The Blue Bird Part 26

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but you mast have something.... (_Catching sight of a little_ CHILD _whom the others are pus.h.i.+ng forward, while he resists with all his strength_.) Well, what's the matter with you?... You know that the hour has come.... They want a hero to fight against injustice; you're the one: you most start....

THE BLUE CHILDREN He doesn't want to, sir....

TIME What?... He doesn't want to?... Where does the little monster think he is?... No objections, we have no time to spare....

THE CHILD (_who is being pushed_) No, no!...I don't want to go!... I would rather not be born!... I would rather stay here!...

TIME That is not the question.... When the hour comes, it comes!... Now then, quick, forward!...

A CHILD (_stepping forward_) Oh, let me pa.s.s!... I will go and take his place!... They say that my parents are old and have been waiting for me so long!...

TIME None of that!... You will start at your proper hour, at your proper time.... We should never be done if we listened to you.... One wants to go, another refuses; it's too soon or it's too late.... (_Pus.h.i.+ng back some_ CHILDREN _who have encroached upon the threshold_.) Not so near, you children!... Back, you inquisitive ones!... Those who are not starting have no business outside.... You are in a hurry now; later, when your turn comes, you will be frightened and hang back.... Look, there are four who are trembling like leaves.... (_To a_ CHILD _who, on the point of crossing the threshold, suddenly goes back_.) Well, what is it?... What's the matter?...

THE CHILD I have forgotten the box containing the two crimes which I shall have to commit....

ANOTHER CHILD And I the little pot with my idea for enlightening the crowd....

A THIRD CHILD I have forgotten the graft of my finest pear!...

TIME Run quick and fetch them!... We have only six hundred and twelve seconds left.... The galley of the Dawn is already flapping her sails to show that she is waiting.... You will come too late and you won't be born!... Come, quick, on board with you!... (_Laying hold of a_ CHILD _who tries to pa.s.s between his legs to reach the quay_.) Oh, no, not you!... This is the third time you've tried to be born before your turn.... Don't let me catch you at it again, or you can wait forever with my sister Eternity; and you know that it's not amusing there!... But come, are we ready?... Is every one at his post?... (_Surveying the_ CHILDREN _standing on the quay or already seated In the galley_.) There is still one missing....

It is no use his hiding, I see him in the crowd.... You can't deceive me!... Come on, you, the little fellow whom they call the Lover, say good-bye to your sweetheart....

(_The two_ CHILDREN _who are called the Lovers, fondly entwined, their faces livid with despair, go up to_ TIME _and kneel at his feet_.)

THE FIRST CHILD Mr. Time, let me stay behind with her!...

THE SECOND CHILD Mr. Time, let me go with him!...

TIME Impossible!... We have only three hundred and ninety-four seconds left....

THE FIRST CHILD I would rather not be born!...

TIME You cannot choose....

THE SECOND CHILD (_beseechingly_) Mr. Time, I shall come too late!...

THE FIRST CHILD I shall be gone before she comes down!...

THE SECOND CHILD I shall never see him again!...

THE FIRST CHILD We shall be alone in the world!...

TIME All this does not concern me.... Address your entreaties to Life.... I unite and part as I am told....(_Seizing one of the_ CHILDREN.) Come!...

THE FIRST CHILD (_struggling_) No, no, no!... She, too!...

THE SECOND CHILD (_clinging to the clothes of the_ FIRST) Leave him with me!... Leave him!...

TIME Come, come, he is not going to die, but to live!... (_Dragging away the_ FIRST CHILD.) Come along!...

THE SECOND CHILD (_stretching her arms out frantically to the_ CHILD _that is being carried off_) A sign!... A sign!... Tell me how to find you!...

THE FIRST CHILD I shall always love you!...

THE SECOND CHILD I shall be the saddest thing on earth!... You will know me by that!...

(_She falls and remains stretched on the ground_.)

TIME You would do much better to hope.... And now, that is all....

(_Consulting his hour-gla.s.s_.) We have only sixty-three seconds left....

(_Last and violent movements among the_ CHILDREN _departing and remaining. They exchange hurried farewells_.)

THE BLUE CHILDREN Good-bye, Pierre!... Good-bye, Jean!... Have you all you want?... Announce my idea!... Have you got the new turnscrew?... Mind you speak of my melons!... Have you forgotten nothing?... Try to know me again I... I shall find you!... Don't lose your ideas!... Don't lean too far into s.p.a.ce!...

Send me your news!... They say one can't... Oh, try, do try!... Try to tell us if it's nice!... I will come to meet you I... I shall be born on a throne!...

TIME (_shaking his keys and his scythe_) Enough! Enough!... The anchor's raised!...

(_The sails of the galley pa.s.s and disappear. The voices of the_ CHILDREN _in the galley are heard in the distance_: "The Earth! The Earth!... I can see it!... How beautiful it is!... How bright it is!... How big it is!"... _Then, as though issuing from the depths of the abyss, an extremely distant song of gladness and expectation_.)

TYLTYL (_to_ LIGHT) What is that?... It is not they singing.... It sounds like other voices....

LIGHT Yes, it is the song of the mothers coming out to meet them....

(_Meanwhile_, TIME _closes the opalescent doors. He turns to take a last look at the hall and suddenly perceives_ TYLTYL, MYTYL _and_ LIGHT.)

TIME (_dumbfoundered and furious_) What's that?... What are you doing here?... Who are you?... Why are you not blue?... How did you get in?... (_He comes forward, threatening them with his scythe_.)

LIGHT (_to_ TYLTYL) Do not answer!... I have the Blue Bird.... He is hidden under my cloak....

Let us escape.... Turn the diamond, he will lose our traces.... (_They slip away on the left, between the columns in the foreground_.)



SCENE I.--_The Leave-taking_.

_The stage represents a wall with a small door. It is the break of day_.

(_Enter_ TYLTYL, MYTYL, LIGHT, BREAD, WATER, SUGAR, FIRE _and_ MILK) You would never guess where we are....

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The Blue Bird Part 26 summary

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