The Radicalism of Shelley and Its Sources Part 14

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MOIR, D. M.: _Sketches of the Literature of the past half century._ 1851.

MOORE, H.: _Mary W. Sh.e.l.ley._ 1886.

MONTI, G.: _Studi Critici._

PAYNE, W. M.: _The Greater English Poets of the Nineteenth Century._ 1907.

PEAc.o.c.k, T. L.: _Letters to P. B. Sh.e.l.ley._ 1910.

_Memoirs of Sh.e.l.ley._

PHELPS, WM. L.: _The Beginnings of the English Romantic Movement._

PHILARETE, CHARLES: _Etudes sur la Litterature et les moeurs de l'Angleterre au XIX siecle._

POLIDORI, J. W.: _The Diary of Polidori Relating to Sh.e.l.ley._

RABBE, FELIX: _Sh.e.l.ley; the Man and the Poet._ 1887.

RICHTER, H.: _P. B. Sh.e.l.ley._ 1898.

ROSSETTI, LUCY M.: _Mrs. Sh.e.l.ley._ 1890.

ROSSETTI, W. M.: _A Memoir of Sh.e.l.ley._ 1888.

_Sh.e.l.ley's Prometheus Unbound Considered as a Poem._

SALT, H. S.: _P. B. Sh.e.l.ley, Poet and Pioneer._ 1896.

SCHUYLER, E.: _Sh.e.l.ley with Byron in his Italian Influences._

SCOTT, R. P.: _The Place of Sh.e.l.ley Among the Poets of His Time._ 1878.

SCUDDER, V. D.: _Prometheus Unbound._ 1910.

_The Life of the Spirit in Modern English Poets, Sh.e.l.ley._

SHARP, W.: _Life of Sh.e.l.ley, Great Writers_ (bibliography). 1887.

SHAWCROSS, J.: _Sh.e.l.ley's Literary and Philosophical Criticism._ 1909.

Sh.e.l.lEY, P. B.: _Defence of Poetry_, Br. essay. 1911.

Sh.e.l.lEY, P. B.: _Il Convito. Editore, Adolfo de Bosis_, libro X-XI.

Sh.e.l.lEY, J. G.: _Sh.e.l.ley Memorials from Authentic Sources._

_The Sh.e.l.ley Society Papers_, including the following:

(a) AVELING: _Sh.e.l.ley and Socialism._

(b) BLIND MATHILDE: _Sh.e.l.ley's View of Nature Compared with Darwin's._ 1886.

(c) BROWNING, ROBERT: _Essay on Sh.e.l.ley._ 1888.

(d) DILLON, A.: _Sh.e.l.ley's Philosophy of Love._ Part II.


(e) GARNETT, R.: _Sh.e.l.ley and Lord Beaconsfield._ 1888.

(f) PARKES, W. K.: _Sh.e.l.ley's Faith._ 1891.

Sh.e.l.lEY SOCIETY: _Notebook of the Sh.e.l.ley Society._

Sh.e.l.lEY, P. B.: _Notebook of P. B. Sh.e.l.ley._ 1911.

SLICER, T. R.: _P. B. Sh.e.l.ley, an Appreciation._ 1903.

SMITH, GEORGE B.: _Sh.e.l.ley, a Critical Biography._ 1877.

SOTHERAU, C.: _Sh.e.l.ley as a Philosopher and Reformer._ 1870.

STODDARD, R. H.: _Anecdote Biography of P. B. Sh.e.l.ley._ 1877.

SYMONDS, H. A.: _Sh.e.l.ley_ (in _English Men of Letters_). 1878.

SWEET, HENRY: _In An English Miscellany Presented to Dr. Furnivall._ Oxford. 1901.

TAYLOR, G. R.: _Mary Wollstonecraft. A Study in Economics and Romance._ 1911.

THOMAS, EDWARD: _Feminine Influence on the Poets._ 1911.

THOMPSON, J.: _Biog. and Critical Studies_ (Sh.e.l.ley's religious opinions).

THOMPSON, F.: _Sh.e.l.ley: an Essay._ 1909.

TIL, HERMANN: _Metrische untersuchungen zu den blankversdichtungen Sh.e.l.ley._ 1902.

TRELAWNY, E. J.: _Recollection of the Last Days of Sh.e.l.ley and Byron._ 1906.

TRENT, W. P.: _The Authority of Criticism._ 1899.

TODHUNTER, J.: _A Study of Sh.e.l.ley._ 1880.

WHITE, W.: _Anecdote Biography of P. B. Sh.e.l.ley._ 1877.

_Commemorazione di P. B. Sh.e.l.ley in Roma._ 1893.

YOUNG, H. B.: _Dissertation on the Life and Novels of T. L. Peac.o.c.k._ 1904.

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The Radicalism of Shelley and Its Sources Part 14 summary

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