Bacon is Shake-Speare Part 16

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Error novissimus pejor priore.

Quecunque ignorant blasphemant Non credimus quia non legimus Facile est vt quis Augustinum vincat viderit vtrum veritate an clamore.

Bellum omnium pater De nouueau tout est beau De saison tout est bon Dj danarj di senno et di fede Ce ne manca che tu credj Di mentira y saqueras verdad

_Folio 89, front_.

Magna Civitas magna solitude light gaines make heuy purses He may be in my paternoster indeed But sure he shall neuer be in my Creed Tanti causas sciat ilia furosis What will yow?

For the rest It is possible Not the lesse for that Allwaies provyded Yf yow stay thear for a tyme will yow see what shalbe the end.

Incident Yow take it right All this while Whear stay we? prima facie.

That agayne. more or less.

I find that straunge It is bycause Not vnlike quasi vero Yf that be so Best of all What els Nothing lesse Yt cometh to that Hear yow faile To meet with that Bear with that And how now

_Folio 89, front--continued_.

Of grace as if let it not displease yow Yow putt me in mynd I object, I demaund I distinguish etc.

A matter not in question few woordes need much may be said, yow haue well offred.

The mean the tyme All will not serue Yow haue forgott nothing.

Causa patet Tamen quaere.

Well remembred I arreste yow thear I cannot thinke that Discourse better I was thinking of that I come to that That is iust nothing Peraduenture Interrogatory.

Se then how (for much lesse)

NOTE.--This folio is written in three columns. The first two are printed on page 209, and this page forms the third column. The first line, "Of grace," is written opposite the sixth line on page 209, "What will yow?"

_Folio 89, back_.

Non est apud aram Consultandem.

Eumenes litter Sorti pater equus vtrique Est quoddam [_sic_] prodire tenus si non datur vltra.

Quem si non tenuit magnis tamen excidit ausis Conamur tenues grandia Tentantem majora fere praesentibus equum.

Da facilem cursum atque audacibus annue ceptis Neptunus ventis implevit vela secundis Crescent illae crescetis Amores Et quae nunc ratio est impetus ante fuit Aspice venturo laetentur vt omnia seclo In Academijs disc.u.n.t credere _Vos adoratis quod nescitis_ To gyue Awthors thear due as yow gyue Tyme his dew w'ch is to discouuer troth.

Vos graeci semper pueri Non canimus surdis respondent omnia syluae populus volt decipi _Scientiam loquimur inter perfectos Et Justificata est sapientia a filijs suis_ Pretiosa in oculis domini mors sanctorum ejus Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.

Magistratus virum iudicat.

Da sapienti occasionem et addetur ej sapienta Vite me redde priorj I had rather know then be knowne

_Folio 90, front_.

Orpheus in syluis inter Delphinas Arion Inopem me copia fecit.

An instrument in tunyng A yowth sett will neuer be higher.

like as children doe w'th their babies when they haue plaied enowgh wth them they take sport to undoe them.

Faber quisque fortune suae Hinc errores multiplices quod de partibus vitae singuli deliberant de summa nemo.

Vtilitas magnos hominesque deosque efficit auxilijs quoque fauente suis.

Qui in agone contendit a multis abstinet Quidque cupit sperat suaque illum oracula fallunt Serpens nisi serpentem comederit non fit Draco The Athenians holyday.

Optimi consiliarij mortuj c.u.m tot populis stipatus eat In tot populis vix vna fides Odere Reges dicta quae dici iubent Nolite confidere in principibus Et multis vtile bellum.

Pulchrorum Autumnus pulcher Vsque adeone times quern tu facis ipse timendum.

Dux femina facti Res est ingeniosa dare A long wynter maketh a full ear.

Declinat cursus aurumque uolubile tollit Romaniscult.

Vnum augurium optimum tueri patriam Bene omnia fecit

_Folio 90, back_.

Et quo quenque modo fugiatque feratque laborem edocet.

Non vlla laborum o virgo nova mi facies inopinave surgit; Omnia praecepi atque animo mec.u.m ante peregi.

Cultus major censu Tale of y'e frogg that swelled.

Viderit vtilitas Qui eget verseter in turba While the legg warmeth the boote harmeth Augustus rapide ad loc.u.m leniter in loco My father was chudd for not being a baron.

Prowd when I may doe any man good.

I contemn few men but most thinges.

A vn matto vno & mezo Tantene animis celestibus ire Tela honoris tenerior Alter rixatur de lana sepe caprina Propugnat nugis armatus scilicet vt non Sit mihi prima fides.

Nam cur ego amic.u.m offendam in nugis A skulter We haue not drunke all of one water.

Ilicet obruimur numer[o].

Numbring not weighing let them haue long mornynges that haue not good afternoones Cowrt howres Constancy to remayne in the same state

_Folio 90, back--continued_.

The art of forgetting.

Rather men then maskers.

Variam dans otium mentem Spire lynes.

_Folio 91, front_.

Veruntamen vane conturbatur omnis h.o.m.o Be the day never so long at last it ringeth to even-song.

Vita salillum.

Non possumus aliquid contra veritatem sed pro veritate.

Sapie[n]tia quoque perseueravit mec.u.m Magnorum fluuiorum navigabiles fontes.

Dos est vxoria lites Haud numine nostro Atque animis illabere nostris Animos nil magne laudi egentes Magnanimj heroes nati mehioribus annis AEuo rarissima nostro Simplicitas Qui silet est firmus Si nunquam fallit imago And I would haue thowght Sed fugit interea fugit irreparabile temp[us]

Totum est quod superest In a good beleef Possunt quia posse videntur Just.i.tiamque omnes cupida de mente fugaru[nt]

Lucrificulus Qui bene nugatur ad mensam sepe vocatur faciunt et tedi[urn finitum?][19]

Malum bene conditum ne moveas Be it better be it woorse Goe yow after him that beareth the purse Tranquillo quilibet gubernator Nullus emptor difficilis bonum emit opsonium Chi semina spine non vada discalzo

_Folio 91, back_.

Quoniam Moses ad duritiem cordis permi [sit] vobis Non nossem peccatum nisi per legem.

Discite Just.i.tiam monit; Vbj testamentum ibi necesse est mors intercedat testatoris Scimus quia lex bona est si quis ea vtatur legitime Ve vobis Jurisperitj Nee me verbosas leges ediscere nee me Ingrato voces prost.i.tuisse foro.

fixit leges pretio atque refixit Nec ferrea Jura Insanumque forum et populi tabularia vidit Miscueruntque novercae non innoxia verba Jurisconsultj domus oraculum Civitatis now as ambiguows as oracles.

Hic clamosi rabiosa forj Jurgia vendens improbus Iras et verba locat In veste varietas sit scissura non sit Plenitude potestatis est plenitudo tempestatis Iliacos intra muros peccatur et extra Prosperum et felix scelus virtus vocatur Da mihi fallere da iustum sanctumque viderj.

Nil nisi turpe iuuat cure est sua cuique voluptas Hec quoque ab alterius grata dolore venit Casus ne deusne fabuleque manes

_Folio 92, front_.

Ille Bioneis sermonibus et sale nigro Existimamus diuitem omnia scire recte Querunt c.u.m qua gente cadant Totus mu[n]dus in malingo positus O major tandem parcas insane minori Reall forma dat esse Nee fandj fictor Vlisses Non tu plus cernis sed plus temerarius audes Nec tibj plus cordis sed minus oris inest.

Invidiam placare paras virtute relicta [Greek: ho polla klepsas oliga douk ekpheuxetai]

Botrus oppositus Botro citius maturescit.

Old treacle new losanges.

Soft fire makes sweet malt.

Good to be mery and wise.

Seeldome cometh the better.

He must needes swymme that is held vp by the chynne.

He that will sell lawne before he can fold it.

Shall repent him before he haue sold it.

No man loueth his fetters thowgh they be of gold.

The nearer the church the furder from G.o.d.

All is not gold that glisters.

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Bacon is Shake-Speare Part 16 summary

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