.ley's Visits to France._ 1894.

GARNETT, R.: _Essays of an ex-Librarian._ 1901.

GILLARDON, H.: _Sh.e.l.ley's einwirkung auf Byron._ 1898.

GRIBBLE, FRANCIS: _Sh.e.l.ley._ 1911.

GUMMERE, FRANCIS B.: _Democracy and Poetry._

G.o.dWIN, PARKE: _Out of the Past._

GUTHRIE, W. N.: _Modern Poet Prophets._ 1897.

HANc.o.c.k, A. E.: _The French Revolution and English Poets._ 1899.

HOGG, T. J.: _The Life of P. B. Sh.e.l.ley._ 1906.

HUNT, LEIGH: (a) _Autobiography._ 1866.

(b) _Imagination and Fancy._

INGHEN, ROBERT: _The Letters of P. B. Sh.e.l.ley._ 1909.

JACK, A. A.: _Sh.e.l.ley: An Essay._ 1904.

JEAFFERSON, J. C.: _The Real Sh.e.l.ley._ 2 vols. 1885.

JOHNSON C. F.: _Three Americans and Three Englishmen._ 1886.

KINGSLEY, CHARLES: _Works_, Vol. XX. 1880.

KEGAN P. C.: _William G.o.dwin; His Friends, etc._

KNIGHT: _Ausg. V. Wordsworth's Poetischen. Werken._

KOSZUL, A.: _La Jeunesse de Sh.e.l.ley._ 1910.

KRODER, ARMIN: _Sh.e.l.ley's Verskunst dargestellt von Dr. Armin Kroder._ 1903.

LOc.o.c.k, C. D.: _An examination of the Sh.e.l.ley ma.n.u.script in the Bodleian Library._ 1903.

MAURER, OTTO: _Sh.e.l.ley und die Frauen._ 1906.

MCCARTHY, D. F.: _Sh.e.l.ley's Early Life._ 1872.

MACDONALD, GEORGE: _The Imagination and other Essays._ 1883.

Ma.s.sON, D.: _Wordsworth, Sh.e.l.ley, Keats, and other Essays._ 1874.

MANFORD, EIMER: _Die personlichen Bexiehungen zwischen Byron und Sh.e.l.leys' Eine Kritische studie._ 1911.

MARSHALL, MRS.: _Life of Mary W. Sh.e.l.ley._ 1890. 3 vols.

MAYOR, J. B.: _Cla.s.sification of Sh.e.l.ley's metres._

MILLER, B.: _Leigh Hunt's Relations with Byron and Sh.e.l.ley._ 1910.

MANOINI, D.: _P. B. S. Note biographice con una scelta di liriche tradotte in Italiano, citta di Castelio._ 1892.

MARSHALL, MRS. J.: _Mary Wollstonecraft Sh.e.l.ley_, 2 vols. 1889.

MEDWIN, THOMAS: _The Life of P. B. Sh.e.l.ley_, 1847.

MIDDLETON, C. S.: _Sh.e.l.ley and His Writings_, 2 vols. 1858.

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