Bacon is Shake-Speare Part 15

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Suspitio fragilem fidem soluit fortem incendit Pauca tamen suberunt priscae vestigia fraudis Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori Mors et fugacem persequitur virum.

Danda est h.e.l.lebori multo pars maxima avar [is]

_Folio 84, back_.

Minerall wytts strong poyson and they be not corrected aquexar.

Ametallado fayned inameled.

Totum est majus sua parte against factions and priuate profite Galens compositions not paracelsus separations Full musike of easy ayres withowt strange concordes and discordes In medio non sist.i.t uirtus Totem est quod superest A stone withowt foyle A whery man that lookes one way and pulls another Ostracisme Mors in Olla poysonings Fumos uendere.

[Sidenote up the left margin oriented at ninety degrees to the text: FOURMES COMERSATE]

_Folio 85, front_.

Dec. 5, 1594.

Promus // Suauissima vita indies meliorem fierj The grace of G.o.d is woorth a faire Mors in olla F // No wise speech thowgh easy and voluble.

Notwithstanding his dialogues (of one that giueth life to his speach by way of quaestion). T He can tell a tale well (of those cowrtly giftes of speach w'ch. are better in describing then in consydering) F A goode Comediante T (of one that hath good grace in his speach) To commend Judgments.

// To comend sense of law // Cunyng in the humors of persons but not in the condicons of actions Stay a littell that we make an end the sooner. A // A fooles bolt is soone shott His lippes hang in his light. A. T // Best we lay a straw hear A myll post thwitten to a pudding T // One swallo maketh no sumer L'Astrologia e vera ma l'astrologuo non sj truoua // Hercules pillers non vltra. T // He had rather haue his will then his wyshe. T Well to forgett Make much of yourselfe

_Folio 85, front--continued_.

Wys.h.i.+ng yow all &c and myself occasion to doe yow servyce // I shalbe gladd to vnderstand your newes but none // rather then some ouerture whearin I may doe // yow service // Ceremonyes and green rushes are for strangers T How doe yow? They haue a better question in cheap side w'lak ye // Poore and trew. Not poore therefore not trew T

_Folio 85, back_.

Tuque Inuidiosa vestustas. T Licentia sumus omnes deteriores. T Qui dat nivem sicut lanam T Lilia agri non laborant neque nent T Mors omnia solvit T // A quavering tong.

like a c.u.n.try man that curseth the almanach. T Ecce duo gladij his. T Arnajore ad minorem. T In circuitu ambulant impij T Exijt sermo inter fratres quod discipulus iste non moritur T Omne majus continet in se mjnus T Sine vlla controuersia quod minus est majore benedic ... T She is light she may be taken in play T He may goe by water for he is sure to be well landed T // Small matters need sollicitacion great are remem- bred of themselues The matter goeth so slowly forward that I haue almost forgott it my self so as I maruaile not if my frendes forgett Not like a crabb though like a snaile Honest men hardly chaung their name. T The matter thowgh it be new (if that be new wch) hath been practized in like case thowgh not in this particular I leaue the reasons to the parties relacions and the consyderacion of them to your wysdome

_Folio 86, front_.

I shall be content my howrs intended for service leaue me in liberty // It is in vayne to forbear to renew that greef by // speach w'ch the want of so great a comfort must // needes renew.

// As I did not seeke to wynne your thankes so your // courteous acceptacion deserueth myne // The vale best discouuereth the hill T.

// Sometymes a stander by seeth more than a plaier T.

The shortest foly is the best. T.

// I desire no secrett newes but the truth of comen newes. T.

// Yf the bone be not trew[17] sett it will neuer be well till it be broken. T.

// Cheries and newes fall price soonest. T.

You vse the lawyers fourme of pleading T.

// The difference is not between yow and me but between your proffite and my trust // All is not in years some what is in howres well spent. T.

// Offer him a booke T // Why hath not G.o.d sent yow my mynd or me your // means.

// I thinke it my dowble good happ both for the obteynyng and for the mean.

// Shutt the doore for I mean to speak treason T.

I wysh one as fytt as I am vnfitt I doe not onely dwell farre from neighbors but near yll neighbors. T

_Folio 86, front--continued_.

// As please the paynter T.

Receperunt mercedem suam. T.

Secundum tidem vestram fiet vobis Ministerium meum honorificabo

_Folio 86, back_.

Beati mortuj qui moriuntur in domino Detractor portat Diabolum in lingua T frangimur heu fatis inquit ferimurque procella Nunc ipsa vocat res Dij meliora pijs erroremque hostibus illum Aliquisque malo fuit vsus in illo Vsque acleo latet vtilitas Et tamen arbitrium que, rit res ista duorum.

Vt esse phebi dulcius lumen solet Jam jam cadentis Velle suum cuique est nee voto viuitur vno Who so knew what would be dear Nead be a marchant but a year.

Blacke will take no other hew He can yll pipe that wantes his vpper lip Nota res mala optima Balbus balb.u.m rectius intelligit L' agua va al mar A tyme to gett and a tyme to loose Nee dijs nee viribus equis Vnum pro multis dabitur caput Mitte hanc de pectore curam Neptunus ventis impleuit vela secundis A brayne cutt with facettes T T Yow drawe for colors but it prooueth contrarie T Qui in paruis non distinguit in magnis labitur.

Every thing is subtile till it be conceyued

_Folio 87, front_.

That y't. is forced is not forcible More ingenious then naturall Quod longe jactum est leviter ferit Doe yow know it? Hoc solum scio quod nihil scio I know it? so say many Now yow say somewhat.s. euen when yow will; now yow begynne to conceyue I begynne to say.

What doe yow conclude vpon that? etiam tentas All is one.s. Contrariorum eadam est ratio.

Repeat your reason.s. Bis ac ter pulchra.

Hear me owt.s. you were neuer in.

Yow iudg before yow vnderstand.s. I iudg as I vnderstand.

You goe from the matter.s. But it was to folow yow.

Come to the poynt.s. why I shall not find yow thear Yow doe not vnderstand y'e poynt.s. for if I did.

Let me make an end of my tale.s. That which I will say will make an end of it Yow take more then is graunted.s.

you graunt lesse then is prooued Yow speak colorably.s. yow may not say truly.

That is not so by your fauour.s. But by my reason it is so

_Folio 87, back_.

It is so I will warrant yow.s. yow may warrant me but I thinke I shall not vowche yow Awnswere directly.s. yow mean as you may direct me Awnswere me shortly.s. yea that yow may coment vpon it.

The cases will come together.s. It wilbe to fight then.

Audistis quia dictum est antiquis Secundum hominem dico Et quin[18] non novit talia?

Hoc praetexit nomine culpa Et fuit in toto notissima fabula celo Quod quidam facit Nee nihil neque omnia sunt quae dicit Facete nunc demum nata ista est oratio Qui mal intend pis respond Tum decujt c.u.m sceptra dabas En haec promissa fides est?

Proteges eos in tabernaculo tuo a contradictione linuarum.

[Greek: prin to thronein katathronein epistasai]

Sicut audiuimus sic vidimus Credidj propter quod locutus sum.

Quj erudit derisorem sibj injuriam facit Super mjrarj ceperunt philosopharj

_Folio 88, front_.

Prudens celat scientiam stultus proclamat stult.i.tiam Querit derisor sapientiam nee invenit eam.

Non recipit stultus verba prudentie nisi ea dixeris quae sunt in corde ejus Lucerna Dej spiraculum hominis Veritatem eme et noli vendere Melior claudus in via quam cursor extra viam.

The glory of G.o.d is to conceale a thing and the glory of man is to fynd owt a thing.

Melior est finis orationis quam principium.

Injtium verborum ejus stult.i.tia et novissimum oris illius pura insania Verba sapientium sicut aculej et vebut clavj in altum defixj.

Quj potest capere capiat Vos adoratis quod nescitis Vos nihil scitis Quod est veritas.

Quod scripsj scripsj Nolj dicere rex Judeorum sed dicens se regem Judeorum Virj fratres liceat audacter dicere apud vos Quod uult seminator his verborum dicere

_Folio 88, back_.

Multe te litere ad Insaniam redigunt.

Sapientiam loquiraur inter perfectos Et Justificata est sapientia a filijs suis.

Scientia inflat charitas edificat Eadem vobis scribere mihi non pigrum vobis autem necessarium Hoc autem dico vt nemo vos decipiat in sublimi- tate sermonum.

Omnia probate quod bonum este tenete Fidelis sermo Semper discentes et nunquam ad scientiam veritatis pervenientes Proprius ipsorum propheta Testimonium hoc verum est Tantam nubem testium.

Sit omnis h.o.m.o velox ad audiendum tardus ad loquendum.

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Bacon is Shake-Speare Part 15 summary

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