Bacon is Shake-Speare Part 17

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Beggers should be no chuzers.

A beck is as good as a dieu vous gard.

The rowling stone neuer gathereth mosse.

Better children weep then old men.

_Folio 92, back_.

When bale is heckst boote is next.

Ill plaieng w'th short dag (taunting replie).

He that neuer clymb neuer fell.

The loth stake standeth long.

Itch and ease can no man please.

To much of one thing is good for nothing.

Ever spare and euer bare.

A catt may looke on a Kyng.

He had need be a wyly mowse should breed in the cattes ear.

Many a man speaketh of Rob. hood that neuer shott in his bowe.

Batchelers wyues and maides children are well taught.

G.o.d sendeth fortune to fooles.

Better are meales many then one to mery.

Many kisse the child for the nurses sake.

When the head akes all the body is the woorse.

When theeues fall owt trew men come to their good.

An yll wynd that bloweth no man to good.

All this wynd shakes no Corn.

Thear be more waies to the wood then one.

Tymely crookes the Tree that will a good Camocke be.

Better is the last smile then thefirst laughter.

No peny no pater noster.

Every one for himself and G.o.d for vs all.

_Folio 93, front_.

Long standing and small offring.

The catt knowes whose lippes she lickes.

As good neuer a whitt as neuer the better.

fluvius quae procul sunt irrigat.

As far goeth the pilgrymme as the post.

Cura esse quod audis.

[Greek: Erga neon Bomlai de meson enchai de geronton.]

Taurum tollet qui vitulum sustulerit.

Lunae radijs non maturescit Botrus.

Nil profuerit Bulbus; y'e potado will doe no good.

Dormientis rete trahit The sleeping mans nett draweth.

ijsdem e literis efficitur Tragedia et Comedia.

Tragedies and Comedies are made of one Alphabett.

Good wyne needes no bush.

Heroum filij noxae.

The sonnes of demy G.o.ddes demy men.

Alia res sceptrum alia plectrum fere danides.[20]

Abore dejecta quivis ligna colligit.

The hasty bytch whelpes a blind lytter.

Priscis credendum.

We must beleeue the wytnesses are dead.

Thear is no trusting a woman nor a tapp.

_Folio 93, back_.

Not onely y'e Spring but the Michelmas Spring.

Virj iurejurandi pueri talis fallendj.

Ipsa dies quandoque parens quandoque noverca est.

Vbj non sis qui fueris non esse cur velis viuere.

Compendiaria res improbitas.

It is in action as it is in wayes; comonly the nearest is the fowlest.

Lachrima nil citius arescit.

woorke when G.o.d woorkes.

A shrewd turn comes vnbidden.

Hirundines sub eodem tecto ne habeas.

A thorn is gentle when it is yong.

Aut regem aut fatuum nasci oportet (of a free jester).

Exigua res est ipsa Just.i.tia.

Quae non posuistj ne tollas.

Dat veniam coruis vexat Censura columbas.

Lapsa lingua verum dicit.

The toung trippes vpon troth.

The evill is best that is lest [best?] knowen.

A mercury cannot be made of every wood (bvt priapus may).

Princes haue a Cypher.

Anger of all pa.s.sions beareth the age lest [best?].

One hand washeth another.

Iron sharpeth against Iron.

_Folio 94, front_.

Eyther bate conceyte or putt to strength.

faciunt et sphaceli Immunitatem.

He may be a fidler that cannot be a violine.

Milke the staunding Cowe. Why folowe yow the flyeng.

He is the best prophete that telleth the best fortune.

Garlike and beans like lettize like lips.

Mons c.u.m monte non miscetur.

Hilles meet not.

A northen man may speake broad.

Haesitantia Cantoris Tussis.

No hucking Cator buyeth good achates.

Spes alit exules.

Roma.n.u.s sedendo vincit.

Yow must sowe w'th the hand not w'th the baskett.

Mentiuntur multa cantores (few pleasing speches true).

It is noth if it be in verse.

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Bacon is Shake-Speare Part 17 summary

You're reading Bacon is Shake-Speare. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Edwin Durning-Lawrence. Already has 621 views.

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